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The Armenian apocalyptic tradition : a comparative perspective : essays presented in honor of Professor Robert W. Thomson on the occasion of his eightieth birthday /
The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition: A Comparative Perspective comprises a collection of essays on apocalyptic literature in the Armenian tradition. This collection is unprecedented in its subject and scope and employs a comparative approach that situates the Armenian apocalyptic tradition within a broader context. The topics in this volume include the role of apocalyptic literature and apocalypticism in the conversion of the Armenians to Christianity, apocalyptic ideology and holy war, the significance of the Book of Daniel in Armenian thought, the reception of the Apocalypse of Ps.-Methodius in Armenian, the role of apocalyptic literature in political ideologies, and the expression of apocalypticism in the visual arts.
Papers presented at two international conferences. The first was held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in June, 2007; the second was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in October, 2008. :
1 online resource (xx, 797 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004270268 :
0169-8125 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Learned and Lived Law : Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue /
This wide-ranging collection of essays reflects the manifold scholarly interests of legal historian Charles Donahue, whose former students engage here with questions related to foundational Roman law concepts, the impact of the law on women and families in medieval and early modern Europe, the intersection of law and religion, and the echoes of legal ideas on later developments in American law and in world literature and philosophy. From the monks of Metz to the book sellers of colonial Boston, from fourteenth-century English charters to the writings of Faust, these essays invite you to experience law at once learned and lived. Contributors are: Charles Bartlett, Anton Chaevitch, Wim Decock, Rowan Dorin, Sally E. Hadden, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, Nikitas Hatzimihail, Samantha Kahn Herrick, Daniel Jacobs, Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Amalia D. Kessler, Saskia Lettmaier, Sara McDougall, Stuart M. McManus, Elizabeth W. Mellyn, Bharath Palle, Ryan Rowberry, Carol Symes, James R. Townshend, and John Witte, Jr. See Less
1 online resource (636 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pandemic Storytelling /
This volume offers unique, interdisciplinary perspectives by evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting how the past, the present, and potential futures may be affected by pandemic storytelling. It explores the interplay between various disciplines that explore COVID-19 narratives or study the influence of pandemics on storytelling. The authors invite you to delve into the intricate social, cultural, and political dynamics between anthropocentric societies, human nature, and their implications for an understanding of our interactions with others and environments. Most importantly, this volume initiates insightful conversations, highlighting that in times of crisis the most valuable thing we can hold on to is human connection.
1 online resource (220 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome /
What does it mean to be a leader? This collection of seventeen studies breaks new ground in our understanding of leadership in ancient Rome by re-evaluating the difference between those who began a political action and those who followed or reacted. In a significant change of approach, this volume shifts the focus from archetypal "leaders" to explore the potential for individuals of different ranks, social statuses, ages, and genders to seize initiative. In so doing, the contributors provide new insight into the ways in which the ability to initiate communication, invent solutions, and prompt others to act resonated in critical moments of Roman history.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Cultural Memory of the Lebanese Civil War-Revisited /
This volume, edited by Leyla Dakhli and Klaus Wieland, is an overview of the cultural memory of the Lebanese Civil War, as it has emerged and evolved over the last 30 years. These narratives represent a counter-memory to the non-existent national memory, undesired by Lebanon's political class. In 1991, the Amnesty Law G84/91 was enacted, granting state power impunity for all war crimes, including crimes against humanity. The general amnesty entailed partial amnesia; the war was to be "officially" forgotten. And yet, since the 1990s, nongovernmental organizations, archives, activists, publicists, visual artists, filmmakers, and writers have produced an impressive alternative culture of remembrance of the Lebanese Civil War, which is revisited and analyzed in this book. Contributors represent a multi-disciplinary mix, with perspectives from area studies, history, social science, literary studies, trauma and memory, and peace and conflict studies. See Less
1 online resource (242 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jewish Martyrdom in Antiquity : From the Books of Maccabees to the Babylonian Talmud /
This volume offers a comprehensive discussion of all relevant sources concerning Jewish martyrdom in Antiquity. By viewing these narratives together, tracing their development and comparing them to other traditions, the authors seek to explore how Jewish is Jewish martyrdom? To this end, they analyse the impact of the changing social and religious-cultural circumstances and the interactions with Graeco-Roman and Christian traditions. This results in the identification of important continuities and discontinuities. Consequently, while political ideals that are prominent in 2 and 4 Maccabees are remarkably absent from rabbinic sources, the latter reveal a growing awareness of Christian motifs and discourse.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Governing the empire : provincial administration in the Almohad Caliphate (1224-1269) : critical edition, translation, and study of Manuscript 4752 of the Hasaniyya Library in Raba...
