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Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world /
Individualization of believing and the logic of pluralism today inevitably bring a redefinition of the role of religion in the lives of individuals as well as societies themselves. New concepts and new theories are necessary to try to describe and understand how such processes work: this is without doubt the most problematic and intriguing aspect of the processes of change that characterize our era. This is a difficulty that makes us use only partially, and often with much caution, words, concepts and theories that until not long ago had a convincing heuristic and explanatory power and were, at least apparently, indisputable. Once it is established that under the sacred vaults of religion nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, but everything is preserved and transformed, what are the connections that are now being established with the sacred in society? The concepts "spirituality" and "post-secular" give important insights into the new religious landscape.
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource. :
9789004230231 :
1061-5210 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Saint Augustin. La Correspondance avec Nebridius (Lettres 3-14). Texte latin et traduction française avec un commentaire par Emmanuel Bermon /
Écrite entre 386 et 390 dans l'effervescence de la découverte du néoplatonisme, la correspondance avec Nebridius témoigne, bien avant les Confessions, des questions philosophiques et spirituelles qui passionnaient Augustin au moment de sa conversion à la philosophie et au christianisme.Written between 386 and 390 during the excitement of his discovery of Neoplatonism, Augustine's correspondence with Nebridius bears witness, well before the Confessions, to the philosophical and spiritual questions that fascinated Augustine at the time of his conversion to philosophy and Christianity.
Écrite entre 386 et 390 dans l'effervescence de la découverte du néoplatonisme, la correspondance entre Augustin et son ami Nebridius est un concentré de questions platoniciennes sur l'infini, la distinction entre le sensible et l'intelligible, l'imagination et la réminiscence, les rêves inspirés, l'assimilation à Dieu, le « véhicule » de l'âme, l'intériorité et l'individualité. S'y ajoutent des développements théologiques majeurs sur l'Incarnation et la Trinité. Grâce à ces lettres qui font tour à tour « entendre le Christ, Platon et Plotin », comme le dit Nebridius lui-même, nous comprenons mieux ce moment incandescent de la vie d'Augustin où il se convertit à la fois à la philosophie et au christianisme, comme en témoigneront plus tard les Confessions . Written between 386 and 390 during the excitement of his discovery of Neoplatonism, Augustine's correspondence with his friend Nebridius is a distillation of Platonic questions concerning the infinite, the distinction between sensible and intelligible phenomena, the imagination and recollection, inspired dreams, assimilation to God, the "vehicle" of the soul, interiority, and individuality. In addition, the exchange contains major theological insights concerning the Incarnation and the Trinity. Thanks to these letters, which, as Nebridius himself says, make "Christ, Plato, and Plotinus heard," we can better understand this incandescent moment in Augustine's life when he converted to both philosophy and Christianity, as the Confessions will later testify.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plutarch in the religious and philosophical discourse of late antiquity /
The works of Plutarch, notably his Moralia , provide us with exceptional evidence to reconstruct the spiritual and intellectual atmosphere of the first centuries CE. As a priest of Apollo at Delphi, Plutarch was a first range witness of ancient religious experience; as a Middle Platonist, he was also actively involved in the developments of the philosophical school. Besides, he also provided a more detached point of view both regarding numerous religious practices and currents that were permeating the building of ancient pagan religion and the philosophical views of other schools. His combining the insider and the sensitive observer's perspectives make Plutarch a crucial starting point for the understanding of the religious and philosophical discourse of Late Antiquity.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Dec. 3, 2012).
