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les relations » des relations (توسيع البحث), les religions (توسيع البحث), _ relations (توسيع البحث)
Studies in rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity : text and context /
The question of the origins of Christianity is a theme still discussed in historical research. This book investigates the relations between the Rabbinic Judaism and the Primitive Christianity. It studies the factors of influences, the polemics in the texts and factors of mutual conceptions between two new movements: Rabbinical Judaism and Primitive Christianity. Finally it offers an analysis of the perception of Christianity in the corpus of talmudic literature. La question des origines du christianisme est un thème encore débattu par la recherche historique. Cet ouvrage choisi d'explorer les relations entre le judaïsme rabbinique et le christianisme primitif. Il étudie les facteurs d'influences, les polémiques dont témoignent les textes et les emprunts réciproques entre les deux mouvements naissant : le judaïsme rabbinique et le christiansime primitif. Il propose également une analyse sur la perception du christianisme à l'oeuvre dans la littérature talmudique.
"This volume emerged from the symposium held at Paris in March 2007 on the theme 'Rome, Athens or Jerusalem. Where does Christianity come from?' under the auspices of the Alliance Israelite Universelle" -- Introd. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004190627 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Dead Sea scrolls and Pauline literature /
The relationships between Pauline literature and the Dead Sea scrolls have fascinated specialists ever since the latter were first discovered. Now that all the Qumran scrolls have been published, it is possible to see more clearly the amplitude and impact of this corpus on first century Judaism. This book offers some syntheses of the results obtained in the last decades, and also opens up new perspectives, by highlighting similarities and indicating possible relationships between these various writings within Mediterranean Judaism. In addition, the authors wish to show how certain traditions spread, evolve and are reconfigured in ancient Judaism as they meet new religious, cultural and social challenges.
"The lectures printed in this volume were given during the Second International Symposium on Jewish and Christian Literature from the Hellenistic and Roman Period, held at the University of Lorraine [Metz, France], center of research 'Ecritures' (EA3943), in June 2011"--P. [ix]. :
1 online resource (xvi, 355 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004230071 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Ottoman Middle East : studies in honor of Amnon Cohen /
This collection of articles discusses various political, social, cultural and economic aspects of the Ottoman Middle East. By using various textual and visual documents, produced in the Ottoman Empire, the collection offers new insights into the matrix of life during the long period of Ottoman rule. The different parts of the volume explore the main topics studied by Amnon Cohen: Ottoman Palestine, Egypt and the Fertile Crescent under Ottoman rule, Ottoman Jews and their relations with the surrounding societies and various social aspects of Ottoman societies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Flores Florentino : Dead Sea Scrolls and other early Jewish studies in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez /
This volume contains forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students from many countries, in honour of Florentino García Martínez, director of the Groningen Qumran Institute, editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism, and professor in Leuven. The majority of the essays are in the areas of the honoree's own scholarship and interests, including primarily Qumranica, but also many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to early rabbinic writings. Florentino's own polyglottism, evident from his bibliography, and his close relations with many scholars from Southern Europe, is reflected in the inclusion of a few French, Spanish and Italian articles in this volume.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047423096 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Aramaica Qumranica : proceedings of the conference on the Aramaic texts from Qumran at Aix-en-Provence (June 30-July 2, 2008) /
The Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls represent roughly 13% of the Qumran library and correspond to a wide range of genres and topics. This book consists of the proceedings of a conference on the Aramaic scrolls from Qumran which took place in Aix-en-Provence in 2008. It includes both the papers themselves and a transcription of the discussions. The 22 papers tackle linguistic, exegetical and historical questions, focusing in particular on: the relation of the Aramaic texts to what we know as the Hebrew Bible; their literary genres; the question of their sectarian or non-sectarian provenance; the character of the corpus, and specifically its relevance to the development of apocalypticism and messianism in the Jewish tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004194328 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Le Soi et l'Autre Identité, différence et altérité dans la philosophie de la Pratyabhijña.
Recent scholarship on Śaivism has significantly expanded our knowledge of the religious dimensions of Medieval Śaiva movements. However, the philosophical aspects displayed by some of the texts produced in these milieux remain largely unrecognized. The present study helps fill this lacuna by exploring the sophisticated and original philosophical system elaborated by the Kashmiri Śaiva nondualists Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925-975) and Abhinavagupta (fl. c. 975-1025). The book shows that this system cannot be reduced to a mere scriptural exegesis and examines the genesis of the main concepts found in the Pratyabhijñā ("Recognition") philosophy while taking into account the complexity of the philosophical field (already occupied by various currents, Buddhist as well as Brahmanical) in which Utpaladeva's thought was developed. Si les récents travaux de recherche consacrés au śivaïsme ont permis de mieux comprendre les dimensions religieuses des mouvements śivaïtes médiévaux, les aspects proprements philosophiques de certains des textes produits dans ces milieux demeurent largement méconnus. La présenté étude se propose de contribuer à combler cette lacune en explorant le système philosophique complexe et original élaboré par les śivaïtes non dualistes cachemiriens Utpaladeva (925-975) et Abhinavagupta (975-1025). Montrant que ce système ne se réduit pas à une exégèse scripturaire, l'ouvrage examine la genèse des concepts de la philosophie de la Pratyabhijñā ou "Reconnaissance" en prenant en compte la complexité du champ philosophique (déjà investi par divers courants aussi bien bouddhiques que brahmaniques) dans lequel la pensée d'Utpaladeva s'est développée.
1 online resource. :
9789004216433 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Exercices d'histoire des religions : comparaison, rites, mythes, et emotions /
Exercices d'histoire des religions is a collection of the most important articles published by Philippe Borgeaud during his career as the professor of history of religions at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). These nineteen studies showcase the many reflections of the Swiss scholar of religion on the categories and tools used to describe and compare such evanescent concepts as "religions", "myths" and "rituals", and his methodology for a critical and comparative study of ancient and modern religions. Through them, readers will gain a clear understanding of the importance such an approach can wield in the contemporary discussions and dissents about religions. Exercices d'histoire des religions rassemble les articles les plus importants publiés par Philippe Borgeaud durant sa carrière en tant que professeur d'histoire des religions à l'Université de Genève. Ces dix-neuf enquêtes illustrent les réflexions du savant suisse sur les outils et catégories utilisés par l'historien des religions pour décrire et comparer des concepts aussi évanescents que les « religions », les « mythes » ou les « rituels », et sur le rôle joué par les émotions dans leur élaboration. À travers eux, le lecteur est amené à découvrir la méthode développée par Philippe Borgeaud pour étudier de manière critique et comparative les religions antiques et modernes, une approche sans doute fondamentale pour mieux saisir les discussions et controverses contemporaines sur ce sujet.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004319141 :
1570-078X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.