In this book, Pascal Buresi and Hicham El Aallaoui edit, translate, and study an Arabic manuscript of the Royal Library of Rabat, containing 77 appointments of provincial officials. The Almohad Caliphs were the first Berbers to unite the whole Maghrib and the Iberian Peninsula under an imperial ideology elaborated at the end of the 12th C.E. by the most famous scholars, such as Averroes. This peripheral Islamic dynasty produced a pragmatic documentation that provides exceptional information about the administrative, political, ideological, and religious organisation of the largest medieval European-African Empire. Buresi and El Aallaoui convincingly stress the importance of the literature of the Chancellery in renewing the history of power and authority in medieval Islamic lands.
1 online resource (xxii, 538 pages) : illustrations (some color), maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004239715 :
1877-9808 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Exemplary Hercules from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and Beyond /
The Exemplary Hercules explores the reception of the ancient Greek hero Herakles - the Roman Hercules - in European culture from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and beyond. Each chapter considers a particular work or theme in detail, raising questions about the hero's role as model of the princely ruler, and examining how the worthiness of this exemplary type came, in time, to be subverted. The volume is one of four to be published in the Metaforms series examining the extraordinarily persistent figuring of Herakles-Hercules in western culture up to the present day, drawing together scholars from a range of disciplines to offer a unique insight into the hero's perennial, but changingly problematic, appeal.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sirach and Its Contexts : The Pursuit of Wisdom and Human Flourishing /
In Sirach and Its Contexts an international cohort of experts on the book of Sirach locate this second-century BCE Jewish wisdom text in its various contexts: literary, historical, philosophical, textual, cultural, and political. First compiled by a Jewish sage around 185 BCE, this instruction enjoyed a vibrant ongoing reception history through the middle ages up to the present, resulting in a multiform textual tradition as it has been written, rewritten, transmitted, and studied. Sirach was not composed as a book in the modern sense but rather as an ongoing stream of tradition. Heretofore studied largely in confessional settings as part of the Deuterocanonical literature, this volume brings together essays that take a broadly humanistic approach, in order to understand what an ancient wisdom text can teach us about the pursuit of wisdom and human flourishing.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Politics, Polarity, and Peace /
The arguments within the contemporary literature paint a clear picture: popular discourse is marked with extreme partisanship and polarization, threatening democracy, tolerance, diversity, pluralism, and cooperation. Polarization simplifies and deforms language, ideas, and people. Polarization reduces the complexities of social life into an oppositional binary based on crude distinctions revolving around partial and harmful reified conceptions of self and other. Since the egocentric ''us versus them" narratives catalyze conflicts which tend to violence, polarization is itself a cause of violence. The project of peace, then, is aided by the project of depolarization. But what can we do to bring about a transformation away from polarity to peace? What are the real polarities obscuring the path to peace? Is it a question of freedom versus control? Is it one of absolutism versus open-mindedness? Is it good versus evil? In a time of increasingly poisonous national politics, widening tribal polarity, and fragmented and fragmenting communities, what sense does it even make to appeal to reason, discourse, and compromise? The authors in this volume attempt to answer these and other questions relating to polarity and politics in the pursuit of peace and justice, the guiding ideals of the Concerned Philosophers for Peace and Brill's Philosophy of Peace series. .
