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Paul and Scripture /
In Paul and Scripture , an international group of scholars discuss a range of topics related to the Apostle Paul and his relationship(s) with Jewish Scripture. The essays represent a broad spectrum of viewpoints, with some devoted to methodological issues, others to general patterns in Paul's uses of Scripture, and still others to specific letters or passages within the traditional Pauline canon (inclusive of the disputed letters). The end result is an overview of the various ways in which Paul the Apostle weaves into his writings the authority, content, and even wording of Jewish Scriptures.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004391512 :
1572-4913 ;
Following the Man of Yamhad : settlement and territory at Old Babylonian Alalah /
Legal texts recording the purchase or exchange of entire settlements are among the most important cuneiform tablets discovered at Old Babylonian/Middle Bronze Age (Level VII) Alalah. Following the Man of Yamhad is the first book-length study of these legal texts and the socio-economic practice that they document. The author explores the nature of the alienated settlements, the rights enjoyed by their owners, the underlying system of land tenure, and the larger political context in which the transactions occurred. The study is supported by extensive collations and up-to-date editions of relevant legal and administrative texts. Its conclusions will be of interest to anyone working on the history, society, and economy of the Bronze Age Near East.
1 online resource (xv, 447 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 401-421) and indexes. :
9789004292895 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Saints and role models in Judaism and Christianity /
This volume deals with the role of saints and exemplary individuals in Judaism and Christianity. Although sharing the Hebrew Bible and recognizing the same Biblical figures there, both religions have developed widely divergent perspectives upon the significance of these figures, although there are occasional common motifs and themes. Moreover, even the contrasting themes betray an underlying interaction between both religions as is clear from the contributions on, for example, Melchizedek, Elijah, the Desert Fathers, Rabbis on clothing, the Apostle Peter in Jewish tradition, the Maccabees in Christian tradition and the Biblical examples in Saint Antony the Hermit. The book examines Jewish and Christian perspectives upon saints and role models from the Biblical period to the present time. It will be of special importance to scholars and general readers interested in an interdisciplinary approach to theology, rabbinics, history, art history and much more.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
Shaping Medan : The Role and Impact of Prominent Chinese 1890-1942 /
The City of Medan on Sumatra emerged from the large-scale plantation industry. The plantations were characterized by harsh labor conditions, and frequently described as an area of suppression and struggle. In contrast, the city of Medan itself maintained a relatively harmonious atmosphere. A significant factor contributing to this harmony was the influence of nine Chinese businessmen. This book, featuring previously unpublished archival materials and interviews, explores the contributions of these prominent Chinese figures to Medan's economic, social, healthcare, and politics..
1 online resource (348 pages) : illustrations. :
The land of Israel in Bible, history, and theology : studies in honour of Ed Noort /
This book deals with many aspects of the land of Israel. In the first part, the emphasis is on descriptions of the land in Joshua and other books of the Hebrew anf Greek Bible. In the second part, the focus shifts to the land in history and theology: reception-history of biblical texts dealing with the land, archaeology of Palestine, and theological-hermeneutical implications of taking the land traditions of the Bible seriously. The result is a rich collection of articles on one of the main themes of the Old Testament; a theme that has a fascinating, although not always unproblematic reception history.
1 online resource. :
"A bibliography of Ed Noort": pages [431]-440.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047428602 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Disease in Babylonia /
This collection of articles is the first collection of studies on the specific subject of disease in Babylonia, based upon actual medical texts, with contributions by senior scholars who have spent years working on published and unpublished cuneiform medical texts. The volume contains editions of unpublished materials as well as syntheses of information about specific diseases in Babylonia, such as fever, published here for the first time. The volume will be important for anyone interested in the history of ancient medicine as well as being an important contribution to Assyriology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047404187 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The canonical Hebrew Bible : a theology of the Old Testament /
Founded on a lifetime's research and creative thought, this is the crowning work of an internationally celebrated Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholar. Part I provides an engaging running commentary on the text from a final-form, canonical perspective, and Part II deals with a range of thematic issues, including: creation, covenant and election, the patriarchs, the promised land, torah, cult, Moses, David, Zion, language about God, prophecy, wisdom, Israel's historical consciousness, hermeneutics, Jewish and Christian theology of the Hebrew Bible. It is both an invaluable tool for students and a significant work demanding the attention of professionals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [757]-781) and indexes. :
9789004397415 :
1566-2101 ;
Judges 19-21 and the "Othering" of Benjamin : A Golah Polemic against the Autochthonous Inhabitants of the Land? /
Of all the tribes of Israel, why is Benjamin cast in the role of the villainous "other" in Judges 19-21? Krisel argues that the anti-Benjamin Tendenz in the narrative reflects economic, political and ideological tensions between the Golah community, the deportees who returned from Babylon during the early Persian period, and the people who had not gone into exile, who lived primarily in the Benjamin region. The hypothesis is supported by archaeological and survey data largely overlooked by biblical scholars and by a careful redaction history of the text. Krisel engages critically with the predominant scholarly view that Judges 19-21 uses "irony" to cast the explicit heroes in the narrative, the sons of Israel, as the implicit villains.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Studies in historical geography and biblical historiography : presented to Zechariah Kallai /
This book is presented to Professor Zecharia Kallai, one of the leading scholars of Historical Geography of the Bible, by his students and friends. It contains a collection of studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography. The book is divided into three parts: Historical Geography, Biblical History and Historiography, and Texts and Textual Studies. The book is concluded with a list of Kallai's publications. Part one contains articles by Shmuel Ahituv, Aaron Demsky, Volkmar Fritz, Gershon Galil, M. Heltzer, André Lemaire, Zeev Safrai, B. Oded and Joshua Schwartz. Part two contains articles by Yairah Amit, Graeme Auld, David Elgavish, Moshe Garsiel, E.L. Greenstein, A.F. Rainey, Shmuel Vargon. And part three contains articles by Yitzhak Avishur, Bob Becking, Moshe Elat, Bezalel Porten andamp; Ada Yardeni, Moshe Weinfeld and Ze'ev Weisman.
1 online resource (xii, 281 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 263-265) and indexes. :
9789047400349 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Dead Sea scrolls and the developmental composition of the Bible /
Winner of the 2015 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award Winner of the Frank Moore Cross Award for Best Book in Biblical Studies from ASOR Winner of the Biblical Archaeology Society 2017 Publication Award for Best Book Relating to the Hebrew Bible Eugene Ulrich presents in The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Developmental Composition of the Bible ( (also available as paperback) the comprehensive and synthesized picture he has gained as editor of many biblical scrolls. His earlier volume, The Biblical Qumran Scrolls , presented the evidence - the transcriptions and textual variants of all the biblical scrolls - and this volume explores the implications and significance of that evidence. The Bible has not changed, but modern knowledge of it certainly has changed. The ancient Scrolls have opened a window and shed light on a period in the history of the text's formation that had languished in darkness for two thousand years. They offer a parade of surprises that greatly enhance knowledge of how the scriptural texts developed through history.
Sequel to: The Biblical Qumran scrolls (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum ; volume 134). :
1 online resource (xxi, 346 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xix-xxi) and indexes. :
9789004296039 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Islamic leadership in the European lands of the former Ottoman and Russian Empires : legacy, challenges and change /
In Islamic Leadership in the European Lands of the Former Ottoman and Russian Empires the history and contemporary development of Islamic leadership in over a dozen of Eastern European countries is analysed. The studies are presented through a double prism: the institutional structures of the Muslim communities and the place of the muftiates in the current national constellations on one hand, and the dimension of the spiritual guidance emanating from the muftiates on the other. The latter includes aspects such as the muftiates' powers and role in supervision of mosques and other religious institutions, production, dissemination and control of religious knowledge and discussions on traditional and non-traditional forms of Islam engaged in by the muftiates. This is the first comprehensive edited volume on the subject. Contributors are: Srđan Barišić, Ayder Bulatov, Marko Hadjdinjak, Olsi Jazexhi, Memli Sh. Krasniqi, Armend Mehmeti, Dino Mujadžević, Agata S. Nalborczyk, Egdūnas Račius, Aziz Nazmi Shakir, Vitalii Shchepanskyi, Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, Daša Slabčanka, Aid Smajić, Irina Vainovski-Mihai, Mykhaylo Yakubovych, and Galina Yemelianova.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004352681 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Anthropology of law in Muslim Sudan. Land, courts and the plurality of practices /
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan analyses the hybridity of law systems and the plurality of legal practices in rural and urban contexts of contemporary Sudan, shedding light on the complex relation between Islam and society. It is the outcome of the international research program ANDROMAQUE ( Anthropologie du Droit dans les Mondes Musulmans Africains et Asiatiques ), funded by the French ANR ( Agence National de la Recherche ) between 2011 and 2014. Crossing two disciplinary perspectives, anthropology and law, the present volume contains original fieldwork data on contemporary urban and rural Sudan. Focusing on two major domains, land property and courts, several case studies demonstrate the relevance of an approach based on "legal practices" to underline, first, the plurality and hybridity of law systems and the relative role of the Islamic reference in Sudanese society, and, secondly, the reshaping of legal behaviors and norms after the breaking point of South Sudan's independence in 2011. Contributors are: Zahir M. Abdal-Kareem; Azza A. Abdel Aziz; Musa A. Abdul-Jalil; Munzoul M.A. Assal; Mohamed A. Babiker; Yazid Ben Hounet; Barbara Casciarri; Baudoin Dupret; Philippe Gout; Enrico Ille.
1 online resource (xxvii, 315 pages) :
9789004362185 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint presented to Eugene Ulrich /
With contributions by many of his colleagues and former students, this volume pays homage to Eugene Ulrich, Chief Editor of the Cave 4 Biblical Scrolls and a foremost expert on the Biblical Scrolls, the Canon of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, and the Septuagint. In line with Professor Ulrich's areas of scholarship and interest, the almost 30 essays are grouped in three main sections: The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (including the Biblical Scrolls from the Judaean Desert); Qumran and the Non-Biblical Scrolls from the Judaean Desert; and the Septuagint and Other Ancient Versions. The volume includes a tribute to Eugene Ulrich and ends with a cumulative bibliography and several useful indices.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047417989 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A Local history of Greek polytheism : gods, people, and the land of Aigina, 800-400 bce /
This book provides the first comprehensive and detailed study of the deities and cults of the important Greek island-state of Aigina from the Geometric to Classical periods (800-400 BCE). It rests on a thorough first-hand reconsideration of the archaeological, epigraphic and literary evidence. The development of the local cults is reconstructed, along with their interrelationships and how they responded to the social needs of the Aiginetans. Revising other recent models of interpretation, the author proposes a distinctive approach, informed by anthropology and social theory, to the study of the religious life of the ancient Greeks. On this basis, she uses the case of Aigina to explore fundamental issues such as the nature and variety of local religious worlds and their relationship to the panhellenic concepts and practices of Greek religion.
1 online resource (xxviii, 690 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 551-577) and index. :
9789004262089 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.