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The Book of Clear Arabic Expression regarding the Arab Tribes of Egypt : An edition, translation...
Al-BayÄn wa'l-iÊ¿rÄb Ê¿ammÄ fÄ« arḠMiá¹£r min al-aÊ¿rÄb is an influential treatise on the Arab and Berber groups that inhabited the Egyptian countryside in the late medieval period. The work brings together al-MaqrÄ«zÄ«'s life-long preoccupation with the history of Egypt and his parallel interest in the history of the Arabs, pitting the lineage-based ideology of Arab rebels against the Mamluk elite of manumitted slaves. Over the past century, the BayÄn has been repeatedly deployed in public debates about the Arab identity of Egypt. This book offers a critical study of the treatise in its fifteenth century context, an academic edition, and a first translation into English.
1 online resource (270 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pentecostal power expressions, impact, and faith of Latin American Pentecostalism /
During the 1980s an explosion of Pentecostalism across Latin America attracted considerable attention among sociologists, political scientists and regional experts, eventually spreading to other academic disciplines. Indeed, ongoing spectacular growth and the social and political impact of the movement have strongly challenged secularization theory. Yet while studies exploring the phenomenon are plentiful, many limit their analysis to a single country, issue or the perspective of a particular discipline. Thus, this edited volume provides readers with a multidisciplinary and continent-wide treatment of the nature and effects of Latin American Pentecostalism (including a theological analysis, notably absent in most studies) by various experts with published work in the field, and as such represents an important contribution to the current literature.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004192508 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religious experience revisited : expressing the inexpressible? /
Religious Experience Revisited explores a dilemma which has haunted the study of religion since William James. Is religion rooted in experiences? Is religion rooted in expressions? How are experiences and expressions related? The contributors to this international and interdisciplinary compilation explore the possibilities and the impossibilities of a hermeneutics of religion. Combining theology and philosophy with biblical, cultural, historical and literary studies, they examine how religious experiences and religious expressions have been entangled in the past and in the present. These entanglements call for interdisciplinary conversations in which those who study experiences and those who study expressions can learn from each other in order to carve out important and instructive spaces for the study of religion.
1 online resource (xi, 281 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004328600 :
1566-208X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Le yiddish, l'inconscient, les langues /
Si le yiddish est en train de disparaître, « vers où se dirige cette disparition » demandait avec angoisse le poète yiddish Avrom Sutzkever. La question d'une disparition potentielle du yiddish est déclinée dans des œuvres littéraires, des témoignages, et des enquêtes psychanalytiques en une multitude d'autres langues. Les études réunies dans ce volume définissent la confusion linguistique qui en résulte comme un symptôme de ce traumatisme historique, mêlant singulièrement résonances intimes et expériences collectives. Elles illustrent la nécessité de repenser la question des interactions entre les langues, comme un moment essentiel de prise en compte des tragédies historiques et une étape productive vers une compréhension plus nuancée des notions de multiculturalisme et de plurilinguisme, caractéristiques essentielles de notre époque. "Please show me / Where the language will go down", the Yiddish poet Avrom Sutzkever anxiously asked. Questions surrounding the potential disappearance of Yiddish resonate far and wide, in literary works, personal testimonies, social dynamics, and psychoanalytical inquiries in a range of other languages. The studies gathered in this volume all point at the resulting linguistic confusion as a symptom of historical trauma, singularly combining intimate resonances and collective experiences. They also argue for the necessity to sketch out new ways of thinking about interactions among languages as an essential moment of reckoning with historical tragedies and a productive step towards a more nuanced understanding of issues of multi-culturalism and plurilingualism as an essential feature of our times. See Less