1 online resource (318 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Redefining the Standards in Attic, Koine, and Atticism /
Scholarship surrounding the standard varieties of Ancient Greek (Attic, the Koine, and Atticistic Greek) focused from its beginnings until relatively recently on determining fixed uniformities or differences between them. This collection of essays advocates for understanding them as interconnected and continuously evolving and suggests viewing them as living organisms shaped by their speakers and texts. The authors propose approaches that integrate linguistics, sociolinguistics, and literary studies to explore how speakers navigate linguistic norms and social dynamics, leading to innovations and reshaping of standards. Each contribution challenges the dichotomy between standards and deviations, suggesting that studying linguistic diversity through socio-literary interconnectedness can enrich our understanding of language history and cultural wealth.
1 online resource (344 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Toppling Things as Memorial Contestation : Spectacle and Affect of Monument Removal /
Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, monuments became a focal point: protestors toppled or spray-painted them, even danced on them. These politically, visually, and emotionally potent events may have looked instantaneous, yet frequently sprang from years of activism, as well as protracted political and academic debate. Toppling Things challenges stereotypical notions monument topplings as riotous, spontaneous, or irrational. Bringing together the ideas and emotions, the uncertainty and convictions, of artists, activists, and academics, the volume rejects a neatly tied-up, distant narrative. As it sheds light on the global, personal, immediate, and historical processes around the fall of a monument, the volume engages directly with the complexity of toppling activism and monument removal as a form of lived experience.
1 online resource (320 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Duplex Regnum Christi : Christ's Twofold Kingdom in Reformed Theology /
In this historical study, Jonathon D. Beeke considers the various sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed expressions regarding the duplex regnum Christi (the twofold kingdom of Christ), or, as especially denominated in the Lutheran context, the "doctrine of the two kingdoms." While a sampling of patristic and medieval sources is considered, the focus is on select magisterial Reformers of the sixteenth century and representative intellectual centers of the seventeenth century (Leiden, Geneva, and Edinburgh). A primary concern is to examine the development of these formulations over the two centuries in question, and relate its maturation to the theological and political context of the early modern period. Various conclusions are offered that address the contemporary "two-kingdoms" debate within the Reformed tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Landscapes of Resistance : Narratives around Sacred Places in Sinjar (Iraq) and the Islamic State's Genocide against Yezidis /
On August 3, 2014, the Sinjar region of Northern Iraq was attacked by the "Islamic State". Killing and abducting thousands, the jihadists also destroyed many of the religious minority's shrines. Others, however, were defended by local fighters and groups affiliated with the PKK. In the aftermath of the genocide, stories of divine intervention into the defence bolstered land claims of serveral Kurdish political groups. Through extensive fieldwork in the region, I trace imaginaries of Sinjar as a landscape of resistance and a communal history of continuous persecution to current political disputes and attempts to construct a unified Yezidi identity. See Less
1 online resource (405 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Portrayals of Antigone in Portugal : 20th and 21st century rewritings of the Antigone myth /
Portrayals of Antigone in Portugal gathers a collection of essays on the Portuguese drama rewritings of this Theban myth produced in the 20th and 21st centuries. For each of the cases analysed, the Portuguese historical, political and cultural context is described. This perspective is expanded through a dialogue with coeval European events. As concerns Portugal, this results principally in political and feminist approaches to the texts. Since the importation of the Sophoclean model is often indirect, the volume includes comparisons with intermediate sources, namely French (Cocteau, Anouilh) and Spanish (María Zambrano), which were extremely influential on the many and diversified versions written in Portugal during this period.
1 online resource (xii, 361 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004340060 :
2212-9405 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plutarch's Unexpected Silences : Suppression and Selection in the Lives and Moralia /
The act of recording anything is at the same time an act of silencing. Choices are made at every step about what to keep and what to discard. Examining what Plutarch has left out enriches our understanding of what he has chosen to say, and both deepens our knowledge of the literary practices of this influential writer and opens new and fruitful lines of enquiry about Plutarch, his work, and his world.
