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Published 1999
Handbook of Ugaritic studies /

: Over the past seven decades, the scores of publications on Ugarit in Northern Syria (15th to 11th centuries BCE) are so scattered that a good overall view of the subject is virtually impossible. Wilfred Watson and Nicolas Wyatt, the editors of the present Handbook in the series Handbook of Oriental Studies, have brought together and made accessible this accumulated knowledge on the archives from Ugarit, called 'the foremost literary discovery of the twentieth century' by Cyrus Gordon. In 16 chapters a careful selection of specialists in the field deal with all important aspects of Ugarit, such as the discovery and decipherment of a previously unknown script (alphabetic cuneiform) used to write both the local language (Ugaritic) and Hurrian and its grammar, vocabulary and style; documents in other languages (including Akkadian and Hittite), as well as the literature and letters, culture, economy, social life, religion, history and iconography of the ancient kingdom of Ugarit. A chapter on computer analysis of these documents concludes the work. This first such wide-ranging survey, which includes recent scholarship, an extensive up-to-date bibliography, illustrations and maps, will be of particular use to those studying the history, religion, cultures and languages of the ancient Near East, and also of the Bible and to all those interested in the background to Greek and Phoenician cultures.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 892 (3) pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 755-823) and index. : 9789004294103 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1997
The kingdom of Kush : handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic civilization /

: The individual character of Kingdom of Kush has often been overshadowed by the overwhelming cultural presence of its neighbour Egypt. This handbook in our series \'Handbuch der Orientalistik/Handbook of Oriental Studies\' for the first time presents a comprehensive survey of the rich textual, archaeological and art historical evidence for this Middle Nile Region Kingdom of Kush . Basing itself both on the evidence and scholarly literature, this work discusses the emergence of the native state of Kush (after the Pharaonic domination in the 11th century B.C.), the rule of the Kings of Kush in Egypt (c. 760-656) and the intellectual foundations and political history of the Kingdom in the Napatan (7th - Third centuries) and Meroitic (3rd century B.C. - 4th century A.D.) periods.
: 1 online resource (xv, 589 pages) : maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 533-559) and index. : 9789004294011 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Handbuch der altägyptischen medizin /

: Some 25 years ago the famous nine-volume Grundrisz der Medizin der alten Ägypter by Hildegard von Deines e.a. (editions.) saw the light. One of the editors was Professor Dr. Wolfhart Westendorf, the author of the new Handbuch der altägyptischen Medizin now published in Brill's series Handbook of Oriental Studies. At last the present handbook offers the readership an abridged and revised edition of the old Grundrisz . It deals with Ancient Egyptian Medicine from the second millennium up to the Roman period. In selecting the material for this volume the author based himself not only on the extant papyrus texts (both hieratic and demotic), but also on relevant passages from Egyptian literature like magical texts and ostraka and on archaeological evidence (mummies, represenations of patients). After an Introduction (science, religion, magic), there are chapters on sources, formal organisation of the underlying texts, patients and diseases, the physician (profession, social status, title, methods of treatment, dealing with drugs, using magic power, et cetera) on the end of Egyptian medicine in Coptic and Greek medicine, and the Ebers and Smith Papyri (with translations). The work concludes with extensive indices (places, themes, et cetera)
: 1 online resource (2 volumes (xviii, 853 pages)) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004294073 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2023
The Fatimids : Select Papers on Their Governing Institutions, Social and Cultural Organization, Religious Appeal, and Rivalries /

: The chapters of this volume contain a series of detailed studies of various aspects of Fatimid rule in the regions of its Mediterranean and Near Eastern empire, 909 to 1171 AD, including separately the role of the imam-caliph, wazīr , chief qāḍī and dāʿī , and other political and public offices of this Shīʿī caliphate. Geographically it covers North Africa, Sicily, the Levant, Hijaz, Cairo and Egypt in the medieval period, with special attention to books, science and libraries, court society, festivals, intellectual traditions and Ismaili doctrines, its religious appeal, military, enemies and rivals, among them the Abbasids, Umayyads, and Ibadis.
: 1 online resource (500 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004548626

Published 1998
Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995, zusammengestellt unter Einschluss der einschlägigen Rezensionen /

: The people of the Hittites (ca. 1700-1200 B.C.) have been the object of serious study for more than eighty years now. Consequently our knowledge of these Indo-European Anatolians has grown at an enourmous pace. One may therefore rigthly conclude that the flow of scholarly literature in monographs, journal articles, Festschriften et cetera has reached a point where hardly any scholar can claim an overview anymore. This systematic bibliography of Hittitology covers the scholarly production from 1915-1995. The authors have aimed at exhaustiveness for Hittitologists. As Hittitology can not be isolated from the studies of adjacent contemporary (Anatolian) peoples, also relevant important contributions on for example the Chatti, Churrites, Luwians and other cultures have been taken into account. The work is divided into nine chapters: 1. General (Reference Works, Festschrifte, Congresses, et cetera); 2. Archaeology, Anthropology, Collections; 3. Script, Epigraphy; 4. Language and Philology, Ethnic Groups; 5. Geography; 6. Social Relations; 7. History; 8. Religion; 9. Cultural History. With geographical index and an index of authors and reviewers. 'A reliable bibliography is one of the basic elements for every serious library.' The Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995 was compiled by Vladimír Sou_ek and Jana Siegelová, and originally published with cooperation of the Prague Narodni Museum. The work is distributed exclusively by Brill and has been incorporated in the series Handbook of Oriental Studies 1.
: 1 online resource (3 volumes (344, 330, 448 pages)) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004305038 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2025
Philosophy in the Islamic World : Volume 4/1: 19th-20th Centuries: The Arabic-Speaking Region /

: Philosophy in the Islamic World is a comprehensive and unprecedented four-volume reference work devoted to the history of philosophy in the realms of Islam, from its beginnings in the eighth century AD down to modern times. The focus of this fourth installment of the series, divided into two volumes, is the 19th and 20th centuries and geographically on the Arab countries, the Ottoman-Turkish region, Iran, and Muslim South Asia. During this time philosophy was pursued at Islamic institutions and increasingly in Western-style universities, but philosophy also had an impact beyond academia. In each chapter, an international expert on philosophy in this period explores the teachings of individual philosophers, philosophical movements (philosophy of religion, logical empiricism, deconstructionism, etc.), and schools (for instance the continuation of Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophy of being). Debates over cultural authenticity, political rule, gender, and other major issues are also presented. This is the English version of the relevant volume of the Ueberweg, the most authoritative German reference work on the history of philosophy, which updates the German version ( Philosophie in der Islamischen Welt Band 4/1: 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Arabischer Sprachraum , Basel: Schwabe, 2021) by providing references to the latest scholarly literature. Contributors Katajun Amirpur, Sadik Jalal al-Azm, Serpil Çakır, Frank Darwiche, Bettina Dennerlein, Sarhan Dhouib, Zeynep Direk, Michael Frey, Urs Gösken, Ursula Günther, Reza Hajatpour, Jan-Peter Hartung, Christoph Herzog, Elisabeth Susanne Kassab, Mohamed Aziz Lahbabi, Kata Moser, Sait Özervarlı, Nils Riecken, Sajjad Rizvi, Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino, Roman Seidel and Harald Viersen. See Less
: 1 online resource (700 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710498

Published 2020
Portrait of an Eighth-Century Gentleman : Khālid ibn Ṣafwān in History and Literature /

: Portrait of an Eighth-Century Gentleman. Khālid ibn Ṣafwān in History and Literature by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila is an in-depth study of the eighth-century Umayyad and early Abbasid orator and courtier Khālid ibn Ṣafwān and the development of his character in adab literature. The book collects and translates all his sayings and stories about him culled from a wide range of Arabic and Persian texts. In the book, Hämeen-Anttila studies the mechanisms of change in early narratives, showing how Arabic anecdotes developed and were modified by a series of authors during both their oral and literary transmission, changing a historical person into a literary character. Detailed chapters discuss Khālid in his various roles and analyse the literary techniques of the stories.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004433977