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A companion to second-century Christian "heretics" /
The book illuminates "the other side" of early Christianity by examining thinkers and movements that were embraced by many second-century religious seekers as legitimate forms of Christianity, but which are now largely forgotten, or are known only from the characteristics attributed to them in the writings of their main adversaries. The collection deals with the following teachers and movements: Basilides, Sethianism, Valentinus' school, Marcion, Tatian, Bardaisan, Montanists, Cerinthus, Ebionites, Nazarenes, Jewish-Christianity of the Pseudo-Clementines , and Elchasites. Where appropriate, the authors have included an overview of the life and significant publications of the "heretics," along with a description of their theologies and movements. Therefore, this volume can serve as a handbook of the second-century "heretics" and their "heresies." Since all the chapters have been written by specialists who wrestle daily with their research themes, the contributions also offer new perspectives and insights stimulating further discussion on this fascinating-but often neglected-side of early Christianity.
1 online resource (xiii, 385 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047407867 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to second-century Christian "heretics" /
The book illuminates "the other side" of early Christianity by examining thinkers and movements that were embraced by many second-century religious seekers as legitimate forms of Christianity, but which are now largely forgotten, or are known only from the characteristics attributed to them in the writings of their main adversaries. The collection deals with the following teachers and movements: Basilides, Sethianism, Valentinus' school, Marcion, Tatian, Bardaisan, Montanists, Cerinthus, Ebionites, Nazarenes, Jewish-Christianity of the Pseudo-Clementines , and Elchasites. Where appropriate, the authors have included an overview of the life and significant publications of the "heretics," along with a description of their theologies and movements. Therefore, this volume can serve as a handbook of the second-century "heretics" and their "heresies." Since all the chapters have been written by specialists who wrestle daily with their research themes, the contributions also offer new perspectives and insights stimulating further discussion on this fascinating-but often neglected-side of early Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004186866 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Cappadocia : Local Interactions in an Ottoman Countryside (1839-1923) /
This book traces the history of everyday relations of Greek-Orthodox Christians and Muslims of Cappadocia, an Ottoman countryside inhabited by various ethno-religious groups, either sharing the same settlements, or living in neighbouring villages. Based on Ottoman state archives, testimonies collected by the Centre of Asia Minor Studies, and various pre-1923 hand-written and printed sources mostly in Ottoman- and Karamanli-Turkish, and Greek, the study covers the period from 1839 to 1923 and proposes an anthropological perspective on everyday cross-religious interactions. It focuses on questions such as identification and mapping of communities, sharing of space and resources, use of languages, and religiosity in the context of conversions and of shared sacred spaces and beliefs to investigate everyday realities of a multireligious rural society which disappeared with the fall of the Empire.
1 online resource (350 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sim'ān b. Kalīl : Leben und Werk : mit einer Edition der "Einleitung in die Psalmen" /
Die Einleitung in die Psalmen: pages 1*-75* (third group of pagings); Anhang I (Paris ar. 43 kollationiert mit Barb. or. 2) and Anhang II (Kopt. Mus. 9 kollationiert mit kopt.-orth Patr. 67): pages 1**-17** (fourth group of pagings). :
vi, 122, 75*, 17** pages ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 113-122). :
3447113146 :
2193-3316 ;
"The Teaching of These Words": Intertextuality, Social Identity, and Early Christianity : Essays in Honor of Clayton N. Jefford /
What does it mean for a group to speak of its identity and, in contrast, to speak about the "other"? As with all groups, early Christian communities underwent a process of identity formation, and in this process, intertextuality played a role. The choice of biblical texts and imageries, their reception and adaptation, affected how early Christian communities perceived themselves. Conversely, how they perceived themselves affected which texts they were drawn to and how they read and received them. The contributors to this volume examine how early Christian authors used Scripture and related texts and, in turn, how those texts shaped the identity of their communities.
