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The place of the law in the religion of ancient Israel /
Over a hundred years ago, Wellhausen's revolutionary aim in his \'Prolegomena\' was to prove that the Priestly legal sections of the Pentateuch reflect postexilic Judaism and must be considered a deviation from the prophetic religion which preceded it. The present study points out the biased assumptions underlying Wellhausen's theory and the fallacies in this thesis. A strong case is made for the antiquity of the Priestly Code and its antedating the Book of Deuteronomy in light of many parallels between the Priestly Law and ritual texts from the Ancient Near East, and an examination of the mythic outlook in P which distinguishes it from both Deuteronomy and Second Isaiah.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [125]-137) and indexes. :
9789047402954 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The other lands of Israel : imaginations of the land in 2 Baruch /
According to the current scholarly consensus, the apocalypse of 2 Baruch, written after the Fall of Jerusalem, either rejected the concept of the Land of Israel as a place of salvation or regarded it as of minor importance. Inspired by the perspective of Critical Spatial Theory, this book discusses the presuppositions behind this consensus with regard to the spatial epistemology it assumes, and explores the conception of the Land as a broad redemptive category. The result is a fresh portrait of the vitality of the Land-theme in the first centuries of the common era and a new perspective on the spatial imagination of 2 Baruch.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [319]-340) and index. :
9789047442981 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Praise Israel for wisdom and instruction : essays on Ben Sira and wisdom, the Letter of Aristeas and the Septuagint /
This book brings together fifteen articles representing the major thrusts of Prof. Wright's work over the last decade. They focus on three interrelated themes in the study of Early Judaism. (1) Translation. Several essays treat Jewish translation strategies as well as some of the social frameworks within which translation took place. (2) Social Location. The effort to locate texts in their social landscapes has helped to break down many traditional scholarly categories. Especially pertinent are the ways that wisdom and apocalyptic relate to each other, and he explores how specific wisdom and apocalyptic texts relate. (3) Transmission of Tradition. Several articles focus on how traditional material was shaped and framed in order to ensure its successful transmission to subsequent generations.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047443636 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Caucasian archaeology of the Holy Land : Armenian, Georgian and Albanian communities between the fourth and eleventh centuries CE /
The Caucasian Archaeology of the Holy Land investigates the complete corpus of available literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidence of the Armenian, Georgian and Caucasian Albanian Christian communities' activity in the Holy Land during the Byzantine and the Early Islamic periods. This book presents the first integrated approach to a wide variety of literary sources and archaeological evidence, previously unpublished or revised. The study explores the place of each of these Caucasian communities in ancient Palestine through a synthesis of literary and material evidence and seeks to understand the interrelations between them and the influence they had on the national churches of the Caucasus.
1 online resource (xxiv, 307 pages) : illustrations, maps (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004365551 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Suyanggae and her neighbours in Haifa, Israel : proceedings of the 20th (1) congress June 21-28, 2015 /
The 20th symposium took place across two meetings, the first in Haifa, Israel and the second in Danyang, Republic of Korea. This proceedings volume gathers papers, abstracts and posters from the meeting in Haifa, which took place from 21-28 June 2015.
Previously issued in print: 2017.
Includes index. :
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784915391 (ebook) :
Suyanggae and her neighbours in Haifa, Israel : proceedings of the 20th (1) congress June 21-28, 2015 /
The 20th symposium took place across two meetings, the first in Haifa, Israel and the second in Danyang, Republic of Korea. This proceedings volume gathers papers, abstracts and posters from the meeting in Haifa, which took place from 21-28 June 2015.
Previously issued in print: 2017.
Includes index. :
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784915391 (ebook) :
Atlas of the Arabic dialects of Galilee (Israel) : with some data for adjacent areas /
: "This atlas is based on large-scale fieldwork conducted in Galilee in the mid-nineties of last century. Galilee is the area with the highest percentage of arabophones in Israel and displays a rather complex dialectal situation. The reshuffling of large parts of the population after 1948 led to a considerable degree of dialectal diversity in many places. Moreover, many points of investigation show, besides the notorious Bedouin-sedentary dichotomy, a significant sociolinguistic variation with respect to age, sex, and denomination.The atlas contains seventy-three phonetic and phonologial maps, in addition to eighty morphological and thirty-eight lexical maps.Ten maps deal with the classification of the dialects.The atlas is of interest to semitists, dialectologists and variationists"--Provided by publisher. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004411395
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation /
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation brings together the papers that were read at an international conference at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in May 2018. The contributions to this volume develop a multi-disciplinary perspective on holy places and their development, rhetorical force, and oft-contested nature. Through a particular focus on Jerusalem, this volume demonstrates the variety in the study of holy places, as well as the flexibility of geographic and historical aspects of holiness.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Prophet und König im Nordreich Israel : Studien zur sogenannten vorklassischen Prophetie im...
The present book deals with the so-called "pre-classical" prophecy in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. It becomes evident that the introduction of kingship in the early period of prophecy marks the beginning of a consideration of social situations. The prophet is placed over the king and stylized as the actual saviour figure. This development is examined along with the extensive prophetic traditions of Samuel, Elijah and Elisha. The texts are first analyzed from a diachronic standpoint to determine pre-deuteronomistic text components. These texts are then linked to their historical context and examined with respect to their medium and historicity. This book throws new light on the social and socio-structural importance of prophecy in this early period.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [485]-510) and index. :
9789004276239 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in the archaeology and history of Caesarea Maritima : caput judaeae, metropolis palaestinae /
Caesarea Maritima, the capital of the Roman province of Judaea / Palaestina, was founded in 10/9 BCE by Herod the Great to serve as an administrative and economic center. It was named after his Roman patron Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor. The book, well illustrated, presents the results of the large scale excavations at the site during the 1990's and early 2000's in their wider historical and cultural context: the architectural evolution and transformation of the thriving city from its foundation to its decline caused by the Arab conquest (640/41 CE), its conversion to a Roman colony in 71 CE, aspects of provincial administration, commerce and economy, entertainment and religious life of its communities - Jews, Pagans, Christians and Samaritans.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047428565 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Recognition as key for reconciliation : Israel, Palestine, and beyond /
In these times of growing insecurity, widening inequities and deepening crisis for civilized governance, Recognition as Key for Reconciliation offers meaningful and provocative thoughts on how to advance towards a more just and peaceful future. From the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict we learn of "thin" and "thick" recipes for solutions. Beyond the Middle East region we learn from studies around the globe: South Africa, Northern Ireland and Armenia show the challenges to genuine recognition of our very human connection to each other, and that this recognition is essential for any sustainable positive security for all of us. Contributors are Deina Abdelkader, Gregory Aftandilian, Dale Eickelman, Amal Jamal, Maya Kahanoff, Herbert Kelman, Yoram Meital, Victoria Montgomery, Paula M. Rayman, Albie Sachs and Nira Yuval-Davis.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004355804 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : Die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten /
Die Untersuchung zeichnet die Entstehung des Levitismus nach. Dieser kommt erst in der spätvorexilischen Zeit als judäische Innovation des Stammeskonzeptes auf. Überlieferungen über den Jakobsohn Levi werden nach 722 in Juda zur Formung einer Gruppenidentität der Beamten und literalen Eliten genutzt. Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israel werden Protagonisten dieser Gruppierung, weswegen man auch das Priestertum am Zentralheiligtum als Teil der Beamtenschaft integrierte, sodass u.a. im Deuteronomium von levitischen Priestern gesprochen wird. In der nachexilischen Zeit wurden eine Reihe von Berufen und Gruppen unter der Bezeichnung "Leviten" als eine Art Tempelbeamtentum der Priesterschaft unterstellt. Dabei wurde eine Professionalisierung des Kultbetriebes und eine radikale Trennung von kultischen und nichtkultischen Bereichen und Tätigkeiten vollzogen. Darin agierten die Leviten für das Volk und repräsentierten es in den nichtkultischen Bereichen des Tempels. The study tracks the origins of the Biblical Levitism. It only emerged in the late pre-exilic period as a Judean innovation of the tribal concept. After 722, traditions about Jacob's son Levi were used in Judah to form a group identity of officials and literal elites. Moses and Aaron, as officials of the God of Israel, became protagonists of this group. Therefore, the priests at the central shrine were also integrated as part of the officials, so that Deuteronomy, for example, speaks of Levitical priests. In the post-exilic period, a number of professions and groups were subordinated to the priesthood under the designation "Levites" as a kind of temple office. In the process, a professionalisation of the cultic sector and a radical separation of cultic and non-cultic areas and activities took place. In this, the Levites acted on behalf of the people and represented them in the non-cultic areas of the temple.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel : Constructing the Context for Contact /
"In Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel, Boyd addresses a long-standing critical issue in biblical scholarship: how does the production of the Bible relate to its larger historical, linguistic, and cultural settings in the ancient Near East? Using theoretical advances in the study of language contact, he examines in detail the sociolinguistic landscape during the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Achaemenid periods. Boyd then places the language and literature of Ezekiel and Isaiah in this sociolinguistic landscape. Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel offers the first book-length incorporation of language contact theory with data from the Bible. As a result, it allows for a reexamination of the nature of contact between biblical authors and a series of Mesopotamian empires beginning with Assyria."--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The temple complex at Horvat Omrit /
Volume One of The Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit presents a detailed examination of the surviving architecture of the three Roman period temple phases at the newly excavated sanctuary at the archaeological site of Omrit in northern Israel. All three temples were built according to the Corinthian order and the author describes and illustrates the state of the remains, proposes reconstructions of each phase, and places each temple in the broader historical context.
1 online resource (xxx, 386 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004290990 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Tribulationis Tempore : The Latin Church of Jerusalem in the Palestine War and Its Aftermath, 1946-56 /
The history of Palestine War does not only concern military history. It also involves social, humanitarian and religious history, as in the case of Jerusalem's Roman Catholic diocese. Tribulationis Tempore offers a complex narrative on this church, commonly portrayed as monolithically aligned with anti-Zionist and anti-Muslim positions during the "long 1948". Making use of largely unpublished archives in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, including the recently released Pius XII papers, Maria Chiara Rioli depicts a church engaged in multiple and sometimes contradictory pastoral initiatives amid battles, relief missions for Palestinian refugees, theological reflections on Jewish converts to Catholicism, political relations with the Israeli and Jordanian authorities and liturgical responses to this fluid and uncertain scenario.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
The rural landscape of Antipatris' Hinterland from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine periods /
This volume presents the results of extensive excavations conducted in the rural region south and east of the modern city of Rosh Ha'Ayin. The archaeological and historical data that are analysed span a period of over 1000 years. To examine the settlement pattern of the region, 22 sites were chosen, divided into five primary models, which represent a hierarchal settlement pattern: farmsteads; subsidiary villages; fortresses; monasteries and churches; towns. These five settlement types were examined throughout the periods under study. Emphasis is consistently placed on landscape archaeology - rural roads, field towers, plot boundaries, oil presses, winepresses, and terraces. A key aim is to date the creation of agricultural systems and to track the potential areas of cultivation of different agricultural products.
Also issued in print: 2023. :
1 online resource (254 pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781803275284 (PDF ebook) :