Papers from the XI Congress of the International Plutarch Society held June 2010. :
1 online resource (xv, 304 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004236851 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religions of modernity : relocating the sacred to the self and the digital /
Religions of Modernity' challenges the social-scientific orthodoxy that, once unleashed, the modern forces of individualism, science and technology inevitably erode the sacred and evoke the profane. The book's chapters, some by established scholars, others by junior researchers, document instead in rich empirical detail how modernity relocates the sacred to the deeper layers of the self and the domain of digital technology. Rather than destroying the sacred tout court, then, the cultural logic of modernization spawns its own religious meanings, unacknowledged spiritualities and magical enchantments. The classical theoretical accounts of modernity by Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and others, it is argued in the introductory chapter, already hinted that there's a future for such religions of modernity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004193697 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Changing Christian Paradigms and their Implications for Modern Thought /
Though the Bible and creeds have provided a compass for Christianity from earliest times, the frameworks of thought within which they have been understood have constantly changed, the contribution of Augustine to these changes being fundamental. This book traces, first, these changes chronologically and shows how they have led to the separation of religion and science, faith and reason, supernatural and natural, and so to current materialism: but also to radical alterations to our understanding of God and his relationship to the world. The second part shows in more detail how these changes have altered the significance of major features of Christian faith and led to serious incoherences. And the third part shows, not only how pre-Augustinian and Biblical understandings cohere closely with modern science, but that they have radical implications for our understanding of man, his place in nature and survival of death, for Jesus Christ and for the role of the Churches.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [335]-339) and index. :
9789004378803 :
0169-8834 ;
Brill's companion to Nonnus of Panopolis /
The Egyptian Nonnus of Panopolis (5th century AD), author of both the 'pagan' Dionysiaca , the longest known poem from Antiquity (21,286 lines in 48 books, the same number of books as the Iliad and Odyssey combined), and a 'Christian' hexameter Paraphrase of St John's Gospel (3,660 lines in 21 books), is no doubt the most representative poet of Greek Late Antiquity. Brill's Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis provides a collection of 32 essays by a large international group of scholars, experts in the field of archaic, Hellenistic, Imperial, and Christian poetry, as well as scholars of late antique Egypt, Greek mythology and religion, who explore the various aspects of Nonnus' baroque poetry and its historical, religious and cultural background.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004310698 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion beyond its Private Role in Modern Society.
The volume Religion beyond its Private Role in Modern Society aims at contributing to the debate on the distinction between public and private spheres with regard to the role of religion in modern societies. This issue which is inherent to many conceptions regarding social order, modernity, freedom of conscience, and the changing role and function of religion is discussed not only from a social scientific but also from a historical and philosophical point of view. The articles dwell on several aspects of the role of religion in different societies in modern times, and the overall theme is explored from the perspective of various religious traditions and groups, both institutional and non-institutional. It turns out that the distinction made is difficult to maintain.
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource (290 pages) :
9789004257856 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jews in Byzantium : dialectics of minority and majority cultures /
In the ever increasing volume of Byzantine Studies in recent years there seems to be one very apparent void, namely, the history and culture of the Byzantine Jewry, its presence and impact on the surrounding convoluted Byzantine world between Late Antiquity until the conquest of Byzantium (1453). With the now classic but dated studies by Joshua Starr and Andrew Sharf, the collective volume at hand is an attempt to somewhat fill in this void. The articles assembled in this volume are penned by leading scholars in the field. They present bird's eye views of the cultural history of the Jewish Byzantine minority, alongside a wide array of surveys and in-depth studies of various topics. These topics pertain to the dialectics of the religious, literary, economic and visual representation world of this alien minority within its surrounding Byzantine hegemonic world.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004216440 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The philosophy of Viagra : bioethical responses to the Viagrification of the modern world /
The impotency remedy Viagra is the fastest selling drug in history. It has grown beyond being simply a medical phenomenon, but has achieved the status of cultural icon, appearing on television as a pretext for jokes or even as a murder weapon. Viagra has socio-cultural implications that are not limited to sexuality. The Philosophy of Viagra offers a unique perspective as it examines the phenomenon of Viagra through ideas derived from more than two thousand years of philosophical reasoning. In philosophy, Eros has always had a central position. Since Plato, philosophy has held that desire is not only a medical but also a spiritual phenomenon and that scientific explanations claiming to give an exhaustive account of erotic perception are misleading. Philosophical ideas are able to debunk various scientific rationalizations of sexuality - one of which is the clinical-sexological discourse on Viagra. In this volume, several authors interpret Viagra through the lens of classical philosophy explicating the themes of immortality and hedonism. Others offer psychoanalytical considerations by confronting clinical sexology with psychological realities. Still others evoke intercultural aspects revealing the relative character of potency that the phenomenon of Viagra attempts to gloss over.
