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Tradition in social science /
Tradition in Social Science is the social philosophy written early in life by the jurisprudent who became the preeminent public law jurist in France in the first quarter of the twentieth century, Maurice Hauriou. His work remains prominent in theorizing European Community as well as in Latin American jurisprudence. His studies concern three areas of research: legal theory, social science, and philosophy. In this book Hauriou first focuses on the object and method of the social sciences in a preliminary chapter. The main text is devoted first to a philosophy of history that uses the growth objectively in fraternity, liberty and equality as the criterion for progress; and next to the subjective elements of progress, namely, the recognition of a "pessimistic individualism" in which failure in conduct is to be expected, but is rectified by social institutions. This part closes with the dynamizing of his philosophy of history by evolution and alternation between two phases of social development, namely, middle ages and renaissances. The second part is the philosophy of social science built around social matter, where the dynamic of imitation is the motive force, and three social networks-positive, religious, and metaphysical-specify its consequences. The last of these, the political fabric, is provided with a final chapter of its own. The main doctrinal device that Hauriou developed for use in law was his theory of the institution; this is developed for the first time in the present work.
1 online resource (xxvii, 303 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-255) and index. :
9789401207041 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Essai bibliographique sur l'archéologie francophone de la mésoamérique = Bibliographical essay upon the French-speaking contributions to Mesoamerican archaeology = Ensayo bibliográfico sobre la arqueología...
The present bibliography of contributions in French to Mesoamerican studies aims to serve several purposes. For more than a century, Spanish, English and French were the three official languages of the International Congresses of Americanists. This situation stems from historical reasons: the first Congresses took place in Nancy, Luxemburg and Brussels. Since the fifties, the steady growth of Mexican and Central American national researches and the ever-growing weight of United States investigators slowly occulted the French contributions. Conversely, the establishment of research institutions in Belgium, Switzerland, France and Canada facilitated the multiplication of investigation projects in the whole continent, with their correlative publications.
Previously issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (iv, 242 pages). :
Specialized. :
9781789691009 (ebook) :
Essai bibliographique sur l'archéologie francophone de la mésoamérique = Bibliographical essay upon the French-speaking contributions to Mesoamerican archaeology = Ensayo bibliográfico sobre la arqueología...
The present bibliography of contributions in French to Mesoamerican studies aims to serve several purposes. For more than a century, Spanish, English and French were the three official languages of the International Congresses of Americanists. This situation stems from historical reasons: the first Congresses took place in Nancy, Luxemburg and Brussels. Since the fifties, the steady growth of Mexican and Central American national researches and the ever-growing weight of United States investigators slowly occulted the French contributions. Conversely, the establishment of research institutions in Belgium, Switzerland, France and Canada facilitated the multiplication of investigation projects in the whole continent, with their correlative publications.
Previously issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (iv, 242 pages). :
Specialized. :
9781789691009 (ebook) :
Brill's companion to the reception of Aristophanes /
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristophanes provides a substantive account of the reception of Aristophanes (c. 446-386 BC) from Antiquity to the present. Aristophanes was the renowned master of Old Attic Comedy, a dramatic genre defined by its topical satire, high poetry, frank speech, and obscenity. Since their initial production in classical Athens, his comedies have fascinated, inspired, and repelled critics, readers, translators, and performers. The book includes seventeen chapters that explore the ways in which the plays of Aristophanes have been understood, appropriated, adapted, translated, taught, and staged. Careful attention has been given to critical moments of reception across temporal, linguistic, cultural, and national boundaries.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004324657 :
2213-1246 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Medicine, religion, and the body /
This book explores the ways in which the body is sacred in Western medicine, as well as how this idea is played out in questions of life and death, of the autopsy and of the meanings attributed to illnesses and disease. Ritual and religious modifications to, and limitations on what may be done to the body raise cross cultural issues of great complexity - philosophically and theologically, as well as sociologically - within medicine and for health care practitioners, but also, as a matter of primary concern for the patient. The book explores the ways in which medicine organises the moral and the immoral, the sacred and the profane; how it mediates cultural concepts of the sacred - of the body, of blood and of life and death.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047444008 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sovereign Wealth Funds and State Immunity /
How does the hybrid nature of SWFs affect the application of state immunity to these funds? May an SWF be sued in foreign courts for wrongful acts committed in the course of its investment activities? Can SWF investments be attached by a private creditor seeking to enforce an investment arbitration award against the fund's state of nationality? This monograph addresses these questions from the perspective of the 2004 New York Convention and six selected jurisdictions (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China), with the broader aim of highlighting potential new standards for implementation of the state immunity rule to SWFs.
