charles lang » charles blunt (توسيع البحث), charles a (توسيع البحث), charles l (توسيع البحث)
rooy » roy (توسيع البحث), room (توسيع البحث), root (توسيع البحث)
A monk of Fife ... /
"The illustrations and the initial letters are from drawings by Selwyn Image."
On t.p.: Being the chronicle written by Norman Leslie of Pitcullo, concerning marvellous deeds that befell in the realm of France, in the years of our redemption, MCCCCXXIX-XXXI. Now first done into English out of the French. :
viii, 395 pages : Illustrations ; 20 cm.
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy. Vol. XXIV (2008) .
This volume contains papers and commentaries presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during the academic year 2007-8. The papers discuss a wide range of topics related to Plato and Aristotle. On Plato, topics include false pleasures in the Philebus , the tripartite soul in the Republic , and rhetoric in the Phaedrus , and on Aristotle, the relation of the physical and psychological in De Anima , of virtue and happiness in the Ethics , of body and nature in the Physics , and the role of pros hen in the Metaphysics . One other paper argues for the Aristotelian origin of Stoic determinism.
1 online resource. :
9789047430865 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Saints and role models in Judaism and Christianity /
This volume deals with the role of saints and exemplary individuals in Judaism and Christianity. Although sharing the Hebrew Bible and recognizing the same Biblical figures there, both religions have developed widely divergent perspectives upon the significance of these figures, although there are occasional common motifs and themes. Moreover, even the contrasting themes betray an underlying interaction between both religions as is clear from the contributions on, for example, Melchizedek, Elijah, the Desert Fathers, Rabbis on clothing, the Apostle Peter in Jewish tradition, the Maccabees in Christian tradition and the Biblical examples in Saint Antony the Hermit. The book examines Jewish and Christian perspectives upon saints and role models from the Biblical period to the present time. It will be of special importance to scholars and general readers interested in an interdisciplinary approach to theology, rabbinics, history, art history and much more.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
Textual research on the Psalms and Gospels :papers from the Tbilisi Colloquium on the Editing and History of Biblical Manuscripts = Recherches textuelles sur les Psaumes et les Eva...
Recent research on the text of the Psalms and Gospels in Greek and in certain versions, principally Coptic, Georgian and Armenian, reveals common characteristics when attempting to separate later editions of a text from its earliest forms. The essays in this collection give concrete examples of the issues involved and suggested explanations for textual changes. Les versions anciennes de la Bible ont un intérêt majeur dans la mesure où elles traduisent un modèle qui n'est pas celui des traductions modernes et conservent ainsi des formes textuelles disparues, souvent très anciennes. C'est en particulier le cas des versions géorgiennes, pour lesquelles des convergences sont apparues entre les recherches menées à Tbilisi et dans diverses équipes européennes. Centré sur les psaumes et les évangiles, le colloque a réuni des communications concernant diverses langues de versions anciennes, en particulier le géogien, mais aussi le copte, le syriaque, l'arménien et l'albanien du Caucase, à partir du grec de la Septante et du Nouveau Testament.
1 online resource (xxv, 272 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004214439 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Illuminationist texts and textual studies : essays in memory of Hossein Ziai /
The late Professor Hossein Ziai's interests focused on the Illuminationist ( Ishrāqī ) tradition. Dedicated to his memory, this volume deals with the post-Avicennan philosophical tradition in Iran, and in particular the Illuminationist school and later philosophers, such as those associated with the School of Isfahan, who were fundamentally influenced by it. The focus of various chapters is on translations, editions, and close expositions of rationalist works in areas such as epistemology, logic and metaphysics rather than mysticism more generally, and also on specific texts rather than themes or studies of individual philosophers. The purpose of the volume is to introduce new texts into the modern canon of Islamic and Iranian philosophy. Various texts in this volume have not been previously translated nor have they been the subject of significant Western scholarship.
1 online resource (xx, 334 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004358393 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.