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Imagining the Death of Jesus in Fourth Century Mesopotamia : A Study of Ephrem of Nisibis /
In this volume Blake Hartung explores the place of the passion and death of Jesus in the writings of Ephrem of Nisibis (ca. 307-373). The book argues that the genre of Ephrem's works (usually short poems for public performance), is key to understanding his unsystematic approach. Ephrem drew widely upon the Passion narratives and traditional motifs related to Christ's death and deployed them differently in distinct settings. Each chapter explores a key theme in Ephrem's discourse about the death of Christ in context (including anti-Judaism, the defeat of death, and economic imagery). Ultimately, Hartung urges further consideration of the role of Christ's death in early Christian thought and practice beyond the traditional confines of atonement theology.
1 online resource (270 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Die Eucharistie ist Jesus : Anfänge einer Theorie des Sakraments im koptischen Philippusevangelium (NHC II 3) /
Given the concept of salvation through knowledge in Valentinian Gnosis, which is basically anti-materialist, one would not expect concrete physical rituals to play a large role in its practice. The Nag Hammadi Gospel of Philip is widely recognized as a Valentinian text, yet it contains portions of a treatise on the value of baptism, anointing, and the eucharist. The text, which arguably comes from the end of the second century, presents the first developed theory and justification of these sacraments in Early Christianity. The present study reconstructs this theory from the fragmentary text and considers its consequences for the organization of the community. Thus, the book is also an attempt to address the problem of institutionalization in early Christian communities.
Slightly Revision of the author's thesis--Universität München, 2005. :
1 online resource (xii, 550 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 505-531) and indexes. :
9789047421634 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The origin and meaning of Ekklēsia in the early Jesus movement /
In The Origin and Meaning of Ekklēsia in the Early Jesus Movement , Ralph J. Korner explores the ideological implications of Christ-follower associations self-designating collectively as ekklēsiai . Politically, Korner's inscriptional research suggests that an association named ekklēsia would have been perceived as a positive, rather than as a counter-imperial, participant within Imperial Greek cities. Socio-religiously, Korner argues that there was no universal ekklēsia to which all first generation Christ-followers belonged; ekklēsia was a permanent group designation used by Paul's associations. Ethno-religiously, Korner contends that ekklēsia usage by intra muros groups within pluriform Second Temple Judaism problematizes suggestions, not least at the institutional level, that Paul was "parting ways" with Judaism(s), 'Jewishness', or Jewish organizational forms.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004344990 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Salvation is from the Jews : The Image of Jews and Judaism in Biblical Interpretation, from Anti-Jewish Exegesis to Eliminationist Antisemitism /
"Unheil," curse, disaster: according to German scholar Gerhard Kittel, this is the Jewish destiny attested to in scripture. Such interpretaions of biblical texts provided Adolf Hitler with the theological legitimatization necessary to realizing his "final solution." But theological antisemitism did not begin with the Third Reich. Ferdinand Baur's nineteenth-century Judaism-Hellenism dichotomy empowered National Socialist scholars to construct an Aryan Jesus cleansed of his Jewish identity, building on Baur's Enlightenment prejudices. Anders Gerdmar takes a fresh look at the dangers of the politicization of biblical scholarship and the ways our unrecognized interpretive filters may generate someone else's apocalypse.
1 online resource (354 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Chinese Christology of T.C. Chao /
This volume offers a careful analysis of the contextual Christology of T. C. Chao, one of the most important Chinese theologians and Chinese church leaders in the first half of twentieth century. At the core of Chao's Christology is the encounter between Christianity and the Chinese people, in particular the Chinese Christians. In response to the rapid social changes in China between 1910-1950, he attempted to develop a relevant theology by focusing on the characteristics of Christianity and, at the same time, aiming to understand Christianity within its Chinese context.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004322417 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Angelomorphic christology : antecedents and early evidence /
This study demonstrates that angel and angel-related traditions, especially those growing from the so-called "Angel of the Lord" in the Hebrew Bible, had a significant impact on the origins and early development of Christology to the point that an Angelomorphic Christology is discernable in several first century texts. Significant effort is given to tracing the antecedents of this Christology in the angels and divine hypostases of the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Jewish literature. The primary content of this volume is the presentation of pre-150 CE textual evidence of Angelomorphic Christology. This religio-historical study does not spawn a new Christology among the many scholarly "Christologies" already extant. Instead, it shows the interrelationship of various Christological trajectories and their adaptation from Jewish angelomorphic traditions.
1 online resource (xvi, 403 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 352-370) and indexes. :
9789004332447 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Didache in context : essays on its text, history, and transmission /
The Didache in Context contains an intriguing look into the background of the Didache, exploring the influence of the text upon the development of early Christianity. It offers an insightful collection of essays that have been gathered from the research efforts of numerous biblical and patristic scholars from around the world. The book seeks to explore questions that relate to the composition of the text itself, the history of the role and function of the Didache within early Christian circles, and the influence of the manuscript upon early Christian traditions and trends of thought. In addition to the numerous, individual investigations that are featured here, the collection includes a fresh translation of the text in English and a comprehensive, up-to-date bibliography of literature on the Didache.
English, French, German, and Greek; includes English translation of the Didache. :
1 online resource (xviii, 420 pages, 2 pages of plates) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [368]-399) and indexes. :
9789004267237 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
St. Cyril of Alexandria : the christological controversy : its history, theology, and texts /
St. Cyril of Alexandria: The Christological Controversy describes the turmoil of 5th century Christianity seeking to articulate its beliefs on the person of Christ. The policies of the Theodosian dynasty and the conflicting interests of the patriarchal sees are set as the context of the controversy between Nestorius of Constantinople and Cyril of Alexandria, a bitter dispute that racked the entire oecumene. The historical analysis expounds the arguments of both sides, particularly the Christology of Cyril which was adopted as a standard. Many major texts are presented in new translations, some of which have never before appeared in English. These writings are essential reading in the history of doctrine. The work will be an indispensable resource for all students of the period: theologians and Byzantinists.
Includes translations of some of Cyril's writings. :
1 online resource (xiii, 425 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 406-418) and indexes. :
9789004312906 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ps-Athenagoras De Resurrectione : Datierung und Kontextualisierung der dem Apologeten Athenagoras zugeschriebenen Auferstehungsschrift /
The authorship of De Resurrectione traditionally ascribed to the apologist Athenagoras, and its dating are controversial to this day. Nikolai Kiel proves in this study that the resurrection treatise is pseudonymous. By positioning the text within the intellectual-historical context of early resurrection debates, its origin can be dated to the first half of the Third century. The discourse horizon of the discussed tractate has been determined more precisely by means of a reconstruction of the constituent opposing position. Through his interpretative survey of De Resurrectione , the author has advanced the study of apologetic literature from the early patristic Era. Die Verfasserschaft der traditionell dem Apologeten Athenagoras zugeschriebenen Schrift De Resurrectione und ihre Datierung sind bis heute umstritten. Nikolai Kiel weist in dieser Studie nach, dass der Auferstehungstraktat ein Pseudonym darstellt. Durch eine Verortung des Textes im ideengeschichtlichen Kontext der altkirchlichen Auferstehungsdebatten kann seine Entstehung auf die erste Hälfte des dritten Jahrhunderts datiert werden. Hierzu wird auch der Diskurshorizont des untersuchten Traktats mittels einer Rekonstruktion der in der Leugnung der Totenauferstehung bestehenden gegnerischen Position näher bestimmt. Ausgehend von einem interpretierenden Durchgang durch De Resurrectione leistet der Verfasser einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur patristischen Forschung des apologetischen Zeitalters.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004305373 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Exegeting the Jews : the early reception of the Johannine Jews /
In Exegeting the Jews: The Early Reception of the Johannine \'Jews\' , Michael G. Azar analyzes the rhetorical function of the Gospel of John's \'Jews\' in the earliest surviving full-length expositions of John in Greek: Origen's Commentary on John (3rd century), John Chrysostom's Homilies on John (4th century), and Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on John (5th century). While scholarship often has portrayed the reception history ( Wirkungsgeschichte ) of the Gospel's "Jews" as simply and uniformly anti-Jewish or antisemitic, Azar demonstrates that these three writers primarily read John's narrative typologically, employing the situation and characters in the Gospel not against contemporary Jews with whom they regularly interacted, but as types of each patristic writer's own intra-Christian struggle and opponents.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004316164 :
1542-1295 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La Cité du Logos: L'ecclésiologie de Clément d'Alexandrie et son enracinement christologique /
Clément d'Alexandrie (150-215 Ap. J.-C.) est l'un des penseurs les plus brillants des premiers siècles chrétiens. Son enseignement, tout autant pétri de la Bible que de la pensée grecque, nous révèle la nature des débats aux premières heures de l'expansion du christianisme. Ce livre aborde un sujet peu étudié à ce jour, à savoir sa pensée sur l'Église. C'est pourtant un sujet récurent de ses ouvrages, où il réfléchit longuement sur l'Église à partir de l'être et la mission du Logos divin. L'analyse du discours de Clément sur l'Église permet donc de revisiter les intuitions principales de sa christologie tout en apportant un éclairage sur sa perception de l'identité chrétienne à une époque où celle-ci est encore en construction. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215) is one of the most brilliant thinkers of the early Christian centuries. His teaching, steeped as much in the Bible as in Greek thought, reveals to us the nature of the debates in the early days of the expansion of Christianity. This book deals with a subject little studied to this day, namely his thoughts on the Church. Yet it is a recurring subject in his works, where he reflects at length on the Church from the point of view of the being and the mission of the divine Logos. Analysis of Clement's discourse on the Church therefore makes it possible to revisit the main intuitions of his Christology while shedding light on his perception of Christian identity at a time when it is still under construction.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Didache in modern research /
This volume makes available a collection of the most important and influential modern articles on the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles , many of them appearing in English for the first time. Leading Jewish and Christian scholars in the field represented in the volume include G. Alon, J-P. Audet, E. Bammel, J. Betz, J.A. Draper, D. Flusser, A. de Halleux, E. Mazza, K. Niederwimmer, W. Rordorf, G. Schöllgen, H.R. Seeliger and C.M. Tuckett. Essays included provide a representative sample of most aspects of study of this first-century Christian writing, documenting an increasing scholarly interest in its importance for the understanding of Christian origins. The editor provides an extensive review of scholarship on the Didache in the past fifty years, outlining its major trends and implications.
1 online resource (xviii, 445 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 383-412) and indexes. :
9789004332492 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The point of it all : essays on Jesus Christ /
The atheism of modern thought is based on irrational assumptions...First-century Jews expected a suffering Messiah...Jesus knew it was he...Jesus' birth and resurrection in history . The point of the parables...The point of Christology...The historical grounds for scepticism about Christian claims concerning Jesus Christ rely on misreadings of the Bible. In a series of original essays, the author issues a formidable challenge to many of the presuppositions of modern theology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [151]-163). :
9789004397347 :
1566-2098 ;
Christology, controversy, and community : New Testament essays in honour of David R. Catchpole /
This collection of essays by an international team of prominent New Testament scholars is in honour of David Catchpole, recently retired from his position as the Saint Luke's Foundation Professor of Theological Studies at the University of Exeter, UK. The essays represent a range of approaches and topics, connected together by a focus on various kinds of christological claim, whether by the historical Jesus, in the Q tradition, John, Paul or the synoptics, and their connection with controversy and the construction of early Christian community. The contributors are: Stephen Barton, Peder Borgen, Richard Burridge, Marinus de Jonge, James Dunn, Earle Ellis, Birger Gerhardsson, Michael Goulder, Morna Hooker, John Kloppenburg Verbin, Robert Morgan, John Painter, Ronald Piper, Peter Richardson, Christopher Rowland, Graham Stanton, New Testament Wright, and the editors.
1 online resource (xxi, 404 pages) : portrait. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047400417 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The apostolic age in patristic thought /
This volume deals with how Christians of the first centuries looked back on the period of the nascent Church. Thanks to the incomparable stature of its founder, Jesus Christ, who had descended from heaven and commissioned his Apostles, this period was authorative for all Christians in matters of doctrine, institutions, rites and morality, a new phenomenon in the Graeco-Roman world. Its implications are explored in sixteen essays dealing with various subjects such as liturgy, the canon of Scriptures, the role of miracles, art, monasticism, and ministry. All contributions, taking into account both the views of individual Church fathers and Gnostic and Manichaean texts, make a large amount of primary material available.
1 online resource (xi, 257 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047404293 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Irenaeus on creation : the cosmic Christ and the saga of redemption /
Scholarship on Irenaeus has long acknowledged the centrality of creation to his theology, yet without fitting this theme securely into the Christological vision of Christ the 'Recapitulator'. Studies have considered elements of Irenaeus' cosmology and anthropology in extraction; but without seeing creation as an intrinsic part of his Christocentric vision, these have only partially been able to capture the intricacy and significance of his embrace of the creation saga. Drawing on the most recent Irenaean scholarship, the present volume explores in detail the Christocentric cosmology of one of the second century's greatest writers, setting him in the context of the theological currents of his day. The result is a volume that offers new insights into the trinitarian articulation of early Christianity, the full significance of humanity as bearing God's 'image', and a fuller reading of the details behind the title, 'Irenaeus the creationist'.
1 online resource (xii, 244 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-237) and index. :
9789047433439 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Words, imagery, and the mystery of Christ : a reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria's christology /
This volume deals with the christology of fifth-century pastor and theologian Cyril of Alexandria, particularly as it relates to Apollinarianism and Nestorianism. More specifically, it explores the use of a plethora of images to illustrate his understanding of the mystery of Christ. The book traces the background of his analogies in the philosophers and the Scriptures. Included are sections on Cyril's understanding and use of the Scriptures, and the intended force of images in his theology. The final part is a re-reading of his christology through the lens of his christological imagery. Historians of Christian theology and dogma will find a unique look into the word pictures Cyril uses and the picture of Christ the reveal.
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Aberdeen, 1998. :
1 online resource (viii, 242 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-239) and index. :
9789004313217 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.