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Civic ideology, organization, and law in the Rule scrolls : a comparative study of the Covenanters' sect and contemporary voluntary associations in political context /
Over the past sixty years, several studies have demonstrated that the Dead Sea Scrolls sect was one of numerous voluntary associations that flourished in the Hellenistic-Roman age. Yet the origins of organizational and regulatory patterns that the sect shared with other associations have not been adequately explained. Drawing upon sociological studies of modern associations, this book argues that most ancient groups appropriated patterns from the state. Comparison of the Rule Scrolls with Greco-Roman constitutional literature, as well as philosophical, rabbinic, and early Christian texts, shows that the sect's appropriation helped articulate an \'alternative civic ideology\' by which members identified themselves as subjects of a commonwealth alternative and superior to that of the status quo. Like other associations with alternative civic ideology, the Covenanters studied constitution and law with the intention of reform, anticipating governance of restored Israel at the End of Days.
Revised version of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 2007. :
1 online resource (xxv, 586 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [525]-552) and indexes. :
9789004212183 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The true Israel : uses of the names Jew, Hebrew, and Israel in ancient Jewish and early Christian literature /
Many studies have portrayed Judaism in Antiquity as sectarian, with a variety of groups all claiming to be The True Israel. Early Christianity is alleged to have begun in this context as one more Jewish sect claiming such authority. However, the second-century Christian Justin Martyr is the first person known to have used the phrase 'the True Israel'. This book examines the uses of the names 'Jew', 'Hebrew' and 'Israel' in the surviving literature - especially the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, Josephus, New Testament and Mishnah - to determine whether this is an adequate or accurate picture. It discusses the associations of each word, as determined by their actual usage and collocations rather than their theoretical origins. It will be of value to scholars of ancient Judaism and early Christianity. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (xvii, 303 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 274-297) and index. :
9789004332515 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Johannine sectarianism in perspective : a sociological, historical, and comparative analysis of temple and social relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo, and Qumran /
The central aim of the investigation is to evaluate the claim that the Gospel of John was a product of a 'sectarian' milieu. Fuglseth is using methods primarily derived from sociology and the study of new religious movements today. He discusses in particular the 'cult'-model as an alternative to 'sect,' and compares the Johannine texts with texts from two contemporary milieus: Philo and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The thesis is embedded in a comprehensive survey of research and discussions of methods and of the existence of a Johannine community. There are still serious debates going on about the existence and nature of the Johannine group, its 'Jewish' roots and settings, the attitude to the 'Jews' and the 'synagogue', and the two levels of meanings in the Johannine text according to Martyn and Brown. In this situation Fuglseth's investigation is of great current interest and gives new answers to central questions in the Johannine research.
1 online resource (xiv, 448 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [379]-409) and indexes. :
9789047415626 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Serving at the 'Banking-Tables' : New Light on Acts 2-8 and the Link Between Spiritual and Economic Transformation /
Traditional exegesis divides scripture into two distinct economic models: the OT (Hebrew) model of blessing with a "surplus of prosperity", and the NT (Christian) model of economic collectivism with "all things in common". Using an economic perspective as an exegetical tool, the author demonstrates that this differentiation is an artificial construct. In particular, he argues that various NT Greek words and phrases in Acts, which have been rendered to describe acts of charity, should be reinterpreted to depict overtly commercial activities, including the possibility of a banking operation at the heart of the primitive church that posed a serious political and economic threat to the Jewish elite in first-century Jerusalem.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Flores Florentino : Dead Sea Scrolls and other early Jewish studies in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez /
This volume contains forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students from many countries, in honour of Florentino García Martínez, director of the Groningen Qumran Institute, editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism, and professor in Leuven. The majority of the essays are in the areas of the honoree's own scholarship and interests, including primarily Qumranica, but also many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to early rabbinic writings. Florentino's own polyglottism, evident from his bibliography, and his close relations with many scholars from Southern Europe, is reflected in the inclusion of a few French, Spanish and Italian articles in this volume.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047423096 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Esotericism in African American religious experience : "there is a mystery"... /
In Esotericism in African American Religious Experience: "There is a Mystery" ... , Stephen C. Finley, Margarita Simon Guillory, and Hugh R. Page, Jr. assemble twenty groundbreaking essays that provide a rationale and parameters for Africana Esoteric Studies (AES): a new trans-disciplinary enterprise focused on the investigation of esoteric lore and practices in Africa and the African Diaspora. The goals of this new field - while akin to those of Religious Studies, Africana Studies, and Western Esoteric Studies - are focused on the impulses that give rise to Africana Esoteric Traditions (AETs) and the ways in which they can be understood as loci where issues such as race, ethnicity, and identity are engaged; and in which identity, embodiment, resistance, and meaning are negotiated.