1 online resource (175 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Copper scroll revisited /
This book is the English translation of the new edition of the Copper Scroll of Qumran Cave 3 (3Q15). The restoration of the three sheets of copper by the Mécénat of the French Electric Company (EDF) in the 1990s made an improved decipherment possible. The physical restoration of the complete scroll is published in the two large volumes of the French edition accompanied by many photographs and drawings, which the reader will find to be sufficient. Le Rouleau de cuivre de la Grotte 3 de Qumrân (3Q15). Expertise - Restauration - Épigraphie. Volume I - Texte, Volume II - Planches (2006). The English translation of the new edition of the engraved text will favor easier access to the new results for a wider public.
The text by Emile Puech is excerpted from volume 1 of Le rouleau de cuivre de la grotte 3 de Qumrân (3Q15) (Leiden : Brill : École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem : EDF Foundation, 2006).
Includes the text of the Copper scroll in Hebrew with English translation. :
1 online resource (160 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047424314 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Philosophy of Culture as Theory, Method, and Way of Life : Contemporary Reflections and Applications /
The "idea" of culture comprises almost all human activities, from science to art, from music to microscopy. Does anything important escape the limits of this idea? The authors of this collection argue that all philosophy is really the philosophy of culture, since in some way each and every discipline and subdiscipline is foremost a manifestation of our collective cultural effort. Further, they argue that by engaging with philosophy as a cultural activity and as a discipline to meaningful engage with all dimensions of (inter)cultural life, we can live more meaningful, flourishing, and wisely guided lives.
The authors of this collection argue that all philosophy is really philosophy of culture and that through it we can live more meaningful, flourishing, and wisely guided lives. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Law and property in Algeria : anthropological perspectives /
In spite of its privileged place on the African continent, in the Muslim world and in the Middle East and North Africa region, Algeria remains poorly known, and the works relating to contemporary Algerian society published outside of Algeria are rare. This book seeks to contribute to our understanding of Algerian society today, through its relationships to property and to law. Beyond this, the objective is to propose, in a comparative perspective proper to anthropology, new theoretical and methodological perspectives by which to apprehend the anthropology of law in a Muslim context. Algeria, as a post-colonial and post-Socialist State, whose population is overwhelmingly Muslim, proves to be a particularly interesting case to study. Contributors are: Hichem Amichi, Emilie Barraud, Ammar Belhimer, Yazid Ben Hounet, Nejm Benessaiah, Sami Bouarfa, Tarik Dahou, Baudouin Dupret, Marcel Kuper, Judith Scheele, Alice Wilson.
"This volume was published with the support of the French National Agency for Research (ANR), as an outcome of the research project "Property in Moslem Transitional Environments" (PROMETEE) that was conducted within the frame of the German-French program FRAL and associated teams affiliated to the Centre Jacques-Berque (CJB) of Rabat and the Erlanger Zentrum fur Islam und Recht in Europa (EZIRE)." :
1 online resource (189 pages) : map. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004362116 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mani in Dublin : selected papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8-12 Septem...
In 2009 the Seventh International Conference of Manichaean Studies was held at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. The 22 selected papers of this volume offer a deep insight into the faith of Manichaean communities ranging from the very beginning of the Third century up to the last traces of worship today. Among others the authors deal with sources from Augustin, John the Grammarian, Ephrem the Syrian and further sources written in Coptic, Sogdian, Middle Persian, Parthian and Chinese. Several studies about Manichaean art and iconography offer a visual impression, which gives a new opportunity for understanding the religion of Light.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (xviii, 459 pages) : illustrations (mostly color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004289123 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cornelius Castoriadis and radical democracy /
Cornelius Castoriadis and the Project of Radical Autonomy analyses the philosophy of Greek-born French philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis. A leading member of the influential revolutionary group, Socialism or Barbarism in France, Castoriadis analysed contemporary political subjectivity and culture in terms of the collective and individual attempt to gain autonomy. His philosophy frames a multi-dimensional analysis of modern capitalist societies, based on a systematic critique of orthodox Marxism, Heideggerian ontology and Lacanian psychology. The present volume consists of two parts. In the first part, his most significant essays written before his departure to France in 1945 are translated and present young Castoriadis' interpretation of Max Weber's theory of bureaucratic societies. The second part consists of a series of essays by various scholars on aspects of Castoriadis' mature philosophy in relation to other thinkers, and against the background of Europe's political and social history.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004278585 :
1572-459X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity : In Memory of Metin Kunt /
Eighteen expert researchers have come together to provide original articles and new perspectives on transformation throughout Ottoman history, in order to honor the life's work of Metin Kunt. Kunt's work revolutionized our understanding of change in Ottoman political, social and cultural history in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. This new collection focuses on the contributions of key players in these fields and includes chapters on Ottoman artisans in a changing political context, Ottoman chief scribes and the rhetorics of political survival in the 17th century, and empiricism in the Ottoman Empire. Contributors are Antonis Anastasopoulos, Iris Agmon, Tülay Artan, Karl K. Barbir, Fatih Bayram, Suraiya Faroqhi, Cornell H. Fleischer, Pál Fodor, Mehmet Kalpaklı, Cemil Koçak, B. Harun Küçük, Aslı Niyazioğlu, Mehmet Öz, Kaya Şahin, Derin Terzioğlu, Ekin Tuşalp-Atiyas, Christine Woodhead, N. Zeynep Yelçe, Elizabeth A. Zachariadou.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Syria and Bilad al-Sham under Ottoman rule : essays in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq /
"The papers in this volume were originally presented at a conference in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq held in 2004 at the Orient-Institut in Beirut (28-30 May) and at l'Institut français du Proche-Orient in Damascus (1-2 June)"--Acknowl. :
1 online resource. :
"Bibliography of Abdul-Karim Rafeq's Published Works (to April 2010)": pages [47]-56.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [597]-624) and index. :
9789004191044 :
1380-6076 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Polyhistor : studies in the history and historiography of ancient philosophy : presented to Jaap Mansfeld on his sixtieth birthday /
During the past three decades Jaap Mansfeld, Professor of Ancient Philosophy in Utrecht, has built up a formidable reputation as a leading scholar in his field. His work has concentrated on the Presocratics, Hellenistic Philosophy, the sources of our knowledge of ancient philosophy (esp. doxography) and the history of scholarship. In honour of his sixtieth birthday, colleagues and friends have contributed a collection of articles which represent the state of the art in the study of the history of ancient philosophy and frequently concentrate on subjects in which the honorand has made important discoveries. The 22 contributors include M. Baltes, J. Barnes, J. Brunschwig, W.M. Calder III, J. Dillon, P.L. Donini, J. Glucker, A.A. Long, L.M. de Rijk, D. Sedley, P. Schrijvers, and M. Vegetti. The volume concludes with a complete bibliography of Jaap Mansfeld's scholarly work so far.
Festschrift in honor of Jaap Mansfeld. :
1 online resource (x, 438 pages, [1] leaf of plates) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004320970 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ontologies of Violence : Deconstruction, Pacifism, and Displacement /
Ontologies of Violence provides a new paradigm for understanding the concept of violence through comparative interpretations of French philosopher Jacques Derrida, philosophical theologians in the Mennonite pacifist tradition, and Grace M. Jantzen's feminist philosophy of religion. By drawing out and challenging the remarkably similar priorities shared by its three sources, and by challenging the assumption that differences necessarily lead to displacement, Ontologies of Violence provides a critical theory of violence by treating it as a diagnostic concept that implies the violation of value-laden boundaries.
1 online resource (244 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :