Metaphorical landscapes and the theology of the Book of Job : an analysis of Job's spatial metaphors /
Metaphorical Landscapes and the Theology of the Book of Job demonstrates how spatial metaphors play a crucial role in the theology of the book of Job. Themes as pivotal as trauma, ill-being, retribution, and divine character are conceptualized in terms of space; its imagery is thus dependent on spatial configurations, such as boundaries, distance, direction, containment, and contact. Not only are spatial metaphors ubiquitous in the book of Job-possibly the most frequent conceptual metaphors in the book-they are essential to its theological reasoning. Job's spatial metaphors form a metaphorical landscape in which God's character and his creation are challenged in unprecedented ways. In the theophany, God reacts to that landscape. This book introduces a pragmatic synthesis of both conceptual metaphor theory and spatial semantics and it demonstrates their exegetical and hermeneutic potential.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004388871 :
0083-5889 ;
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /
Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Linguistic Approach to Revelation 19:11-20:6 and the Millennium Binding of Satan /
Is the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in the Book of Revelation? This study is the first to answer this frequently debated question from a linguistic perspective.
This study argues that the establishment of the millennium binding of Satan and the vindication of the saints in Revelation 20:1-6 are cohesively linked with Jesus's victorious battle in Revelation 19:11-21. The major implication of this analysis views both these events as consequent effects of Christ's victory at the eschatological battle. Applying systemic functional linguistics and discourse analysis of cohesion, this study advances critical scholarship on the Book of Revelation by offering the first fully sustained answer to this frequently debated question regarding Satan's binding from a modern linguistic approach.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A study of Thumos in early Greek epic /
The language of early Greek epic, exemplified primarily by Homer, contains numerous descriptions of inner states and uses a specific vocabulary to do so. Scholars understand these descriptions in a general way; but the precision of the expressions remains a mystery. In this work, one of the most important of these words, thumos , is examined in each of its contexts. This synchronic formulaic analysis is carried out according to the contexts of thumos : the cognitive/intellectual, the emotional, and the physical. Two additional contexts, deliberation and motivation, are discussed separately. Within the discussion of each context, the functional synonyms of thumos, particulary phren/phrenes , and other frequent associates of thumos , are examined. Thumos has associations with words relating to winds and storms, a fact which helps clarify its significance in all contexts. Because this work is a discussion of thumos in all contexts, and also contains an appendix of the relevant passages, it should be useful to scholars engaged in research on Homeric vocabulary.
1 online resource (85 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-80) and index. :
9789004329102 :
0169-8958. Supplementum ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The trouble with Kings : the composition of the book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic history /
This book investigates the composition of the book of Kings and its implications for the Deuteronomistic History ( DH ) of which it is a part. McKenzie analyses Kings on the basis of Noth's model of a single author/editor behind the original DH . He contends that the Deuteronomist ( Dtr ) wrote the series of oracles against the Northern royal houses without utilizing a prior, running prophetic document that some scholars have posited behind Samuel and Kings. He regards many other prophetic stories in Kings, including most of the Elijah and Elisha legends as later additions to the DH , in accord with Noth's recognition that the original DH was frequently supplemented by various writers. McKenzie illustrates Dtr 's compositional techniques in a treatment of the accounts of Hezekiah and Josiah in Kings. He tentatively dates Dtr to Josiah's reign but believes that tensions among the many later additions to the work, including the report from Josiah's death on, suggest that they are not the result of systematic editing (e.g., Dtr 2). The book offers the most up-to-date survey of research on the DH and the most recent detailed analysis of the lengthy variant version of Jeroboam's reign in LXXB at 1 Kings 12:24a-z. It offers a fresh perspective on the original shape of the DH based on recent scholarship and the author's own critical investigation.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (xii, 186 pages) :
Bibliography: pages [153]-164. :
9789004275652 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol II : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /
A detailed comparative analysis of speaker-audience interactions in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts that examines historians' use of speeches as a means of instructing/persuading their readers and highlights Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators.
Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Where Doves Lie: The Significance of Eight Turtle Doves Buried in the Dendara Necropolis /
During recent excavations in the Dendara necropolis, skeletal evidence for at least eight complete turtle doves (Columbidae) was discovered in the burial chamber of a Dynasty 4 tomb. A large number of disarticulated tiny bird bones was found scattered beneath and around a broken Meydum-bowl, buried deep within piles of rubble. Zooarchaeological analysis indicated that at least eight birds had originally been buried. The fact that they were complete and found in a burial chamber in association with a Meydum-bowl suggested they were part of a funerary offering. The depiction of multiple bird species used as funerary offerings in the Old Kingdom tombs at Saqqara and Giza is well documented, indicating that birds were a significant element of the list of funerary offerings. Often the different species of birds were named in the tomb scenes, and frequently pigeons and doves were included. However, very little skeletal evidence exists in the archaeological record to support the theory that pigeons and doves were regularly used as funerary offerings. Therefore, the skeletal remains of eight complete turtle doves in conjunction with a Meydum-bowl found deep within a burial chamber of a provincial tomb adds impetus to the argument that not only they were a very desired component of Old Kingdom funerary offerings in the tombs of the important Saqqara and Giza necropolises, but also in the tombs of provincial officials.
Esotericism and narrative : the occult fiction of Charles Williams /
Esotericism and Narrative: The Occult Fiction of Charles Williams situates the life and fiction of the Inkling Charles Williams in the network of modern occultism, with special focus on his initiatory experiences in A.E. Waite's Fellowship of the Rosy Cross . Aren Roukema evaluates fictional projections of magic, kabbalah, alchemy and ritual experience in Williams's seven novels of supernatural fantasy. From this specific analysis, he develops more broadly applicable approaches to the serious expression of religious experience in fiction. Roukema shows that esoteric knowledge has frequently been blurred into fiction because of its inherent narrativity and adaptability, particularly by authors already attracted to the syncretism, multivalence and lived fantasy of the modern occult experience.
1 online resource (318 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004369115 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pottery and economy in Old Kingdom Egypt /
In Pottery and Economy in Old Kingdom Egypt , Leslie Anne Warden investigates the economic importance of utilitarian ceramics, particularly beer jars and bread moulds, in third millennium BC Egypt. The Egyptian economy at this period is frequently presented as state-centric or state-defined. This study forwards new methodology for a bottom-up approach to Egyptian economy, analyzing economic relationships through careful analysis of variation within the utilitarian wares which formed the basis of much economic exchange in the period. Beer jars and bread moulds, together with their archaeological, textual, and iconographic contexts, thus yield a framework for the economy which is fluid, agent-based, and defined by small scale, face-to-face relationships rather than the state.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol II : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /
Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators. This is volume II of a set of two volumes.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
For out of Babylonia shall come Torah and the word of the Lord from Nehar Peqod : the quest for Babylonian tannaitic traditions /
In For Out of Babylonia Shall Come Torah and the Word of the Lord from Nehar Peqod , Barak S. Cohen reevaluates the evidence in Tannaitic and Amoraic literature of an independent "Babylonian Mishnah" which originated in the proto-talmudic period. The book focuses on an analysis of the most notable halakhic corpora that have been identified by scholars as originating in the Tannaitic period or at the outset of the amoraic. If indeed such an early corpus did exist, what are its characteristics and what, if any, connection does it have with the parallel Palestinian collections? Was this Babylonian Mishnah created in order to harmonize the Palestinian Mishnah with a corpus of rabbinic teachings already existent in Babylonia? Was this corpus one of the main contributors to the forced interpretations and resolutions found so frequently in the Bavli?
1 online resource (viii, 295 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004347021 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rhetorical Adaptation in the Greek Historians, Josephus, and Acts vol.I : Embedded Speeches, Audience Responses, and Authorial Persuasion /
Greco-Roman rhetorical theorists insist that speakers must adapt their speeches to their audiences in order to maximize persuasiveness and minimize alienation. Ancient historians adorn their narratives with accounts of attempts at such rhetorical adaptation, the outcomes of which decisively impact the subsequent course of events. These depictions of speaker-audience interactions, moreover, convey crucial didactic/persuasive insights to the historians' own audiences. This monograph presents a detailed comparative analysis of the intra- and extra-textual functions of speeches and audience responses in Greek historiography, Josephus, and Acts, with special emphasis on Luke's distinctive depiction of the apostles as adaptable yet frequently alienating orators. This is volume I of a set of two volumes.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Théodicée plotinienne, théodicée gnostique /
Plotinus' fiercely polemical treatise Against the Gnostics has proved peculiarly resistant to modern methods of criticism. So much so, that historians of philosophy frequently end up attributing to Plotinus himself the very beliefs which Plotinus attempts to demolish in his criticism of the Gnostics. Denis O'Brien attempts to unravel this paradox by showing that, in earlier treatises of the Enneads , Plotinus puts forward a theory of the generation of matter by soul, which he then takes for granted in his attack on the Gnostics. This leads to a wholly new understanding of Plotinus' 'theodicy' and of the way in which Plotinus himself conceived of his relation to the Gnostics. Denis O'Brien's analysis should highlight tired commonplaces and support the view that a consistent and original philosophy underlies the complexities and obscurities of the text of the Enneads .
1 online resource (117 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004320772 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Verhärtet eure Herzen nicht : der Hebräer, eine Synagogenhomilie zu Tischa be-Aw /
This volume offers the first in-depth analysis of the literary structure of Hebrews against the background of its most frequently mentioned Sitz im Leben, the ancient synagogue. In the context of the liturgical year and its reconstructed cycle of readings, the text is newly interpreted on the basis of Exod 31:18-32:35 and Jer 31:31-34, so as to demonstrate that Hebrews was an ancient homily for the most important fast-day, Tisha be-Av, on which the destruction of the two temples was commemorated. The first part presents 20th- and 21st-century scholarship on Hebrews and a new structural analysis. The second part offers a detailed discussion of the ancient synagogue and its liturgy. This allows the reconstruction of the readings on which the text of Hebrews is based and a positioning within the liturgical year. The resulting thesis, that Hebrews is an exhortative homily for Tisha be-Av, is confirmed through a motivic analysis of all the biblical texts read on this fast-day. On the basis of the hermeneutical key thereby established, the third part offers seven cumulative readings of the entire text: structural, contextual, intertextual, rhetorical, theological, socio-historical, and hermeneutical-critical. These generate new interpretations and insights within the horizon of current Hebrews scholarship. The present monograph is the first to connect research on the ancient synagogue and its liturgy with a comprehensive interpretation of Hebrews that also discusses alternative form-critical avenues and establishes intertextual connections, especially to relevant rabbinic texts. The examination is directed not only to those with a specific interest in Hebrews, but also to scholars and students of the New Testament, Theology, Jewish Studies, and Religious Studies. ***** Der vorliegende Band bietet erstmals eine fundierte Analyse der literarischen Struktur des Hebräers vor dem Hintergrund seines meistgenannten Sitzes im Leben, der antiken Synagoge. Im Kontext des liturgischen Jahres sowie des rekonstruierten Lesezyklus' wird die Schrift neu auf der Basis der Lesungen aus Ex 31,18-32,35 und Jer 31,31-34 als antike Homilie zum wichtigsten Fasttag von Tischa be-Aw, an dem der Zerstörung der beiden Tempel gedacht wurde, erschlossen. Die Untersuchung stellt im ersten Teil die Hebräerforschung des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts sowie eine neue Strukturanalyse vor. Der zweite Teil fügt eine profunde Untersuchung der antiken Synagoge sowie der antiken Synagogenhomilie im liturgischen Kontext hinzu. Diese erlaubt die Rekonstruktion der dem Hebräertext zugrunde liegenden Lesungen und eine Positionierung innerhalb des liturgischen Jahres. Die resultierende These, dass der Hebräer eine mahnende Homilie zu Tischa be-Aw sei, wird im Rahmen einer Motivanalyse sämtlicher zu diesem Fasttag gelesenen biblischen Texte bekräftigt. Im dritten Teil wird der gesamte Text auf der Basis des etablierten hermeneutischen Schlüssels sieben kumulativen Lesungen unterzogen, einer strukturellen, kontextuellen, intertextuellen, rhetorischen, theologischen, sozio-historischen sowie einer hermeneutisch-kritischen. Diese generieren vor dem Horizont der aktuellen Hebräerforschung neue Interpretationsmöglichkeiten und Einsichten. Die vorliegende Monographie verbindet zum ersten Mal Forschungen zur antiken Synagoge und ihrer Liturgie mit einer kohärenten Interpretation des Hebräertextes, die auch alternative formkritische Ansätze thematisiert sowie intertextuelle Bezüge insbesondere zu relevanten rabbinischen Texten benennt. Die Ausführungen richten sich somit nicht nur an solche mit einem spezifischen Interesse am Hebräer, sondern auch an ForscherInnen und StudentInnen des Neuen Testaments, der Theologie, der Judaistik sowie der Religionswissenschaften.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [393]-410) and indexes. :
9789047411079 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women and knowledge in early Christianity /
Women and knowledge are interconnected in several ways in late ancient and early Christian discourses, not least because wisdom (Sophia) and spiritual knowledge (Gnosis) were frequently personified as female entities. Ancient texts deal with idealized women and use feminine imagery to describe the divine but they also debate women's access to and capacity of gaining knowledge. Combining rhetorical analysis with social historical approaches, the contributions in this book cover a wide array of source materials, drawing special attention to the so-called Gnostic texts. The fourteen essays, written by prominent experts of ancient Christianity, are dedicated to Professor Antti Marjanen (University of Helsinki).
1 online resource (x, 379 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004344938 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia and G.B. Vico /
In September of 1701, events transpired in Naples that, through frequent retellings, became popularly known as "the conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia." Rapidly gaining fame, this apparently anonymous narrative was soon incorporated by different historians in their history of the transition years between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. But who was the initial bard or narrator, the town clerk or citizen who first gave testimony of this event by creating a Latin text of the story of the Prince of Macchia? Giambattista Vico was not among the claimants to the authorship of the fabulous story that changed the future of the Kingdom of Naples. Nevertheless, four scholars across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were themselves convinced, and managed to convince the intellectual world as well, that Vico, then a young teacher of rhetoric at the University of Naples, was indeed the source of this original Latin narration of this oft retold Neapolitan history. This book provides the original Latin text with a parallel translation, as well as historical context and analysis of both the text's authorship history and the account itself.
Includes a history and critical analysis of Giambattista Vico's text and role as author. :
1 online resource (xvi, 325 pages) : portraits. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-310) and index. :
9789401209120 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.