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منشور في 1990
Christ, Plato, Hermes Trismegistus : The Dawn of Printing, Volume I Part I /

: More than 190 bibiographical entries. Full descriptions, explanatory notes, references, etc. Index and concordances.
: 1 online resource (207 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004535343

منشور في 2011
Christ, creation, and the vision of God : Augustine's transformation of early Christian theophany interpretation /

: Based on the author's thesis--University of Notre Dame. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-212) and index. : 9789004191419 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ : deification of Jesus in early Christian discourse /

: There is now a substantial scholarly consensus for the emergence of a high or divine Christology very early and from a Jewish context, but the questions of \'how\' and \'why\' need further study. Within the framework of traditional Jewish monotheism, Paul and other early Christians used the language of deity to describe Jesus. To investigate their view of Jesus, the author examines Paul's discourse in 2 Cor 3:16-4:6, employing insights from rhetorical criticism and Oneness Pentecostal Christology. He explains how early Christians proclaimed the deity of Jesus within their monotheistic Jewish context. He then identifies socio-rhetorical reasons for and practical consequences of the monotheistic deification of Jesus.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 226-248) and indexes. : 9789004397217 : 0966-7393 ;

منشور في 2025
The Christ who Embraces : An Orthodox Theology of Margins /

: Jacob Joseph's book, The Christ who Embraces: An Orthodox Theology of Margins , explores the intersection of Orthodox Christian mission and caste dynamics among St. Thomas/Syrian/Orthodox Christians in India. It defines a liturgical touch or embrace in the context of 'untouchability,' where people identify as equal without discrimination, reflecting the inseparable unity of Christ's transcendental (divine) and immanent (human) nature. See Less
: 1 online resource (231 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703629

منشور في 1992
Buddha and Christ, Nativity Stories and Indian Traditions.

: The infancy narratives of the gospels of Matthew and Luke appear as a magnificent mosaic of allusions not only to the Hebrew Bible but also to Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions. Professor Thundy argues that many details of the infancy gospels as well as the rest of the gospels can be clarified by the Buddhist and Hindu scriptures. In this sense, the gospels are Eastern religious texts. Buddha and Christ covers the following topics in order: methodology of study, priority of Indian texts vis-à-vis Christian gospels, parallels of the birth narratives of Buddha and Jesus, uniqueness of Indian parallels, the Gnostic context of the Christian gospels, and contacts between India and the West in antiquity. Multicultural studies such as this encourage ecumenism and mutual understanding in East-West dialogues as well as reinforcing the view that the gospels should be taken seriously as Eastern religious texts.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378827

منشور في 2008
Jesus as Guru : the Image of Christ among Hindus and Christians in India.

: People in India form images of Jesus Christ that link up with their own culture. Hindus have given Jesus a place among the teachers and gods of their own religion, seeing in his life something of the wisdom and mysticism that is so central to Hinduism. Christians in India also make use of the concepts provided by Hinduism when they wish to express the meaning of Christ. Thus, in any case, Jesus is-for Hindus and Christians-a guru, a teacher of wisdom who speaks with divine authority. But for many Hindu philosophers and Christian theologians there is much more that can be said about him within the Indian framework. He can be described as an avatara , a divine descent, or linked to the Brahman, the all-encompassing Reality. This study looks at both Hindu and Christian views of Christ, starting with that of the Hindu reformer Rammohan Roy at the beginning of the nineteenth century, as well as those of the first Christian theologians of India. The views of Mahatma Gandhi and the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission are discussed, and those of influential Christian schools such as the Ashram movement and dalit theology. Five intermezzos indicate how artists in India portray Jesus Christ.
: 1 online resource (323 pages) : 9789401206198 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1996
The descent of Christ : Ephesians 4:7-11 and traditional Hebrew imagery /

: This volume examines early Jewish and Christian imagery to demonstrate that the most probable interpretation of Christ's descent in Ephesians 4:9-10 refers to the descent of the Spirit at Pentecost subsequent to the ascent mentioned in Ephesians 4:8. The central portion of the book deals with the ascent-descent imagery associating Ps. 68:19 with Moses as found in Targum Psalms, the rabbinic literature, and other early sources. The section dealing with rabbinic interpretations of Ps. 68:19 is of particular importance, demonstrating an approach for dating elements found in the later rabbinic tradition. The theological innovation of the author of Ephesians in identifying the ascended Christ as the Spirit who descended at Pentecost is highlighted as the best explanation of this difficult passage.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 221 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-215) and indexes. : 9789004332867 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2007
Inculturation as dialogue : Igbo culture and the message of Christ /

: Although Africa is today often seen, because of its large number of Christians, as the future hope of the Church, a closer examination of African Christianity, however, shows that the Christian faith has not taken deep root in Africa. Many Africans today declare themselves to be Christians but still remain followers of their traditional African religions, especially in matters concerning the inner dimensions of their lives. It is evident that, in strictly personal matters relating to such issues as passage rites and crises, most Africans turn to their African traditional religions. As an incarnational faith, part of the history of Christianity has been its encounter with other cultures and its becoming deeply rooted in some of these cultures. The central question remains: Why has the Christian faith not taken deep root in Africa? This volume is concerned with answering this question.
: 1 online resource (xvi, 227 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-227). : 9789401204606 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
Early Christian discourses on Jesus' prayer at Gethsemane : courageous, committed, cowardly? /

: From early on, Christians passed down the account of Jesus's agony at the prospect of his own death and his prayer that the cup should pass from him (Gethsemane). Yet, this is a troublesome aspect of Christian tradition. Jesus was committed to his death, but as it approached, he prayed for his escape, even as he submitted himself to God's will. Ancient critics mocked Jesus and his followers for the events at Gethsemane. The 'hero' failed to meet the cultural standards for noble death and masculinity. As such, this story calls for further reflection and interpretation. The present book unfolds discourses from the earliest centuries of Christianity to determine what strategies were developed to come to terms with Gethsemane.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004309647 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2021
Duplex Regnum Christi : Christ's Twofold Kingdom in Reformed Theology /

: In this historical study, Jonathon D. Beeke considers the various sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed expressions regarding the duplex regnum Christi (the twofold kingdom of Christ), or, as especially denominated in the Lutheran context, the "doctrine of the two kingdoms." While a sampling of patristic and medieval sources is considered, the focus is on select magisterial Reformers of the sixteenth century and representative intellectual centers of the seventeenth century (Leiden, Geneva, and Edinburgh). A primary concern is to examine the development of these formulations over the two centuries in question, and relate its maturation to the theological and political context of the early modern period. Various conclusions are offered that address the contemporary "two-kingdoms" debate within the Reformed tradition.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004440678

منشور في 2000
Words, imagery, and the mystery of Christ : a reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria's christology /

: This volume deals with the christology of fifth-century pastor and theologian Cyril of Alexandria, particularly as it relates to Apollinarianism and Nestorianism. More specifically, it explores the use of a plethora of images to illustrate his understanding of the mystery of Christ. The book traces the background of his analogies in the philosophers and the Scriptures. Included are sections on Cyril's understanding and use of the Scriptures, and the intended force of images in his theology. The final part is a re-reading of his christology through the lens of his christological imagery. Historians of Christian theology and dogma will find a unique look into the word pictures Cyril uses and the picture of Christ the reveal.
: Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Aberdeen, 1998. : 1 online resource (viii, 242 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-239) and index. : 9789004313217 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
Jewish Jesus research and its challenge to Christology today /

: Historical Jesus research, Jewish or Christian, is marked by the search for origins and authenticity. The various Quests for the Historical Jesus contributed to a crisis of identity within Western Christianity. The result was a move "back to the Jewish roots!" For Jewish scholars it was a means to position Jewry within a dominantly Christian culture. As a consequence, Jews now feel more at ease to relate to Jesus as a Jew. For Walter Homolka the Christian challenge now is to formulate a new Christology: between a Christian exclusivism that denies the universality of God, and a pluralism that endangers the specificity of the Christian understanding of God and the uniqueness of religious traditions, including that of Christianity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004331747 : 1388-2074 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2017
Sinicizing Christianity /

: Chinese people have been instrumental in indigenizing Christianity. Sinizing Christianity examines Christianity's transplantation to and transformation in China by focusing on three key elements: Chinese agents of introduction; Chinese redefinition of Christianity for the local context; and Chinese institutions and practices that emerged and enabled indigenisation. As a matter of fact, Christianity is not an exception, but just one of many foreign ideas and religions, which China has absorbed since the formation of the Middle Kingdom, Buddhism and Islam are great examples. Few scholars of China have analysed and synthesised the process to determine whether there is a pattern to the ways in which Chinese people have redefined foreign imports for local use and what insight Christianity has to offer. Contributors are: Robert Entenmann, Christopher Sneller, Yuqin Huang, Wai Luen Kwok, Thomas Harvey, Monica Romano, Thomas Coomans, Chris White, Dennis Ng, Ruiwen Chen and Richard Madsen.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004330382 : 0924-9389 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2011
The development of Christology during the first hundred years, and other essays on early Christian Christolog y

: Entering the debate about the development of Christology among Jesus' earliest followers, this volume critiques both the traditional evolutionary view that posited an elementary early Jewish Christology that developed in complexity as it was increasingly Hellenized and the more recent attempt to see a full-orbed Christology both as early and as Jewish, not Hellenistic, in its categories. It contends that during the first 100 years Jesus' followers employed four models from their milieu, Jewish and Greco-Roman, both to understand and to communicate their Christologies. These models were appropriated because they were appropriate vehicles for expressing the impact of Jesus on them, past, present, and future.
: Part One comprises previously unpublished material; Part Two is a collection of previously published essays. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004203501 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2018
A dialogue between Haizi's poetry and the Gospel of Luke : Chinese homecoming and the relationship with Jesus Christ /

: In A Dialogue between Haizi's Poetry and the Gospel of Luke Xiaoli Yang offers a conversation between the Chinese soul-searching found in Haizi's (1964-1989) poetry and the gospel of Jesus Christ through Luke's testimony. It creates a unique contextual poetic lens that appreciates a generation of the Chinese homecoming journey through Haizi's poetry, and explores its relationship with Jesus Christ. As the dialogical journey, it names four stages of homecoming-roots, vision, journey and arrival. By taking an interdisciplinary approach-literary study, inter-cultural dialogue and comparative theology, Xiaoli Yang convincingly demonstrates that the common language between the poet Haizi and the Lukan Jesus provides a crucial and rich source of data for an ongoing table conversation between culture and faith.
: Based on the author's dissertation (doctoral)--University of Divinity, Australia, 2015. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004363113 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2013
Jesus or Nietzsche : how should we live our lives? /

: This book reconstructs the cornerstones of Jesus's moral teachings about how to lead a good, even exemplary, human life. It does so in a way that is compatible with the most prominent, competing versions of the historical Jesus. The work also contrast Jesus' understanding of the best way to lead our lives with that of Friedrich Nietzsche. Both Jesus and Nietzsche were self-consciously moral revolutionaries. Jesus refashioned the imperatives of Jewish law to conform to what he was firmly convinced was the divine will. Nietzsche aspired to transvalue the dominant values of his time -which themselves were influenced greatly by Christianity- in service of what he took to be a higher vision. The interplay of these radical versions of the good human life, seasoned with critical commentary emerging from modern findings in the sciences and humanities, opens possibilities and lines of inquiry that can inform our choices in answering that enduring, paramount question, "How should we live our lives?"
: 1 online resource (246 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789401209250 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2000
The point of it all : essays on Jesus Christ /

: The atheism of modern thought is based on irrational assumptions...First-century Jews expected a suffering Messiah...Jesus knew it was he...Jesus' birth and resurrection in history . The point of the parables...The point of Christology...The historical grounds for scepticism about Christian claims concerning Jesus Christ rely on misreadings of the Bible. In a series of original essays, the author issues a formidable challenge to many of the presuppositions of modern theology.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [151]-163). : 9789004397347 : 1566-2098 ;

منشور في 2008
Irenaeus on creation : the cosmic Christ and the saga of redemption /

: Scholarship on Irenaeus has long acknowledged the centrality of creation to his theology, yet without fitting this theme securely into the Christological vision of Christ the 'Recapitulator'. Studies have considered elements of Irenaeus' cosmology and anthropology in extraction; but without seeing creation as an intrinsic part of his Christocentric vision, these have only partially been able to capture the intricacy and significance of his embrace of the creation saga. Drawing on the most recent Irenaean scholarship, the present volume explores in detail the Christocentric cosmology of one of the second century's greatest writers, setting him in the context of the theological currents of his day. The result is a volume that offers new insights into the trinitarian articulation of early Christianity, the full significance of humanity as bearing God's 'image', and a fuller reading of the details behind the title, 'Irenaeus the creationist'.
: 1 online resource (xii, 244 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-237) and index. : 9789047433439 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1991
Jewish eschatology, early Christian christology, and the Testaments of the twelve patriarchs : collected essays of Marinus de Jonge.

: This volume, which appears on the occasion of Marinus de Jonge's retirement as Professor of New Testament at Leiden University, brings together twenty essays which he wrote recently for various periodicals and collective works. A number of articles deal with the expectation of the future in Jewish sources, like Ps. Sol., the Qumran Scrolls and Josephus. Closely connected with these are some essays on the question of how such titles as 'Christ', and 'Son of David' came to be applied to Jesus. Eleven essays delve into various important aspects of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: eschatology, ethics, paraenesis, but also their use of Jewish source material and their view of the history of God's dealing with man, a view related to that held by Justin and Hippolytus. This book throws light on the Jewish origins of early Christian theology and on its relationship with the Hellenistic culture in which it developed. The book also includes Marinus de Jonge's bibliography.
: 1 online resource (xix, 342 pages) : portrait. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [314]-326) and indexes. : 9789004266933 : 0169-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2009
God in early Christian thought : essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson /

: While the diversity of early Christian thought and practice is now generally assumed, and the experiences and beliefs of Christians beyond the works of great theologians increasingly valued, the question of God is perennial and fundamental. These essays, individually modest in scope, seek to address that largest of questions using particular issues and problems, or single thinkers and distinct texts. They include studies of doctrine and theology as traditionally conceived, but also of understandings of God among the early Christians that emerge from study of liturgy, art, and asceticism, and in relation to the social order and to nature itself.
: 1 online resource (vi, 407 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-373) and index. : 9789047427582 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.