This book examines passages in Plutarch's works that foil expectations and whose silence invites closer examination. The contributors question omissions of authors, works, people, and places, and they examine Plutarch's reticence to comment where he usually would. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The sons of Bayezid : empire building and representation in the Ottoman civil war of 1402-1413 /
The civil war of 1402-1413 is one of the most complicated and fascinating periods in Ottoman history. It is often called the interregnum because of its political instability, but that term does not do justice to the fact that the civil war was a chapter of Ottoman history in its own right. This book is the first full-length study of that chapter, which began with Timur's dismemberment of the early Ottoman Empire following his defeat of Bayezid "the Thunderbolt" at Ankara (1402). After Timur's departure, what was left of the Ottoman realm was contested by Bayezid's sons in a series of bloody wars involving many internal factions and foreign powers. As part of those wars some of the earliest Ottoman historical literature was produced in the courts of the warring princes, especially Mehmed Çelebi, who was the final winner and needed to justify killing his brothers. This book is a detailed reconstruction of events based on the available sources, as well as a study of the period's political culture as reflected in its historical narratives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-243) and index. :
9789047422471 :
1380-6076 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Buddhist encounters and identities across East Asia /
Encounters, networks, identities and diversity are at the core of the history of Buddhism. They are also the focus of Buddhist Encounters and Identities across East Asia , edited by Ann Heirman, Carmen Meinert and Christoph Anderl. While long-distance networks allowed Buddhist ideas to travel to all parts of East Asia, it was through local and trans-local networks and encounters, and a diversity of people and societies, that identities were made and negotiated. This book undertakes a detailed examination of discrete Buddhist identities rooted in unique cultural practices, beliefs and indigenous socio-political conditions. Moreover, it presents a fascinating picture of the intricacies of the regional and cross-regional networks that connected South and East Asia.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004366152 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries : how to write their history /
The papers in this volume are organized around the ambition to reboot the writing of history about Jews and Christians in the first two centuries CE. Many are convinced of the need for a new perspective on this crucial period that saw both the birth of rabbinic Judaism and apostolic Christianity and their parting of ways. Yet the traditional paradigm of Judaism and Christianity as being two totally different systems of life and thought still predominates in thought, handbooks, and programs of research and teaching. As a result, the sources are still being read as reflecting two separate histories, one Jewish and the other Christian. The contributors to the present work were invited to attempt to approach the ancient Jewish and Christian sources as belonging to one single history, precisely in order to get a better view of the process that separated both communities. In doing so, it is necessary to pay constant attention to the common factor affecting both communities: the Roman Empire. Roman history and Roman archaeology should provide the basis on which to study and write the shared history of Jews and Christians and the process of their separation. A basic intuition is that the series of wars between Jews and Romans between 66 and 135 CE - a phenomenon unrivalled in antiquity - must have played a major role in this process. Thus the papers are arranged around three focal points: (1) the varieties of Jewish and Christian expression in late Second Temple times, (2) the socio-economic, military, and ideological processes during the period of the revolts, and (3) the post-revolt Jewish and Christian identities that emerged. As such, the volume is part of a larger project that is to result in a source book and a history of Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004278479 :
1877-4970 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark, Tome II : The Martensen Period: 1837-1841, 2nd Revised and Augmented Edition /
This is the second volume in a three-volume work dedicated to exploring the influence of G.W.F. Hegel's philosophical thinking in Golden Age Denmark. The work demonstrates that the largely overlooked tradition of Danish Hegelianism played a profound and indeed constitutive role in many spheres of the Golden Age culture. This second tome treats the most intensive period in the history of the Danish Hegel reception, namely, the years from 1837 to 1841. The main figure in this period is the theologian Hans Martensen who made Hegel's philosophy a sensation among the students at the University of Copenhagen in the late 1830s. This period also includes the publication of Johan Ludvig Heiberg's Hegelian journal, Perseus , and Frederik Christian Sibbern's monumental review of it, which represented the most extensive treatment of Hegel's philosophy in the Danish language at the time. During this period Hegel's philosophy flourished in unlikely genres such as drama and lyric poetry. During these years Hegelianism enjoyed an unprecedented success in Denmark until it gradually began to be perceived as a dangerous trend.
1 online resource (767 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :