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Dictionary of archaeological terms : English-Greek/Greek-English /
Continuing the Archaeopress series of pocket-sized Dictionaries of Archaeological Terms, here is a dictionary of useful terms compiled to assist in the reading of archaeological books and publications, and in the writing of papers and articles, in both English and Greek. It covers Aegean prehistory through to Hellenistic and Roman times.
Previously issued in print: 2011.
Parallel title in Greek script. :
1 online resource (92 pages) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789691665 (PDF ebook) :
The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of the Levant : c. 8000-332 BCE /
"This Handbook aims to serve as a research guide to the archaeology of the Levant, an area situated at the crossroads of the ancient world that linked the eastern Mediterranean, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. The Levant as used here is a historical geographical term referring to a large area which today comprises the modern states of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, western Syria, and Cyprus, as well as the West Bank, Gaza, and the Sinai Peninsula. Unique in its treatment of the entire region, it offers a comprehensive overview and analysis of the current state of the archaeology of the Levant within its larger cultural, historical, and socio-economic contexts. The Handbook also attempts to bridge the modern scholarly and political divide between archaeologists working in this highly contested region" -- Jacket.
Series statement from jacket. :
xxi, 885 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9780199212972 :
Puzzling out the past : studies in Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in honor of Bruce Zuckerman /
Bruce Zuckerman has transformed the way we look at ancient Semitic inscriptions. Through his efforts, the most important inscriptions of biblical times have been reread and the history of the biblical and Second Temple periods reimagined. He has made contributions to the fields of biblical studies and modern Judaism, and, in founding Maarav: A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures , has made the research of many scholars available to the scholarly community. The series of articles included here honor his many contributions through discussions of a wide variety of inscriptional materials, Biblical texts, archaeology, lexicography and teaching methodology. Included in the volume is a republication of his path breaking exhibition catalogue, Puzzling Out the Past .
1 online resource (352 pages) :
9789004227163 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Food and drink in Egypt and Sudan : selected studies in archaeology, culture, and history /
The study of historic foodways is as multifaceted and varied as food itself. The changes we see in food habits and choices over history reveal evolving social and political climates and help us envision our ancestors' everyday lives and imagined afterlives. Food certainly played a role in funerary rites; it was offered to the dead, of course, but also shared at the grave among the living family members, symbolically bridging between this world and the next. Choosing the food was embedded in a series of traditions and norms; how it relates to what was actually eaten in associated settlements enables an understanding of its meaning. Feasts, whether for the dead or the living, were laden with political and social meaning. Fasting, although requiring abstention from certain foods, also involves the management--from sourcing and storing to cooking and eating--of the permitted foods, a key concern in contexts such as monasteries where fasting occurred. This collective work demonstrates the diversity of possible approaches to food. It presents the current state of research on the foodways of Egypt and Sudan and highlights the importance of further interdisciplinary collaboration for a "big picture" approach. It brings together 16 articles covering archaeology (in the broadest sense), theory, anthropology, language, ethnography, and architecture to illustrate food traditions and history in Egypt and Sudan from as early as the 4th millennium BC to the 20th century.
L'étude des modes alimentaires historiques est aussi multiple et variée que la nourriture elle-même. Les changements que nous observons dans les habitudes et les choix alimentaires au fil du temps révèlent l'évolution des climats sociaux et politiques et nous aident à imaginer la vie quotidienne et l'au-delà de nos ancêtres. La nourriture jouait certainement un rôle dans les rites funéraires ; elle était offerte aux défunts, bien sûr, mais aussi partagée dans ou à proximité de la sépulture entre les membres vivants de la famille, jetant symboliquement un pont entre le monde d'ici-bas et l'au-delà. Le choix des aliments s'inscrivait dans une série de traditions et de normes ; la comparaison de ceux offerts avec ceux ordinairement consommés permet de comprendre la signification qui leur était attribuée. Les fêtes, qu'elles soient destinées aux morts ou aux vivants, étaient chargées d'une signification politique et sociale. Le jeûne, bien que consistant à s'abstenir de certains aliments, implique également la gestion - depuis l'approvisionnement et le stockage jusqu'à la cuisson et la consommation - des aliments autorisés, une préoccupation essentielle dans des contextes tels que les monastères, où le jeûne était pratiqué. Cet ouvrage collectif rend compte de la diversité des approches possibles portant sur l'alimentation. Il présente l'état actuel de la recherche sur les habitudes alimentaires de l'Égypte et du Soudan et souligne l'importance d'une collaboration interdisciplinaire plus poussée pour une approche globale. Il rassemble 16 articles couvrant l'archéologie (au sens large), la théorie, l'anthropologie, la langue, l'ethnographie et l'architecture, qui illustrent les traditions alimentaires et l'histoire de l'Égypte et du Soudan depuis le IVe millénaire av. J.-C. jusqu'au xxe siècle.