1 online resource (261 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Les peintres de l'Égypte ancienne : leur langage, leurs palettes, leurs styles /
"La peinture de l'Égypte ancienne est essentiellement une peinture murale funéraire. C'est à Thèbes, l'actuelle Louqsor, qu'elle connut son plus grand développement, vers 1539-1077 av. J.-C. (Nouvel Empire) et c'est uniquement de cette peinture-là, plus exactement celle qui orne les tombeaux de particuliers, non les hypogées de la Vallée des Rois et de la Vallée des Reines, qu'il est question ici. L'objectif principal de Nadine Cherpion est l'étude du style dans les tombes thébaines. Par style, on entend aussi bien la dominante de couleurs d'un monument que la courbure d'une perruque ou la longueur d'une chute de reins. C'est ce qui fait 'l'esprit' d'une époque, voire d'un règne. Les études sur le style dans la peinture égyptienne sont peu nombreuses et souvent épuisées ou partielles (Wegner 1933, Mekhitarian 1954, Hofmann 2004). D'autre part, un sujet aussi subtil que le style peut sans difficulté être repris à intervalles réguliers avec un regard neuf. Quittant volontiers les frontières de l'égyptologie, l'auteur replace la peinture thébaine dans le cadre de l'histoire universelle de la peinture, ce qui constitue l'un des aspects novateurs de son propos, tout comme la remise à plat de la datation. Bien plus qu'une compilation, ce livre est un travail de synthèse original, réalisé en grande partie sur le terrain. Il est illustré de nombreuses photographies prises, pour la plupart, par J.-Fr. Gout à la demande de l'auteur et souvent inédites. L'histoire du style proprement dite est précédée de quelques pistes de réflexion sur le sens et la lecture des images égyptiennes. Par la clarté de l'exposé et la qualité de l'iconographie, l'ouvrage s'adresse autant à l'amateur d'art qu'au public spécialisé"--Page 4 of cover.
382 pages : color illustrations, plan ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 337-367) and index. :
9782874571374 :
1784-2786 ;
Le soufisme à l'époque ottomane, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle = Sufism in the Ottoman era, 16th-18th century /
: Papers originally presented at a conference held January 2007 in Cairo, Egypt. : viii, 442 pages ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [407]-419) and indexes. : 9782724705485 : 0254-282X ; : Nabil
The Book of conviviality in exile (Kitāb al-īnās bi-'l-jalwa) : the Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary of Saadia Gaon on the Book of Esther /
This volume presents a critical edition of the Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary on the book of Esther by Saadia Gaon (882-942). This edition, accompanied by an introduction and extensively annotated English translation, affords access to the first-known personalized, rationalistic Jewish commentary on this biblical book. Saadia innovatively organizes the biblical narrative-and his commentary thereon-according to seven "guidelines" that provide a practical blueprint by which Israel can live as an abased people under Gentile dominion. Saadia's prodigious acumen and sense of communal solicitude find vivid expression throughout his commentary in his carefully-defined structural and linguistic analyses, his elucidative references to a broad range of contemporary socio-religious and vocational realia, his anti-Karaite polemics, and his attention to various issues, both psychological and practical, attending Jewish-Gentile conviviality in a 10th-century Islamicate milieu.
1 online resource (xiii, 670 pages) : color illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004284524 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revolution, revival, and religious conflict in Sandinista Nicaragua /
This interdisciplinary study breaks new ground by exploring relations between Protestants (mainly Pentecostals) and the Sandinistas in revolutionary Nicaragua, which to date have received scant attention. It challenges the view that most Protestants supported the Sandinistas (in fact, the majority vigorously opposed them) and establishes why many believed Nicaragua was heading towards communism or totalitarianism. Meanwhile, the Sandinistas expressed irritation with Pentecostalism's otherworldliness and support for Israel. Pentecostals were harassed, even brutally repressed in the northern highlands, leading many to join the Contras. That a minority of Protestants supported the Sandinistas caused further problems. Pentecostals and Sandinistas were ideological rivals offering an alternative vision to the poor: revolution or revival. As Pentecostalism exploded, a collision between the two was inevitable.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [289]-305) and index. :
9789047419358 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La Cité du Logos: L'ecclésiologie de Clément d'Alexandrie et son enracinement christologique /
Clément d'Alexandrie (150-215 Ap. J.-C.) est l'un des penseurs les plus brillants des premiers siècles chrétiens. Son enseignement, tout autant pétri de la Bible que de la pensée grecque, nous révèle la nature des débats aux premières heures de l'expansion du christianisme. Ce livre aborde un sujet peu étudié à ce jour, à savoir sa pensée sur l'Église. C'est pourtant un sujet récurent de ses ouvrages, où il réfléchit longuement sur l'Église à partir de l'être et la mission du Logos divin. L'analyse du discours de Clément sur l'Église permet donc de revisiter les intuitions principales de sa christologie tout en apportant un éclairage sur sa perception de l'identité chrétienne à une époque où celle-ci est encore en construction. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215) is one of the most brilliant thinkers of the early Christian centuries. His teaching, steeped as much in the Bible as in Greek thought, reveals to us the nature of the debates in the early days of the expansion of Christianity. This book deals with a subject little studied to this day, namely his thoughts on the Church. Yet it is a recurring subject in his works, where he reflects at length on the Church from the point of view of the being and the mission of the divine Logos. Analysis of Clement's discourse on the Church therefore makes it possible to revisit the main intuitions of his Christology while shedding light on his perception of Christian identity at a time when it is still under construction.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe /
This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. Following an introductory essay on the problems inherent to such comparative studies in the history of New Testament scholarship, the essays are grouped into five topic areas: Graphos - semantics and writing, Ethos - ethics and moral characterization, Logos - rhetoric and literary expression, Ethnos - self-definition and acculturation, and Nomos - law and normative values. Some key examples are studies dealing with The Greek Idea of "Divine Nature" and its relation to the "Divine Man" tradition; Compilation of Letters in Cicero's collection; Radical Altruism in Paul; Greek Ideas of Concord and Cosmic Harmony in 1 Clement; The Rhetorical Use of Friendship Motifs in Galatians in comparison with Second Sophistic Orators; Wills and Testaments in Graeco-Roman perspective.
1 online resource (xx, 740 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047402190 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La restauration de la création : quelle place pour les animaux? : actes du colloque de l'ERCAM tenu à Strasbourg du 12 au 14 mars 2015 /
La restauration de la création se propose d'examiner le statut des animaux dans la pensée chrétienne ancienne et médiévale selon une perspective eschatologique, centrée sur la question du salut des animaux dans le projet divin. L'ouvrage est organisé en trois parties : les sources bibliques, notamment la promesse du renouvellement de la création dans Rm 8, 21 ; les élaborations doctrinales dans la période patristique puis au Moyen Âge ; enfin, des réflexions contemporaines à propos du statut des animaux dans nos sociétés. Souvent absente du débat sociétal à propos des animaux, la perspective historique chrétienne proposée dans ce volume se veut une contribution originale à la réflexion actuelle sur le statut juridique et éthique des animaux. La restauration de la création aims to examine the status of animals in ancient and medieval Christian thought following an eschatological perspective, that is, focusing on the question of the salvation of animals according to the divine plan. The volume is articulated in three parts: Biblical sources, in particular the promise of the renewal of creation according to Rm 8, 21; Patristic and medieval doctrinal elaborations on the question; finally, contemporary considerations regarding the status of animals in our societies. Often absent from the current social debate on the subject, the historical Christian perspective which this volume proposes is intended as an original contribution to today's ongoing reflexion on the legal and ethical status of animals.
Online resource; title from PDF title page (EBSCO, viewed January 3, 2018). :
1 online resource (xix, 340 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004357389 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nahrungsmittel in der Arabischen Medizin : das Kitāb al-Aġd̲iya wa-l-ašriba des Naǧib ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī /
Naǧīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandīs (st. 619/1222) Buch der Nahrungsmittel und Getränke ( Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba ) ist ein umfassendes medizinisches Lexikon mit Informationen zu über 500 verschiedenen Nahrungsmitteln, Speisen, Getränken und Duftstoffen. Es kann als letzte große arabische Monografie zur Diätetik im islamischen Osten angesehen werden und stellt vermutlich eines der am weitesten verbreiteten vormodernen arabischen Bücher zum Thema Ernährung dar. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin bietet Juliane Müller eine textkritische Edition des Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba mit deutscher Übersetzung. Anschließend verorten Kapitel zur Textgenese und Rezeption des Werks sowie zu seinen ernährungsmedizinischen Inhalten as-Samarqandīs Nahrungsmittellexikon in seinem Kontext innerhalb der arabischen Medizinliteratur. Najīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī's (d. 619/1222) Book on Foods and Drinks ( Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba ) is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia with information on more than 500 different food items, dishes, drinks and fragrances. It can be considered to be the last major Arabic monograph on dietetics in the Islamic East and it probably rates among the most widespread premodern Arabic books on the subject of nutrition science. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin , Juliane Müller presents a critical edition of the Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba along with a German translation of the text. An extensive contextual study locates the book and its dietetic contents within Arabic medical literature and examines the sources and the reception of as-Samarqandī's food encyclopedia.
This book is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Freie Universität Berlin in 2015. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004345096 :
0169-8729 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Entre mémoire et pouvoir l'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809) /
Cet ouvrage entend démontrer qu'une solide culture de l'écriture de l'histoire existait dans la Syrie du 2e/8e siècle, et propose de nouvelles approches méthodologiques afin d'offrir un accès vers cette historiographie perdue, tiraillée entre mémoire et oubli. En étudiant la fabrique des héros omeyyades ou des mythes d'origines abbassides, cette étude s'efforce de mettre au jour les significations successives données à l'histoire syrienne, et d'identifier les différentes strates d'écritures et de réécritures de l'histoire au cours des premiers siècles de l'islam. L'ensemble de ces éléments conduit à proposer une histoire du sens de l'espace syrien, articulée autour de la thématique du pouvoir, qui donne une profonde cohérence à la période, par-delà la césure dynastique de 132/750. This book intends to demonstrate that a robust culture of historical writing existed in 2nd/8th century Syria, and to offer new methodological approaches to access this now lost history, torn between memory and oblivion. By studying the making of Umayyad heroes or Abbasid origins-myths, this study aims to reveal the successive meanings granted to Syrian history, and to identify the various layers of historical writing and rewriting during the first centuries of Islam. Taken together, these elements make possible a history of the meaning of the very space of Syria, articulated around power and its expression, which grants a clear coherence to the period, extending well beyond the dynastic caesura of 132/750.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [475]-526) and index. :
9789004190979 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Conservatism and innovation in the Hebrew language of the Hellenistic period : proceedings of a fourth International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira /
This volume contains 15 contributions presented at a symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls andamp; Ben Sira, held in Strasbourg on May 29 and 30, 2006. The papers address linguistic and philological issues. They seek to relate the Hebrew texts of the Hellenistic period to earlier and later traditions. Among the authors are some of the most eminent Hebraists of our period as well as some younger scholars. The papers throw new light on the interpretation of the Qumran Scrolls, of the Apocrypha and of the Hebrew Bible.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047423973 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Debating Levinas' legacy /
The contributions of this volume discuss the legacy of Emmanuel Levinas' philosophy. Examining critically the limits of his thinking, they also bear witness to its influence on contemporary philosophy, thus demonstrating the significance of his groundbreaking project of establishing ethics as first philosophy. In four parts, "First Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Ethics," "Phenomenology and its Theological Turn?," "Ethics and Aesthetics," "Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction," the major themes in Levinas' oeuvre are addressed, such as alterity, human dignity, religion, and communication. Contributors: Thomas Baumeister, Andris Breitling, Roger Burggraeve, Arthur Cools, Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, Eddo Evink, Matthias Flatscher, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Alwin Letzkus, Burkhard Liebsch, Michel Lisse, Stefano Micali, Marcel Poorthuis, Renée van Riessen, Johan Taels, László Tengelyi, Rudi Visker, Jacques de Visscher, Elisabeth Weber.
1 online resource (xxiv, 316 pages) :
9789047443216 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.