1 online resource (387 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Christian origins and Hellenistic Judaism : social and literary contexts for the New Testament /
In Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism , Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts assemble an international team of scholars whose work has focused on reconstructing the social matrix for earliest Christianity through reference to Hellenistic Judaism and its literary forms. Each essay moves forward the current understanding of how primitive Christianity situated itself in relation to evolving Greco-Roman Jewish culture. Some essays focus on configuring the social context for the origins of the Jesus movement and beyond, while others assess the literary relation between early Christian and Hellenistic Jewish texts.
1 online resource ([xi], , 619 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004236394 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity : Studies in Honor of Johan C. Thom /
This volume celebrates the scholarship of Professor Johan C. Thom by tackling various important topics relevant for the study of the New Testament, such as the intellectual environment of early Christianity, especially Greek, Latin, and early Jewish texts, New Testament apocrypha and other early Christian writings, as well as Greek grammar. The authors offer fresh insights on philosophical texts and traditions, the cultural repertoire of early Christian literature, critical editions, linguistics and interpretation, and comparative analyses of ancient writings.
1 online resource :
Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity : Studies in Honor of Johan C. Thom /
This volume celebrates the scholarship of Professor Johan C. Thom by tackling various important topics relevant for the study of the New Testament, such as the intellectual environment of early Christianity, especially Greek, Latin, and early Jewish texts, New Testament apocrypha and other early Christian writings, as well as Greek grammar. The authors offer fresh insights on philosophical texts and traditions, the cultural repertoire of early Christian literature, critical editions, linguistics and interpretation, and comparative analyses of ancient writings.
1 online resource :
Histories of the monks of upper Egypt : And, The life of Onnophrius /
Spine title : Histories of the monks of upper Egypt & the life of Onnophrius translated from the coptic.
Translated of : Historia monachorum in Aegypto. :
179 pages : maps ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographucal references (pages 167-171) and indexes. :
The Spiritual Seed - The Church of the 'Valentinians' /
This book is a comprehensive study of "Valentinianism," the most important Gnostic Christian movement in Antiquity. It is the first attempt to make full use of the Valentinian documents from Nag Hammadi as well as the reports of the Church Fathers. The book discusses the difference between the Eastern and the Western branches of Valentinianism, and argues that individual sources must always be understood in the context of the historical development of Valentinian doctrines. It also analyses the ideas about the incarnation, protological theories, and initiation practice, as well as the dynamic relationship between these building-blocks of Valentinian doctrine. A final chapter studies anew the doctrine of Valentinus himself and outlines the history of the movement. The book's usefulness lies in its attempt to bring together for the first time all the sources so as to construct a coherent picture of Valentinian Christianity. This volume is also available as paperback .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Arabic life of Antony attributed to Serapion of Thmuis : cultural memory reinterpreted /
In The Arabic Life of Antony Attributed to Serapion of Thmuis , Elizabeth Agaiby demonstrates how the redacted Life of Antony , the "Father of all monks and star of the wilderness", gained widespread acceptance within Egypt shortly after its composition in the 13th century and dominated Coptic liturgical texts on Antony for over 600 years - the influence of which is still felt up to the present day. By providing a first edition and translation, Agaiby demonstrates how the Arabic Life bears witness to the reinterpretation of the religious memory of Antony in the Coptic Orthodox Church.
"This book is a revision of my doctoral thesis, 'Whoever Writes Your Life-story I will Write His Name in the Book of Life.' The Arabic Life of Antony Attributed to Serapion of Thmuis in Manuscripts of the Red Sea Monasteries"-- Author's acknowledgments. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004383272 :
2213-0039 ;
John of Damascus: More than a Compiler /
John of Damascus, the eighth century theologian of the newly re-established Jerusalem Patriarchate, remains understudied because many consider him no more than a compiler of tradition, saying nothing original. We challenge this misconception by exploring ways in which John made his sources his own, his reception history, his biography, his philosophic appropriation and unique contribution, how he presented his theology in locally significant ways, his influence on subsequent generations, and all his varied theological output in both its historical context and as received in Byzantine tradition.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studies /
"Renowned for his work within the fields of Numismatics, Archaeology, Egyptology and Coptic studies, Georg Zoëga was a figure of outstanding importance both in Rome and in Europe, at the end of the eighteenth century. Although highly valued by his contemporaries, Zoëga's scientific legacy fell almost entirely into oblivion with the end of the Enlightenment. The Forgotten Scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1819) : At the Dawn of Egyptology and Coptic Studies represents an exceptional occasion to rediscover the largely unknown scientific legacy of this Danish scholar consisting of hundreds of letters, drawings, sketches, notes, and other documents, mainly preserved in the Royal Library and in the Thorvaldsen Museum of Copenhagen" -- Provided by publisher.
ix, 267 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Adolf Deissmann: Ein (zu Unrecht) fast vergessener Theologe und Philologe
The chapters in this volume cover all aspects of the work of Adolf Deissmann (1866-1937). Following his main works, the authors highlight crucial aspects and impulses from his philological work on the New Testament, including the interpretation of Paul, Light from the Ancient East, the social status of the first Christians, and the lexicography of the New Testament. His background in the Lutheran Church of Hessen-Nassau, his contribution to the ecumenical movement together with Nathan Söderblom and through the Evangelische Wochenbriefe during World War II, and his role as rector of the Berlin University in 1930/1931 are also discussed. The contributions illustrate that notwithstanding his ecumenical engagement, Deissmann never gave up his scholarly work. The essays trace the influence of his philological and historical work among his students and place contemporary debates on Deissmann as philologist and theologian in their historical context. Dieser Band widmet sich in neun Einzelbeiträgen der gesamten Breite des Schaffens von Adolf Deissmann (1866-1937). Entlang der Hauptwerken werden wesentliche Aspekte und Impulse aus seiner philologisch orientierten Arbeit am Neuen Testament neu gewürdigt (Interpretation der Paulusbriefe, Licht vom Osten , "Unterschichtenthese", neutestamentliche Lexikographie et cetera). Daneben geht es um seine Herkunft aus der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen-Nassau, um sein Wirken in der Ökumene am Beispiel der Beziehung zu Nathan Söderblom und der Arbeit an den Evangelischen Wochenbriefen im Ersten Weltkrieg sowie um seine Rolle als Rektor der Berliner Universität von 1930 bis 1931. Die Beiträge zeigen, dass Deissmann trotz seines ökumenischen Engagements seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit nicht aufgegeben hat. Die Aufsätze gehen den Wirkungen seiner philologisch-historischen Arbeit unter seinen Schülern nach und stellen die zeitgenössischen Debatten um den Philologen und Theologen Deissmann in ihren historischen Kontext.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004392274 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studies /
Renowned for his work within the fields of Numismatics, Archaeology, Egyptology and Coptic studies, Georg Zoëga was a figure of outstanding importance both in Rome and in Europe, at the end of the eighteenth century. Although highly valued by his contemporaries, Zoëga's scientific legacy fell almost entirely into oblivion with the end of the Enlightenment. The Forgotten Scholar: Georg Zoëga (1755-1819): At the Dawn of Egyptology and Coptic Studies represents an exceptional occasion to rediscover the largely unknown scientific legacy of this Danish scholar consisting of hundreds of letters, drawings, sketches, notes, and other documents, mainly preserved in the Royal Library and in the Thorvaldsen Museum of Copenhagen.
1 online resource (ix, 267 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004290839 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The missionary self-perception of Pentecostal/Charismatic church leaders from the global South in Europe : bringing back the Gospel /
In a situation of growing interest in the religion of migrants, there are still few publications dealing with pentecostal and charismatic Christians from the global South and the churches they have been starting all over Europe. This ground-breaking study, based on extensive interviews conducted during a nine-year research period encompassing more than 100 churches, describes how pentecostal /charismatic migrant pastors live out their pastoral role, how they construct their missionary biographies, and how they conceptualize and practice evangelism. The result is a comprehensive portrait of an immigrant group which does not define itself as victimized and in need of assistance, but as expatriate agents with a clear calling and a vision to change the continent they now live inches.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [409]-423) and indexes. :
9789047428534 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.