Recognition as key for reconciliation : Israel, Palestine, and beyond /
In these times of growing insecurity, widening inequities and deepening crisis for civilized governance, Recognition as Key for Reconciliation offers meaningful and provocative thoughts on how to advance towards a more just and peaceful future. From the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict we learn of "thin" and "thick" recipes for solutions. Beyond the Middle East region we learn from studies around the globe: South Africa, Northern Ireland and Armenia show the challenges to genuine recognition of our very human connection to each other, and that this recognition is essential for any sustainable positive security for all of us. Contributors are Deina Abdelkader, Gregory Aftandilian, Dale Eickelman, Amal Jamal, Maya Kahanoff, Herbert Kelman, Yoram Meital, Victoria Montgomery, Paula M. Rayman, Albie Sachs and Nira Yuval-Davis.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004355804 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Egypt, Canaan and Israe l history, imperialism, ideology and literature : proceedings of a conference at the University of Haifa, 3-7 May 2009 /
The proceedings of the conference "Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature" include the latest discussions about the political, military, cultural, economic, ideological, literary and administrative relations between Egypt, Canaan and Israel during the Second and First Millennia BC incorporating texts, art, and archaeology. A diverse range of scholars discuss subjects as wide-ranging as the Egyptian-Canaanite relations in the Second Intermediate Period, the ideology of boundary stelae, military strategy, diplomacy and officials of the New Kingdom and Late Period, the excavations of Beth-Shean and investigations into the Aruna Pass, and parallels between Biblical, Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern texts. Such breadth in one volume offers a significant contribution to our understanding of the interactions between the civilizations of the ancient Near East.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004210691 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jerusalem: Points of Friction - And Beyond /
The material in this publication was compiled over an 18-month period and includes a variety of local, national and international issues and disaggregating Jerusalem's intricate problems. It offers meaningful models that even though they may not yield solutions acceptable to all parties in the Israeli - Palestine conflict, will at least clearly demarcate common ground and draw the 'red lines' that may not (yet) be crossed. The result is an enormously valuable resource that cannot fail to attract the attention of anyone concerned with the future of the Mideast region.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Iron wall : Israel and the Arab world /
Conents: The emergence of Israel 1947-1949 -- Consolidation 1949-1953 -- Attempts at accommodation 1953-1955 -- The road to Suez 1955-1957 -- The alliance of the periphery 1957-1963 -- Poor little Samson 1963-1969 -- Immobilism 1969-1974 -- Disengagement 1974-1977 -- Peace with Egypt 1977-1981 -- The Lebanese quagmire 1981-1984 -- Political paralysis 1984-1988 -- Stonewalling 1988-1992 -- The breakthrough 1992-1995 -- The setback 1995-1996 -- Back to the Iron Wall 1996-1998. :
xxxi, 670 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 21 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [633]-642) and index. :
0393321126 (pbk.) :
9780393321128 (pbk.)
The Temple of Jerusale m from Moses to the Messiah : in honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman /
The Temple of Jerusalem: From Moses to the Messiah brings together an interdisciplinary and broad-ranging international community of scholars to discuss aspects of the history and continued life of the Jerusalem Temple in Western culture, from biblical times to the present. This volume is the fruit of the inaugural conference of the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies, which convened in New York City on May 11-12, 2008 and honors Professor Louis H. Feldman, Abraham Wouk Family Professor of Classics and Literature at Yeshiva University. Feldman is the doyen of modern scholarship on Judaism in the Greco-Roman period, focusing on the writings of Flavius Josephus. A beloved mentor to generations of Yeshiva University students and of scholars across the globe, Professor Feldman has taught at YU since 1955. \'The articles are consistently of high quality. This book is highly recommended for any academic collection in Jewish studies.\' Jim Rosenbloom, Judaica Librarian, Brandeis University; President, Association of Jewish Libraries
"This volume is the product of the inaugural conference of the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies which took place on May 11-12, 2008"--Preface. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004214712 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Time and eternity in Jewish mysticism : that which is before and that which is after /
Time and eternity are concepts that have occupied an important place within Jewish mystical thought. This present volume gives pride of place to these concepts, and is one of the first works to bring together diverse voices on the subject. It offers a multivalent picture of the topic of time and eternity, not only by including contributions from an array of academics who are leaders in their fields, but by proposing six diverse approaches to time and eternity in Jewish mysticism: the theoretical approach to temporality, philosophical definitions, the idea of time and pre-existence, the idea of historical time, the idea of experiential time, and finally, the idea of eternity beyond time. This multivocal treatment of Jewish mysticism and time as based on variant academic approaches is novel, and it should lay the groundwork for further discussion and exploration.
1 online resource (xi, 228 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004290310 :
1568-5004 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The actuality of sacrifice : past and present /
Sacrifice is a well known form of ritual in many world religions. Although the actual practice of animal sacrifice was largely abolished in the later history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is still recalled through biblical stories, the ritual calendar and community events. The essays in this volume discuss the various positions regarding the value of sacrifice in a wide variety of disciplines such as history, archaeology, literature, philosophy, art and gender and post-colonial studies. In this context they examine a wide array of questions pertaining to the 'actuality of sacrifice' in various social, historical and intellectual contexts ranging from the pre-historical to the post-Holocaust, and present new understandings of some of the most sensitive topics of our time.
1 online resource (482 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004284234 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Our mythical childhood ... : the classics and literature for children and young adults /
This volume offers a survey of the reception of Classical Antiquity in the literature for youngsters by applying regional perspectives from East-Central and Western Europe, Africa, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, and the United States. The title Our Mythical Childhood hints at the elusive and paradoxical potential of the ancient tradition that is both a fixed base shared by many people worldwide since their early life as well as a body of references constantly being reinterpreted in response to local challenges. The reader is given a deeper insight into the processes shaping children's and young adults' identities and their cultural formation. The volume fills an important gap in the scholarship and contributes to the development of Reception Studies in innovative and attractive directions.
1 online resource (xv, 526 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004335370 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The classic Jewish philosophers : from Saadia through the Renaissance /
This book provides a standard reference of the major medieval Jewish philosophers, as well as an eminently readable narrative of the course of medieval Jewish philosophical thought, presented as a response to the spiritual-intellectual challenges facing Judaism in that period. The accounts of Saadia, Bahya, Halevi, Maimonides, and Crescas are among the fullest available in English. Other thinkers discussed in depth include Israeli, Ibn Gabirol, Gersonides, and Albo; the work also includes capsule summaries of Bar Hiyya, Falaquera, Albalag, Duran, Abravanel and others. All of the summaries place the philosophical thought of these important thinkers in the context of the historical challenges and religious concerns of their age. This book is also available in paperback.
Originally published as ha-Filosofim ha-gedolim shelanu, Miskal/Yediot Aharonot Books, 1999. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [469]-474) and indexes. :
9789047423522 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Law, custom, and statute in the Muslim world : studies in honor of Aharon Layish /
This collective volume, in honor of Aharon Layish, deals with the main components in the laws of Islamic societies, past and present: sharīʿa , custom, and statute. Some chapters focus on one of these components, other discuss the interplay between two or even all three of them. The geographical coverage of the volume is wide, from the Balkans to Yemen, and from Iraq to the Maghrib. The chapters are based on a variety of sources: fiqh literature, fatwās , court decisions, judicial circulars, biographical dictionaries and chronics. The volume will be of special interest to historians, social scientists and lawyers working on Islamic and Israeli laws, and to those interested in gender studies, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Islamic cultures at large.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-246) and index. :
9789047411307 :
1384-1130 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Tribulationis Tempore : The Latin Church of Jerusalem in the Palestine War and Its Aftermath, 1946-56 /
The history of Palestine War does not only concern military history. It also involves social, humanitarian and religious history, as in the case of Jerusalem's Roman Catholic diocese. Tribulationis Tempore offers a complex narrative on this church, commonly portrayed as monolithically aligned with anti-Zionist and anti-Muslim positions during the "long 1948". Making use of largely unpublished archives in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, including the recently released Pius XII papers, Maria Chiara Rioli depicts a church engaged in multiple and sometimes contradictory pastoral initiatives amid battles, relief missions for Palestinian refugees, theological reflections on Jewish converts to Catholicism, political relations with the Israeli and Jordanian authorities and liturgical responses to this fluid and uncertain scenario.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :