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Disease in Babylonia /
This collection of articles is the first collection of studies on the specific subject of disease in Babylonia, based upon actual medical texts, with contributions by senior scholars who have spent years working on published and unpublished cuneiform medical texts. The volume contains editions of unpublished materials as well as syntheses of information about specific diseases in Babylonia, such as fever, published here for the first time. The volume will be important for anyone interested in the history of ancient medicine as well as being an important contribution to Assyriology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047404187 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
London's waterfront 1100-1666 : excavations in Thames Street, London, 1974-84 /
This volume presents and celebrates the mile-long Thames Street in the City of London and the land south of it to the River Thames as an archaeological asset. The argument is based on the reporting of four excavations of 1974-84 by the Museum of London near the north end of London Bridge: Swan Lane, Seal House, New Fresh Wharf and Billingsgate Lorry Park. Here the findings of the period 1100-1666 are presented.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xxiv, 514 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781784918385 (ebook) :
London's waterfront 1100-1666 : excavations in Thames Street, London, 1974-84 /
This volume presents and celebrates the mile-long Thames Street in the City of London and the land south of it to the River Thames as an archaeological asset. The argument is based on the reporting of four excavations of 1974-84 by the Museum of London near the north end of London Bridge: Swan Lane, Seal House, New Fresh Wharf and Billingsgate Lorry Park. Here the findings of the period 1100-1666 are presented.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xxiv, 514 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781784918385 (ebook) :
Narrative ethics /
While Plato recommended expelling poets from the ideal society, W. H. Auden famously declared that poetry makes nothing happen. The 19 contributions to the present book avoid such polarized views and, responding in different ways to the "ethical turn" in narrative theory, explore the varied ways in which narratives encourage readers to ponder matters of right and wrong. All work from the premise that the analysis of narrative ethics needs to be linked to a sensitivity to esthetic (narrative) form. The ethical issues are accordingly located on different levels. Some are clearly presented as thematic concerns within the text(s) considered, while others emerge through (or are generated by) the presentation of character and event by means of particular narrative techniques. The objects of analysis include such well-known or canonical texts as Biblical Old Testament stories, Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn , J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings , Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita , Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones , Ann Radcliffe's The Italian and Matthew Lewis's The Monk . Others concentrate on less-well-known texts written in languages other than English. There are also contributions that investigate theoretical issues in relation to a range of different examples.
"The chapters of this volume are revised versions of papers given at an international conference on narrative theory and analysis arranged at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 19-20 November 2010"--Preface. :
1 online resource (xii, 313 pages) : color illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789401209823 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Butoh and Suzuki Performance in Australia : Bent Legs on Strange Grounds, 1982-2023 /
In Butoh and Suzuki Performance in Australia: Bent Legs on Strange Grounds, 1982-2023 , Marshall considers how the originally Japanese forms of butoh dance and Suzuki's theatre reconfigure historical lineages to find ancient yet transcultural ancestors within Australia and beyond. Marshall argues that artists working in Australia with butoh and Suzuki techniques develop conflicted yet compelling diasporic, multicultural, spiritually and corporeally compelling interpretations of theatrical practice. Marshall puts at the centre of butoh historiography the work of Tess de Quincey, Yumi Umiumare, Tony Yap, Lynne Bradley, Simon Woods, Frances Barbe, and Australian Suzuki practitioners Jacqui Carroll and John Nobbs. Jonathan W. Marshall's Bent Legs on Strange Grounds is an important contribution to the body of literature on butoh, as well as to studies of dance in Australia that will be valuable to practitioners and scholars alike. Detailed discussions of Australian butoh artists open up consideration of how global and local histories, migrations, and landscapes not only were key to butoh's formation in Japan, but also to its continued development around the world. Attention to butoh's emplacement in Australia, Marshall convincingly argues, reveals insights about national identity, race, power, and more that are relevant well beyond the Australian performance context. - Rosemary Candelario, Texas Woman's University, co-editor, Routledge Companion to Butoh Performance (2018) Marshall's Bent Legs on Strange Grounds explores the remarkable transformative era of Australia's reconsideration of its place in the region. A definitive study of Australian experiments in butoh and the theatrical vision of Suzuki Tadashi, the book shows how new corporeal and spatial dramaturgies of the Japanese avant-garde fundamentally changed Australian performance. Expansively researched and annotated, this impressive study connects Australian performance after the New Wave with globalization, postmodern dance, Indigeneity, and subcultures, and it details the work of leading Australian/Asian artists. Bent Legs on Strange Grounds speaks about the development of embodied knowledge and the consequential refiguration of Australia's sense of being in the world. It is also a study of butoh and Suzuki's legacy in global terms, wherein Australian experimental performance also becomes something larger than itself. - Peter Eckersall, The Graduate Center, CUNY, author of Performativity and Event in 1960s Japan (2013).
