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منشور في 2012
Brill's companion to Greek and Latin epyllion and its reception /

: In classical scholarship of the past two centuries, the term "epyllion" was used to label short hexametric texts mainly ascribable to the Hellenistic period (Greek) or the Neoterics (Latin). Apart from their brevity, characteristics such as a predilection for episodic narration or female characters were regarded as typically "epyllic" features. However, in Antiquity itself, the texts we call "epyllia" were not considered a coherent genre, which seems to be an innovation of the late 18th century. The contributions in this book not only re-examine some important (and some lesser known) Greek and Latin primary texts, but also critically reconsider the theoretical discourses attached to it, and also sketch their literary and scholarly reception in the Byzantine and Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern Age.
: 1 online resource (xxvi, 640 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 563-596) and indexes. : 9789004233058 : 1872-3357 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1996
Josephus' Contra Apionem : studies in its character and context with a Latin concordance to the portion missing in Greek /

: This volume offers a state-of-the-art collection of papers on one of the most significant works of Flavius Josephus, by many of the leading scholars in current Josephus research. The collection, which includes a concordance by H. Schreckenberg of the Latin section Contra Apionem 2.52-113, forms a standard, indispensable resource for the study of Josephus' writings, of apologetic literature in general, and particularly for the study of Contra Apionem , one of the most significant apologetic treatises in Antiquity.
: 1 online resource (x, 517 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004332881 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2001
The orator in action and theory in Greece and Rome /

: This volume is a collection of essays, written by authorities in the field, on many aspects of ancient rhetoric. These essays deal both with the theory of rhetoric and the practice of oratory and are quite diverse both in tone and audience envisioned. Some of them deal with very basic questions such as how good an orator should appear to be; others deal with very technical matters such as theoretical considerations of issue theory or \'figured speeches\'. Some are focussed on the actual practice of oratory in speeches such as those of Cicero and Caesar; others deal with manifestations of oratory in historical works such as the Histories of Herodotus or reflections on the nature of oratory in works like the Dialogus of Tacitus. One considers parallel developments in rhetorical and artistic treatments of the legend of Busiris.
: Chiefly papers presented at a conference held Oct. 1998, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in honor of George Kennedy. : 1 online resource (xvii, 172 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004350984 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1988
Stratagem and the vocabulary of military trickery /

: Spine title: The vocabulary of military trickery.
Includes indexes. : 1 online resource (xv, 124 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-116). : 9789004329041 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1987
The twelve gods of Greece and Rome /

: Based on the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Case Western University, 1980, originally presented under the title: The twelve gods in Greek and Roman art. : 1 online resource (xxii, 372 pages, [1], 101, [2] pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004296657 : 0531-1950 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1995
Theatrum Arbitri : theatrical elements in the Satyrica of Petronius /

: Theatrum Arbitri is a literary study dealing with the possible influence of Roman comic drama (comedies of Plautus and Terence, theatre of the Greek and Roman mimes, and fabula Atellana ) on the surviving fragments of Petronius' Satyrica . The theatrical assessment of this novel is carried out at the levels of plot-construction, characterization, language, and reading of the text as if it were the narrative equivalent of a farcical staged piece with the theatrical structure of a play produced before an audience. The analysis follows the order of each of the scenes in the novel. The reader will also find a brief general commentary on the less discussed scenes of the Satyrica , and a comprehensive account of the theatre of the mimes and its main features.
: Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Glasgow, 1993). : 1 online resource (xxv, 225 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-207) and indexes. : 9789004329515 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2015
Museum archetypes and collecting in the ancient world /

: Museum Archetypes and Collecting in the Ancient World offers a broad, yet detailed analysis of the phenomenon of collecting in the ancient world through a museological lens. In the last two decades this has provided a basis for exciting interdisciplinary explorations by archaeologists, art historians, and historians of the history of collecting. This compendium of essays by different specialists is the first general overview of the reasons why ancient civilizations from Archaic Greece to the Late Classical/Early Christian period amassed objects and displayed them together in public, private and imaginary contexts. It addresses the ranges of significance these proto-museological conditions gave to the objects both in sacred and secular settings.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 222 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-192) and index. : 9789004283480 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2002
Poetry for patrons : literary communication in the age of Domitian /

: A study of the phenomenon of literary patronage, both non-imperial and imperial, during the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (81-96 A.D.). This work centres on the Epigrams of Martial and the Silvae of Statius. The book deals not only with the relationships between poets and patrons, but also with the audiences and the functions of patron-oriented poetry. It includes discussions of such topics as \'patronage\' versus \'friendship\', the poetic \'I\', the role of poetry at symposia and festivals, dedication and publication, the influence of rhetoric on poetry, and the poetic representation of imperial power. The book should prove of interest not only to specialists in Roman poetry, but also to ancient historians and to students of literary patronage in other cultures. All Latin and Greek is translated.
: Enlargement of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Leiden, 1995. : 1 online resource (xiv, 493 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 445-469) and index. : 9789004351141 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1976
The Jewish people in the first century : historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions. Vol. two /

: Series: Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Section 1 - The Jewish people in the first century Historial geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions Edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern in cooperation with D. Flusser and W.C. van Unnik Section 2 - The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud Section 3 - Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (ix, 561-1283 pages) : illustrations, map. : 9789004275096 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2004
Poetic memory : allusion in the poetry of Callimachus and the Metamorphoses of Ovid /

: This book explores Callimachus' allusive practice in his Aetia prologue and Hymns 4, 5, and 6, and in Ovid's Metamorphoses . The study includes an overview of modern approaches to poetic allusion, a close (re-)examination of the lexical allusions in the Aetia's and Metamorphoses' prologues, extensive examinations of allusive techniques within selections of these works, the poets' use of \'signposting\' and \'authorization\' techniques, and the relationship between allusion and genre.
: 1 online resource (viii, 218 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-206) and indexes. : 9789047406624 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1993
Early Christian poetry : a collection of essays /

: This collection of essays deals with the rise and development of early Christian poetry, discussing its techniques and its theoretical foundation. The individual papers concern specimina of Hebrew, Syriac, Greek and Latin poetry and study the various and partly conflicting traditions from which it originated. The biblical examples, e.g. of the Psalms, held great authority, but on the other hand it was impossible to break away from the models of classical Greco-Roman poetry, although these were deemed dangerous because of the pagan content and excessive cult of literary art. The book shows how the problems involved were solved in different ways, which justified the use of pagan literary accomplishments for singing the praises of the Lord.
: 1 online resource (xi, 318 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312890 : 0902-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2009
Brill's companion to Hesiod /

: This is the first full-scale companion on Hesiod to appear in English. The twelve contributions included in this volume cover a wide range of aspects of Hesiodic poetry, such as the relation between Hesiod and the literary traditions of the Near East and the entire span of works comprising the Hesiodic corpus, from the Theogony and the Works and Days to the Melampodia and the Aigimios. They also explore the language, style, poetics, and narrative art of Hesiod, as well as his influence on Hellenistic and Roman poetry, but also his reception by the ancient biographical traditions and scholia. The aim of this volume is to supply all those interested in Greek poetry with an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of scholarly approaches to Hesiod and various other works which have come down to us under his name.
: 1 online resource (ix, 430 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 375-408) and index. : 9789047440758 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1993
L'apologie de Jérôme contre Rufin : un commentaire /

: In the three books of his Contra Rufinum , a work dating back to his mature period (401-402), Jerome (ca 347-420) fought against his erstwhile friend turned rival, Rufinus: the two Latin monks, one settled in Bethlehem, the other in Jerusalem, had come to confront each other on such issues as the timeliness and ways (translation, commentary...) of transmitting an Oriental heritage to the West, Greek (in particular the works of Origen [ca. 185-ca. 253], whose Peri Archôn they both translated in competition) as well as Jewish (the biblical hebraica veritas which Jerome championed). They were also at variance on the appreciation of profane culture (the Latin classics). Jerome's Contra Rufinum is a masterpiece by a brilliant polemist and an important document as to a knowledge of the actors and the vicissitudes of a controversy which mobilised many Christians, Eastern and Western alike, on the eve of the sacking of Rome by the Barbarians. This commentary seeks to analyse the treatise in all its facets (historical and theological, philological and rhetorical), and to elucidate its connections with the different traditions (classical, biblical, patristic) to which it belongs. The Contra Rufinum thus turns out to be a remarkable vantage point from which to illuminate the entire corpus of an author whose work, spread over nearly half a century, was immensely influential during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
: 1 online resource (xxxii, 564 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312814 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.