Early Christians Adapting to the Roman Empire : Mutual Recognition /
In Early Christians Adapting to the Roman Empire: Mutual Recognition Niko Huttunen challenges the interpretation of early Christian texts as anti-imperial documents. He presents examples of the positive relationship between early Christians and the Roman society. With the concept of "recognition" Huttunen describes a situation in which the parties can come to terms with each other without full agreement. Huttunen provides examples of non-Christian philosophers recognizing early Christians. He claims that recognition was a response to Christians who presented themselves as philosophers. Huttunen reads Romans 13 as a part of the ancient tradition of the law of the stronger. His pioneering study on early Christian soldiers uncovers the practical dimension of recognizing the empire.
1 online resource. :
The Berlin-Baghdad express : the Ottoman Empire and Germany's bid for world power /
The modern Middle East was forged in the crucible of the First World War, but few know the full story of how war actually came to the region. As Sean McMeekin reveals in this startling reinterpretation of the war, it was neither the British nor the French but rather a small clique of Germans and Turks who thrust the Islamic world into the conflict for their own political, economic, and military ends. The Berlin-Baghdad Express tells the fascinating story of how Germany exploited Ottoman pan-Islamism in order to destroy the British Empire, then the largest Islamic power in the world. Meanwhile the Young Turks harnessed themselves to German military might to avenge Turkey's hereditary enemy, Russia. Told from the perspective of the key decision-makers on the Turco-German side, many of the most consequential events of World War I -- Turkey's entry into the war, Gallipoli, the Armenian massacres, the Arab revolt, and the Russian Revolution -- are illuminated as never before. Drawing on a wealth of new sources, McMeekin forces us to re-examine Western interference in the Middle East and its lamentable results. It is an epic tragicomedy of unintended consequences, as Turkish nationalists give Russia the war it desperately wants, jihad begets an Islamic insurrection in Mecca, German sabotage plots upend the Tsar delivering Turkey from Russia's yoke, and German Zionism midwifes the Balfour Declaration. All along, the story is interwoven with the drama surrounding German efforts to complete the Berlin to Baghdad railway, the weapon designed to win the war and assure German hegemony over the Middle East. - Publisher.
"First published in the United Kingdom by Penguin Books Ltd. 2010"--T.p. verso.
Digital copy is on the Internet Archive website. :
xv, 460 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., maps ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 413-[426]) and index. :
9780674057395 (cloth : alk. paper)
The sons of Bayezid : empire building and representation in the Ottoman civil war of 1402-1413 /
The civil war of 1402-1413 is one of the most complicated and fascinating periods in Ottoman history. It is often called the interregnum because of its political instability, but that term does not do justice to the fact that the civil war was a chapter of Ottoman history in its own right. This book is the first full-length study of that chapter, which began with Timur's dismemberment of the early Ottoman Empire following his defeat of Bayezid "the Thunderbolt" at Ankara (1402). After Timur's departure, what was left of the Ottoman realm was contested by Bayezid's sons in a series of bloody wars involving many internal factions and foreign powers. As part of those wars some of the earliest Ottoman historical literature was produced in the courts of the warring princes, especially Mehmed Çelebi, who was the final winner and needed to justify killing his brothers. This book is a detailed reconstruction of events based on the available sources, as well as a study of the period's political culture as reflected in its historical narratives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-243) and index. :
9789047422471 :
1380-6076 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Popular medicine in Graeco-Roman antiquity : explorations /
The history of healthcare in the classical world suffers from notable neglect in one crucial area. While scholars have intensively studied both the rationalistic medicine that is conveyed in the canonical texts and also the 'temple medicine' of Asclepius and other gods, they have largely neglected to study popular medicine in a systematic fashion. This volume, which for the most part is the fruit of a conference held at Columbia University in 2014, aims to help correct this imbalance. Using the full range of available evidence - archaeological, epigraphical and papyrological, as well as the literary texts - the international cast of contributors hopes to show what real people in Antiquity actually did when they tried to avert illness or cure it.
Based on a conference held at Columbia University, New York, April 18-19, 2014. :
1 online resource (xv, 319 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004326040 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die Römische Armee auf dem Oceanus : a Zur römischen Seekriegsgeschichte in Nordwesteuropa /
Während sich Rom schon in der späten Republik zur wichtigsten Seemacht des Mittelmeers entwickelte, läßt sich erstmals im frühen Prinzipat in den Gewässern Nordwesteuropas beobachten, daß Rom das gesamte Spektrum der Operationen zur See beherrschte und Operationen unternahm, an denen hunderte von Schiffen und tausende von Männern beteiligt sein konnten. Trotz ihrer Bedeutung ist die Geschichte dieser Operationen bislang nicht systematisch aufgearbeitet worden. Die römische Armee auf dem Oceanus bietet daher zum ersten Mal einen Überblick über die Geschichte römischer Operationen zur See in Nordwesteuropa sowie eine eingehende Analyse von zwei wichtigen Operationstypen - Transportoperationen und amphibischen Angriffsunternehmungen. Rome became the Mediterranean's premier sea power already during the late Republic, but it only established a permanent naval presence in North-Western Europe during the early Principate. In that period it mastered the full spectrum of naval warfare, undertaking large-scale naval operations that involved hundreds of ships and thousands of men. Despite the impact of these operations, their history has never been systematically investigated. Die römische Armee auf dem Oceanus offers for the first time an operational history of Roman naval forces in North-Western Europe and provides an in-depth analysis of two important large-scale naval operation types - transport operations and amphibious assaults.
1 online resource :
Herodian's World : Empire and Emperors in the III Century /
The History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus of Herodian in eight books, written in Greek, is a key source for the period from the reign of Commodus (AD 180) to that of Gordian III (238). Herodian is an eyewitness and the only contemporary historian whose work has come down to us in full. His point of view is all the more valuable because he is an outsider with respect to both court historiography, whose flattery he stigmatized, and to senatorial historians, represented mainly by Cassius Dio and by the biographies in the Historia Augusta . Nonetheless, Herodian has often been harshly criticized as a historian. This volume aims to shed light on the different areas and themes in which his historical work moves - literary technique, political lexicon, religious conception, geographical space, economic, political, cultural and military themes - to better understand the relevance of his historiographical approach and his historical thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ancient stepmothers : myth, misogyny, and reality /
Ancient Stepmothers is the first full-length study of the stepmother in Graeco-Roman antiquity. Several perspectives are covered: literary, historical and sociological, the last-mentioned making use of comparative material from modern studies of stepfamilies. The portrayal of the stepmother in myth and literature is thoroughly explored. The historical background in Athens and Rome is examined with a view to determining the relationship between fiction and real life. The book makes an important contribution to the study of both literary history and family relationships: in particular, it sheds light on attitudes to women, the portrayal of the stepmother being an outstanding illustration of misogynistic prejudice. It will also interest sociologists wishing to place studies of the contemporary stepfamily in a wider historical context: for this reason, all Greek and Latin is translated into English.
1 online resource (xii, 288 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 272-277) and indexes. :
9789004329485 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Islamic scholarly tradition studies in history, law, and thought in honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook /
The volume contains highly original articles on Islamic history, law, and thought, each either proposing new hypotheses or readjusting existing ones. The contributions range from studies in the formulation of the pre-Islamic Arabian calendar to notes on the \'blood-money group\' in Islamic law, and to transformations in Arabic logic in the post-Avicennan period. Prepared by former students of Michael A. Cook, to whom this volume is dedicated, these studies not only shed new light on the development of the Islamic scholarly tradition from various perspectives, but together they also represent the honoree's vast, profound, and continuing impact on the field. This collection of highly empirical articles is intended for scholars and students specializing in various subfields within Islamic Studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The performing arts in medieval Islam : shadow play and popular poetry in Ibn Daniyal's Mamluk Cairo /
This is a study of the life and work of Ibn Dāniyāl (d. 1310), a Cairo-based eye doctor, poet, playwright, court jester, and arguably one of the most controversial cultural figures of his time. Drawing on medieval Arabic sources, many still in manuscript and some used for the first time, the author further contextualizes Ibn Dāniyāl's work with respect to poetry production and popular culture in the Islamic Near East in the post-Mongol period. The book also presents the first full English translation of "The Phantom," one of Ibn Dāniyāl's three shadow plays, the only surviving pre-Ottoman Arabic theatrical texts.
1 online resource (xiii, 240 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-233) and index. :
9789004218802 :
0929-2403 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hippocrates and medical education : selected papers read at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005 /
The collection of writings known as the Corpus Hippocraticum played a decisive role in medical education for more than twenty-four centuries. This is the first full-length volume on medical education in Graeco-Roman antiquity since Kudlien's seminal article of 1970. Most of the articles in this volume were originally presented as papers at the XIIth International Colloquium Hippocraticum in Leiden in 2005.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047425953 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Qatar 1975/76-2019 /
The fourth in this series, the Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World (CAIW), this title draws on the resources of Cambridge-based World of Information, which since 1975 has followed the politics and economics of the region. Qatar's documented history begins in the mid-19th Century. Its location established it as having close, if differing links to Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Notionally under Ottoman rule, Qatar did not become a de facto protectorate of Great Britain until some time after the end of the Ottoman empire. The discovery of oil in Qatar happened later than was the case with its neighbours. However, the discovery of substantial oil deposits, and later of enormous gas reserves changed Qatar beyond recognition, allowing it to claim in the 1980s that its inhabitants were the richest people on earth. Still a semi-feudal monarchy, it gained full independence in 1971 but was initially considered to be the least developed state in the Gulf. By the 21st century many close neighbours felt that in a number of respects Qatar was becoming an unreliable partner. To the extent that in 2017 a number of its fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, as well as other states - notably Egypt - broke off diplomatic relations.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A commentary on Quintus of Smyrna Posthomerica V /
The Posthomerica of Quintus of Smyrna is the only surviving Greek epic that gives a full narrative of the Trojan War between the Iliad and the Odyssey. Book V covers the contest between Ajax and Odysseus over the armour of Achilles, leading to Ajax' madness, suicide and funeral. The book gives balanced treatment to matters of text, language, literary qualities and sources. An introduction discusses the poem's main features. The commentary is punctuated by introductions to sections. There are indexes of subjects, ancient and mediaeval literature and Greek words. The work's major areas of interest are: influence of the Homeric epics, Quintus' use of later sources, the Trojan War in Greek and Latin literature, and Greek cultural history under the Roman Empire. This is the first full-length commentary on the book.
1 online resource (x, 172 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-160) and indexes. :
9789004351110 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.