1 online resource (vi, 227 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401200363 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gnosticism, Platonism and the late ancient world : essays in honour of John D. Turner /
This Festschrift honors the life and work of John D. Turner (Charles J. Mach University Professor of Classics and History at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln) on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Turner's work has been of profound importance for the study of the interaction between Greek philosophy and Gnosticism in late antiquity. This volume contains essays by international scholars on a broad range of topics that deal with Sethian, Valentinian and other early Christian thought, as well as with Platonism and Neoplatonism, and offer a variety of perspectives spanning intellectual history, Greek and Coptic philology, and the study of religions.
1 online resource (li, 701 pages) : portrait. :
"Bibliography of John D. Turner"--p. xliii-li.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004254763 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The mirage of the Saracen : Christians and nomads in the Sinai Peninsula in late antiquity /
The Mirage of the Saracen analyzes the growth of monasticism and Christian settlements in the Sinai Peninsula through the early seventh century CE. Walter D. Ward examines the ways in which Christian monks justified occupying the Sinai through creating associations between Biblical narratives and Sinai sites while assigning uncivilized, negative, and oppositional traits to the indigenous nomadic population, whom the Christians pejoratively called "Saracens." By writing edifying tales of hostile nomads and the ensuing martyrdom of the monks, Christians not only reinforced their claims to the spiritual benefits of asceticism but also also provoked the Roman authorities to enhance defense of pilgrimage routes to the Sinai. When Muslim armies later began conquering the Middle East, Christians also labeled these new conquerors as Saracens, connecting Muslims to these pre-Islamic representations. This timely and relevant work builds a historical account of interreligious encounters in the ancient world, showing the Sinai as a crucible for forging long-lasting images of both Christians and Muslims, some of which endure today.'--Provided by publisher.
xxvii, 193 pages : illustraitons, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 155-187) and index. :
9780520283770 :
Jade-Carving Chisel and Luminous Ocean : Selected Essays by Jao Tsung-i on Literature and Related Topics /
Jao Tsung-i's scholarship illuminated the development of classical Chinese literature from antiquity through the end of the Qing dynasty. In this volume, eight interviews with and essays by Jao are translated faithfully into English, giving a sampling of his diverse insights into literature and its broader significance. Topics range from the religious beliefs underpinning the earliest Chinese writings, to the influence of Chan Buddhism on Chinese poetics, to Gu Yanwu's (1613-1682) poetic protest against the Manchu conquest. Collectively the essays demonstrate how literary art and spiritual beliefs have been intertwined throughout Chinese history.
1 online resource (288 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Beholding Beauty : Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry /
Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry explores the relationship between sexuality, politics, and spirituality in the lyrics of Saʿdi Shirazi (d. 1292 CE), one of the most revered masters of classical Persian literature. Relying on a variety of sources, including unstudied manuscripts, Domenico Ingenito presents the so-called "inimitable smoothness" of Saʿdi's lyric style as a serene yet multifaceted window into the uncanny beauty of the world, the human body, and the realm of the unseen. The book constitutes the first attempt to study Sa'di's lyric meditations on beauty in the context of the major artistic, scientific and intellectual trends of his time. By charting unexplored connections between Islamic philosophy and mysticism, obscene verses and courtly ideals of love, Ingenito approaches Sa'di's literary genius from the perspective of sacred homoeroticism and the psychology of performative lyricism in their historical context.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The revolt of unreason : Miguel de Unamuno and Antonio Caso on the crisis of modernity /
This book examines solutions to the crisis of modernity proposed by the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno and the Mexican philosopher Antonio Caso. Acceptance of the objective claims of modern scientific rationality and the consequent rejection of the objective validity of artistic, moral, and religious claims generates the crisis of modernity. The problem is that of justifying artistic, moral, and religious claims. Miguel de Unamuno in his classic work, The Tragic Sense of Life , addresses the conflict between the belief in personal immortality and modern scientific rationality. Holding that there is no rational justification for the belief in immortality, Unamuno finds a solution in a "saving scepticism" to act "as if" he deserved immortality. In his book Existence as Economy, as Art, and Charity Caso attempts to create an aposteriori metaphysics based on the "current" results of science supplemented by the intuitions of art and morality. In doing so, Caso believes that he has enlarged the scope of the knowable to include objects of art, morality, and religion. Unamuno, by accepting the strict line of demarcation between faith and reason has no other recourse but to turn to decisionism. By turning to intuitionism, Caso believes that he has blurred the line of demarcation. Decisionism and intuitionism, therefore, are worthy of further exploration.