1 online resource (305 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mesopotamian medicine and magic : studies in honor of Markham J. Geller /
Mesopotamian Medicine and Magic. Studies in Honour of Markham J. Geller is a thematically focused collection of 34 brand-new essays bringing to light a representative selection of the rich and varied scientific and technical knowledge produced chiefly by the cuneiform cultures. The contributions concentrate mainly on Mesopotamian scholarly descriptions and practices of diagnosing and healing diverse physical ailments and mental distress. The festschrift contains both critical editions of new texts as well as analytical studies dealing with various issues of Mesopotamian medical and magical lore. Currently, this is the largest edited volume devoted to this topic, significantly contributing to the History of Ancient Sciences.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Crises and the Roman Empire : proceedings of the Seventh Workshop of the international network Impact of Empire, Nijmegen, June 20-24, 2006 /
This volume presents the proceedings of the seventh workshop of the international thematic network 'Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire and brings together ancient historians, archaeologists, classicists and specialists on Roman law from some 30 European and North American universities. The seventh volume focuses on the impact that crises had on the development and functioning of the Roman Empire from the Republic to Late Imperial times. The following themes are treated: the role of crises in the empire as a whole; the relationship between crises and the Roman economy; modes in which crises influenced the presentation of emperors, and the impact of crises on and reception in (legal) writings.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047420903 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Mongol Empire and its Legacy /
The Mongol empire was founded early in the 13th century by Chinggis Khan and within the span of two generations embraced most of Asia, becoming the largest land-based state in history. The united empire lasted only until around 1260, but the major successor states continued on in the Middle East, present day Russia, Central Asia and China for generations, leaving a lasting impact - much of which was far from negative - on these areas and their peoples. The papers in this volume present new perspectives on the establishment of the Mongol empire, Mongol rule in the eastern Islamic world, Central Asia and China, and the legacy of this rule. The various authors approach these subjects from the view of political, military, social, cultural and intellectual history. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ancient Syria : a three thousand year history /
Syria has long been one of the most trouble-prone and politically volatile regions of the Near and Middle Eastern world. This book looks back beyond the troubles of the present to tell the 3000-year story of what came before: the peoples, cities, and kingdoms that arose, flourished, declined, and disappeared in the lands that now constitute Syria, from the time of the region's earliest written records in the third millennium BC, right through the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century AD.
xiv, 379 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9780199646678 :
American travelers on the Nile : early U.S. visitors to Egypt, 1774-1839 /
The Treaty of Ghent signed in 1814, ending the War of 1812, allowed Americans once again to travel abroad. Medical students went to Paris, artists to Rome, academics to Gottingen, and tourists to all European capitals. More intrepid Americans ventured to Athens, to Constantinople, and even to Egypt. Beginning with two eighteenth-century travellers, this book then turns to the 25-year period after 1815 that saw young men from East Coast cities, among them graduates of Harvard, Yale, and Columbia, travelling to the lands of the Bible and of the Greek and Latin authors they had first known as teenagers. Drawing on unpublished letters and diaries together with previously neglected newspaper accounts, as well as a handful of published accounts, this book offers a new look at the early American experience in Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world. More than thirty illustrations complement the stories told by the travellers themselves.
xxi, 412 pages, 20 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (chiefly color), map ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789774166679 :