Text in English. Summaries of contributions in English. Summaries in French and English on the back cove. :
xv, 307 pages : color illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782724709544 :
0259-3823 ;
The Catalogue contains all inscriptions discovered during 24 seasons of Saudi-German excavations at Taymāʼ, 2004-15. The 113 objects carry inscriptions in different languages and scripts, including Babylonian cuneiform, Imperial Aramaic inscriptions, Arabic inscriptions and more, illustrating the linguistic diversity of the oasis through time.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (xiv, 257 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789698770 (PDF ebook) : :
Open access.
Hebrew lexical semantics and daily life in ancient Israel : what's cooking in biblical Hebrew? /
In Hebrew Lexical Semantics and Daily Life in Ancient Israel , Kurtis Peters hitches the world of Biblical Studies to that of modern linguistic research. Often the insights of linguistics do not appear in the study of Biblical Hebrew, and if they do, the theory remains esoteric. Peters finds a way to maintain linguistic integrity and yet simplify cognitive linguistic methods to provide non-specialists an access point. By employing a cognitive approach one can coordinate the world of the biblical text with the world of its surroundings. The language of cooking affords such a possibility - Peters evaluates not only the words or lexemes related to cooking in the Hebrew Bible, but also the world of cooking as excavated by archaeology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004325982 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
International review of biblical studies / internationale...
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
V. 53. :
1 online resource. :
9789047433064 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
International Review of Biblical Studies, 2007-2008 / Internationale Zeitschriftenschau Fur Bibelwissenschaft Und Grenzgebiete .
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
1 online resource. :
9789047426011 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
International review of biblical studies.
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource. :
9789047419228 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christianity and monasticism in Alexandria and the Egyptian deserts /
The great city of Alexandria is undoubtedly the cradle of Egyptian Christianity, where the Catechetical School was established in the second century and became a leading center in the study of biblical exegesis and theology. According to tradition, St. Mark the Evangelist brought Christianity to Alexandria in the middle of the first century and was martyred in that city, which was to become the residence of Egypt's Coptic patriarchs for nearly eleven centuries. By the fourth century Egyptian monasticism had began to flourish in the Egyptian deserts and countryside. The contributors to this volume, international specialists in Coptology from around the world, examine the various aspects of Coptic civilization in Alexandria and its environs, and in the Egyptian deserts, over the past two millennia. The contributions explore Coptic art, archaeology, architecture, language, and literature. The impact of Alexandrian theology and its cultural heritage as well as the archaeology of its 'university' are highlighted. Christian epigraphy in the Kharga Oasis, the art and architecture of the Bagawat cemetery, and the archaeological site of Kellis (Ismant al-Kharab) with its Manichaean texts are also discussed.
"A Saint Mark Foundatoin book".
Papers presented at the eighth international symposium of the St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies and the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, held at the Logos Center in Wadi al-Natrun, February 12-15, 2017.
"[T]his last volume of the series Christianity and Monasticism in Egypt ..." --Foreword. :
xxvi, 390 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-390). :
Seeking the koko' ta'ay : Investigating the Origins of Little People Myths in Taiwan and Beyond /
This volume, edited by Tobie Openshaw and Dean Karalekas, will guide you on a multidisciplinary journey through Indigenous peoples' centuries-old lore of "little people" in Taiwan and the Pacific. Learn about the Taiwan SaiSiyat people's paSta'ay ritual , still held to this day to commemorate the koko ta'ay . Follow the distribution of the legends, interspersed with original stories by modern Indigenous authors. Explore the archaeological find of small-statured negrito remains in Taiwan, and delve into the most current research on the topic by linguists, anthropologists, folklorists, and other specialists to unravel the mystery of what-or who-inspired these ancient legends.
1 online resource (311 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Understanding and accessibility of pre-and proto-historical research issues : sites, museums and communication strategies : proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June...
Museums are increasingly seen as the place where scientific research and heritage education meet; 8 papers here consider the mediation of language from research usage to public usage, making a museum visit an educational experience, universal accessibility, local community involvement, and use of media and new technologies for public outreach.
Also issued in print: 2021. :
1 online resource (iv, 81 pages) : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781803270791 (PDF ebook) : :
Open access.
Scribal Education in the Sargonic Period /
Scribal Education in the Sargonic Period is an in-depth analysis of the process of education for scribes during the period of Sargonic hegemony in ancient Mesopotamia (c. 2335-2150 BCE). The book provides a holistic study of the topic, addressing the technology of writing, the school texts used in education, the languages of instruction, and the social and historical context of scribal life and an education in cuneiform writing. The topic of scribal education at such an early period of Mesopotamian history has never been addressed at length before. Nicholas Kraus convincingly argues that scribal education during the Sargonic period was closely tied to the administrative institutions of the Sargonic Empire and prepared a scribe to become an effective administrator. The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and Harvard Semitic Monographs ,
Based on the author's dissertation (doctoral)--Yale University, 2018. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995, zusammengestellt unter Einschluss der einschlägigen Rezensionen /
The people of the Hittites (ca. 1700-1200 B.C.) have been the object of serious study for more than eighty years now. Consequently our knowledge of these Indo-European Anatolians has grown at an enourmous pace. One may therefore rigthly conclude that the flow of scholarly literature in monographs, journal articles, Festschriften et cetera has reached a point where hardly any scholar can claim an overview anymore. This systematic bibliography of Hittitology covers the scholarly production from 1915-1995. The authors have aimed at exhaustiveness for Hittitologists. As Hittitology can not be isolated from the studies of adjacent contemporary (Anatolian) peoples, also relevant important contributions on for example the Chatti, Churrites, Luwians and other cultures have been taken into account. The work is divided into nine chapters: 1. General (Reference Works, Festschrifte, Congresses, et cetera); 2. Archaeology, Anthropology, Collections; 3. Script, Epigraphy; 4. Language and Philology, Ethnic Groups; 5. Geography; 6. Social Relations; 7. History; 8. Religion; 9. Cultural History. With geographical index and an index of authors and reviewers. 'A reliable bibliography is one of the basic elements for every serious library.' The Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995 was compiled by Vladimír Sou_ek and Jana Siegelová, and originally published with cooperation of the Prague Narodni Museum. The work is distributed exclusively by Brill and has been incorporated in the series Handbook of Oriental Studies 1.
1 online resource (3 volumes (344, 330, 448 pages)) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004305038 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A new companion to Homer /
This volume is the first English-language survey of Homeric studies to appear for more than a generation, and the first such work to attempt to cover all fields comprehensively. Thirty leading scholars from Europe and America provide short, authoritative overviews of the state of knowledge and current controversies in the many specialist divisions in Homeric studies. The chapters pay equal attention to literary, mythological, linguistic, historical, and archaeological topics, ranging from such long-established problems as the \'Homeric Question\' to newer issues like the relevance of narratology and computer-assisted quantification. The collection, the third publication in Brill's handbook series, The Classical Tradition , will be valuable at every level of study - from the general student of literature to the Homeric specialist seeking a general understanding of the latest developments across the whole range of Homeric scholarship.
Updated edition of: A companion to Homer. 1962.
Series statement on jacket. :
1 online resource (xviii, 755 pages, [15] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 715-745) and index. :
9789004217607 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.