1 online resource (xii, 193 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401208215 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Virtues of the Flesh - Passion and Purity in Early Islamic Jurisprudence /
Robust sexuality, profound spirituality and elaborate legalism are, at first glance, strange bedfellows. The conventional Western wisdom has long conceived of these several modes as comprising an antagonistic trichotomy, in which each component is opposed to the others. Classical Islam, on the other hand, envisioned a unique system of cooperation between the sensual, the ethereal and the forensic. This study employs the vast and hitherto neglected literature of Islamic purity law as a looking glass through which to examine early Muslim attitudes to the romantic and erotic. Probing Qur'ān, Ḥadīth, Tafsīr and Fiqh, it opens a window on a world of unexpectedly explicit and unrestrainedly joyful sexual expression -- a world located squarely within the confines of God's sacred law and its elucidation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The cosmic script : sacred geometry and the science of Arabic penmanship /
"A fully illustrated, landmark study of Islamic calligraphy traced back to its deepest historical and cultural roots Explores the sacred geometry of each letter form of the Arabic alphabet as attributed to renowned 10th-century scribe Ibn Muqla Traces Ibn Muqla's system to the cross-cultural encounter between Greek learning and the scientific, artistic, and philosophical pursuits of classical Islam A richly illustrated, two-volume presentation of decades of research with more than 430 full-color illustrations Calligraphy is the central visual art of Islam. At its core resides a perennial challenge: What letter shapes traced by human hands are rightful bearers of the divine message? The answer lies in the "Proportioned Script" of Ibn Muqla, renowned scribe, man of letters, and minister under the great Abbasid Caliphate in 10th-century Baghdad. Emphasizing harmony and geometry, Ibn Muqla's system has governed the practice of Arabic scribal art up to the present day. In this two-volume, richly illustrated study, Ahmed Moustafa and Stefan Sperl analyze each letter form of Ibn Muqla's perfected penmanship and share their decades of research on Islamic letter shapes, revealing the history, linguistics, philosophy, theology, and sacred geometry that underlie this spiritual art form. In volume one the authors reveal the trilogy of prophecy, penmanship, and geometry at the foundation of Ibn Muqla's Proportioned Script. Providing a fully illustrated analysis of Islamic calligraphy's geometrical principles as transmitted in surviving writings and key manuscript sources, they examine the geometric grid of square, circle, and hexagon that informs the pen strokes of each letter shape and explore how the golden ratio appears within the matrix of the grid. They examine the development of Ibn Muqla's system in the context of the sciences, arts, and penmanship of 10th-century Baghdad and trace its origins to the cross-cultural encounter between Greek learning and the scientific, artistic, and philosophical pursuits of classical Islam. In volume two the authors analyze the calligraphic forms of each letter of the Arabic alphabet. They decode the sacred geometry of each form as it appears within the geometric grid, providing letter samples from ancient sources. Unearthing the theoretical and scientific foundations of Arabic calligraphy, this landmark study examines the aesthetic implications of Ibn Muqla's theory for the visual, verbal, and aural arts of Islam as well as the Islamic mystical tradition"--
""A fully illustrated, landmark study of Islamic calligraphy traced back to its deepest historical and cultural roots"--Provided by publisher"--
2 volumes : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 x 34 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781620553961 (hardback : set)