1 online resource (xxi, 406 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 361-387) and index. :
9789004283428 :
1871-1405 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The early Enoch literature /
In recent years there has been a lively debate about the early Enoch literature and its place in Judaism. This volume is intended to represent that debate, by juxtaposing pairs of articles on several key issues: the textual evidence, the relationship to the Torah, the calendar, the relation to wisdom, the relation to the temple, the sociological setting and the relation to the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is not the intention of the editors to impose a consensus, but rather to stimulate discussion by bringing together divergent viewpoints. The book should be a useful textbook not only on the Enoch literature and apocalypticism, but more generally on Second Temple Judaism.
"At the Venice meeting in 2003, a group of participants ... decided to plan an additional collection of essays on 'The Early Enoch Literature.' The intent was to summarize and intensify the results of the first two Enoch Seminars." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047421764 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Kleine schriften = Collected short writings of Josef van Ess /
Kleine Schriften , written by the eminent German scholar of Islamic Studies Josef van Ess, is a unique collection of Van Ess' widely scattered short writings, journal articles, encyclopaedia entries, (autobiographical) essays, reviews and lectures, in (mainly) German, English and French, some of which are published here for the first time. It includes a full bibliography of the author's work, in addition to two indexes of classical authors and works, which aim to make accessible the remarkable riches that these Kleine Schriften have to offer. The three-volume collection, carefully selected by the author himself, offers over 150 texts organized primarily along Van Ess' own biography and the history of the discipline. It is divided into twelve parts, beginning with Tübingen where his career began in 1968, and ending with Retrospects and Postscripts for the future, with the thematic complexes Islam and its first options and Muʿtazila as centre pieces. All parts are introduced by brief accounts of the historical context in which each of the assembled texts was written and which course subsequent scholarship may have taken.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xviii, 2634 pages) :
9789004336483 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A commentary on Pseudo-Philo's Liber antiquitatum biblicarum, with Latin text and English translation /
One of the earliest and most important works of biblical interpretation is a Latin text that is commonly known as the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum . It was written in the first second century C.E. and is thus a great source of illumination for the period and milieu out of which arose various Jewish sects and Christianity. This book offers the Latin text of LAB, a dramatically new translation, a commentary that deals extensively with LAB's place in ancient biblical exegesis, and an introduction that treats the major problems associated with LAB (e.g. date, original language, manuscript tradition, exegetical techniques). The author seeks to illuminate LAB in new ways by reconstructing the original Hebrew when that is useful, and by bringing new and pertinent evidence from the Bible, from Rabbinic literature, and from early Christian literature.
1 online resource (v. <1-2> (xvi, 640, 666 pages)) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004332898 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
'You are a priest forever' : Second Temple Jewish messianism and the priestly christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews /
Scholars have long questioned the conceptual background for the priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews, with suggestions including Gnosticism, the thought of Philo of Alexandria, common themes in early Christian theology and exegesis, and the creativity of the author of Hebrews himself. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls prompted waves of enthusiasm for understanding Hebrews in that context, both in terms of the Qumran sect's priestly messianism and understanding of Melchizedek, but claims often were excessive and the approach was discredited. The present study reevaluates the priestly Christology of Hebrews and the presentations of the messianic priest and Melchizedek in the Qumran texts, arguing that the latter do indeed provide the closest parallels to Hebrews' thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-224) and index. :
9789047427636 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The city of the moon god : religious traditions of Harran /
This study treats the religious and intellectual history of the city of Harran (Eastern Turkey) from biblical times down to the establishment of Islam. The author starts from the well-known reference in the Qur'an and the early Islamic histories to the people of Harran as Sabians, one of the 'peoples of the book.' The author unravels strands of religious tradition in Harran that run from the old Semitic planetary cults through Hellenistic hermeticism, gnosticism, and Neo-Pythagoreanism and Christian cults to esoteric Islamic sects such as the Sufis and Shiites.
1 online resource (viii, 232 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 218-224) and index. :
9789004301429 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Pythagorean golden verses : with introduction and commentary /
This book is a commentary on the Pythagorean Golden Verses , a neglected, but once very popular poem of the Hellenistic period. The goal of the poem is to introduce its readers to the basic moral, religious and philosophical doctrines of the Pythagorean sect and to guide them to spiritual maturity. The first part of the book treats still unresolved introductory matters such as the date, authorship, genre, composition, and the historical locus of the poem. This is followed by a text with translation on facing pages, and a detailed commentary containing a wealth of comparative material from the Greco-Roman period, including early Christianity and Judaism. Particularly valuable are the extensive discussions of the moral topoi and religious themes encountered in the poem.
Greek text with English translation and commentary.
Revision of J.C. Thom's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1990. :
1 online resource (xv, 277 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 230-244) and indexes. :
9789004295841 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.