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No North Sea : the Anglo-German evangelical network in the middle of the nineteenth century /
This volume deals with those Christians who helped construct an international and inter-denominational evangelical network in western Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century. The Evangelical Alliance (est. 1846) institutionalised this ecumenical impulse. The Berlin Conference (1857) was the high-point of cross-border cooperation in those decades. The réveil in France and Switzerland and the Erweckung in Germany laid the groundwork for the Alliance in Europe. England, the motherland of the evangelical revival, provided a resource centre for continental evangelicalism. The chapters on the various missionary endeavours at home and abroad draw attention to the outward-looking, charitable and evangelistic character of evangelicals. Students of evangelicalism, the missionary movement and the ecumenical movement will find the book to be of particular importance.
1 online resource (xxii, 286 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-281) and index. :
9789004320048 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Histories of the Middle East studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A.L. Udovitch /
For four decades Abraham L. Udovitch has been a leading scholar of the medieval Islamic world, its economic institutions, social structures, and legal theory and practice. In pursuing his quest to understand and explain the complex phenomena that these broad rubrics entail, he has published widely, collaborated internationally with other leading scholars of the Middle East and medieval history, and most saliently for the purposes of this volume, taught several cohorts of students at Princeton University. This volume is therefore dedicated to his intellectual legacy from a uniquely revealing angle: the current work of his former students. The papers in this volume range chronologically from the period preceding the rise of Islam in Arabia to the Mamluk era, geographically from the Western Mediterranean to the Western Indian Ocean and thematically from the political negotiations of Christian and Islamic Mediterranean sovereigns to the historiography of Western Indian Ocean port cities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004214736 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Empires of the Sea : a Maritime Power Networks in World History /
Empires of the Sea brings together studies of maritime empires from the Bronze Age to the Eighteenth Century. The volume aims to establish maritime empires as a category for the (comparative) study of premodern empires, and from a partly 'non-western' perspective. The book includes contributions on Mycenaean sea power, Classical Athens, the ancient Thebans, Ptolemaic Egypt, The Genoese Empire, power networks of the Vikings, the medieval Danish Empire, the Baltic empire of Ancien Régime Sweden, the early modern Indian Ocean, the Melaka Empire, the (non-European aspects of the) Portuguese Empire and Dutch East India Company, and the Pirates of Caribbean.
1 online resource :
Sea of faith : Islam and Christianity in the medieval Mediterranean world /
The shared history of Christianity and Islam began, shortly after Islam emerged in the seventh century A.D., with a question: Who would inherit the world of the Mediterranean? Sprung from the same Abrahamic source, the two faiths played out what historian O'Shea calls "sibling rivalry writ very large." Their clashes on the battlefield were balanced by long periods of coexistence and mutual enrichment, and by the end of the sixteenth century the religious boundaries of the modern world were drawn. O'Shea chronicles the meetings of minds and the collisions of armies that marked the Middle Ages--the better to understand their apparently intractable conflict today. For all the great and everlasting moments of cultural interchange and tolerance--in Cordoba, Palermo, Constantinople--the ultimate "geography of belief" was decided on the battlefield. O'Shea recounts seven pivotal battles between the forces of Christianity and Islam that shaped the Mediterranean world.--From publisher description.
xii, 411 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [385]-394) and index. :
0802714986 (hardcover)
9780802714985 :
Human interaction with the environment in the Red Sea : selected papers of Red Sea Project VI /
This volume contains a selection of fourteen papers presented at the Red Sea VI conference held at Tabuk University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2013. It sheds light on many aspects related to the environmental and biological perspectives, history, archaeology and human culture of the Red Sea, opening the door to more interdisciplinary research in the region. It stimulates a new discourse on different human adaptations to, and interactions with, the environment. With contributions by Andre Antunes, K. Christopher Beard, Ahmed Hussein, Emad Khalil, Solène Marion de Procé, Abdirachid Mohamed, Ania Kotarba-Morley, Sandra Olsen, Andrew Peacock, Eleanor Scerri, Pierre Schneider, Marijke Van Der Veen and Chiara Zazzaro.
1 online resource (xv, 442 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004330825 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Muhit al-Tavarikh (The sea of chronicles) /
This study provides a critical edition of chapters nine and ten of Muḥīṭ al-tavārīkh (The Sea of Chronicles) by Muḥammad Amīn born Mīrzā Muḥammad Zamān Bukhārī (Ṣūfīyānī). Muḥīṭ al-tavārīkh is a valuable source for the study of late seventeenth-century Central Asian history, historiography, and language. The present work represents the first critical edition of a primary source of Subḥān Qulī Khān's reign. The ninth chapter ( bāb ) offers accounts of the Timurid kings, Abulkhayrid/Shaybanid and the first four Ashtarkhanid/Janid khans. The tenth chapter presents a detailed account of the life and times of "the last great" Ashtarkhanid/Janid khan, Subḥān Qulī Bahādur (1682-1702), revealing historical information essential for scholars of the period and region.
1 online resource (500 pages) :
9789004256811 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The sea of chronicles (muḥīṭ al-tavārīkh) /
"The Sea of Chronicles is an English translation of the ninth and tenth chapters of the historiographical work entitled Muḥīṭ al-tavārīkh by Muḥammad Amīn b. Mīrzā Muḥammad Zamān Bukhārī. The work is a valuable source in particular for the study of the late seventeenth-century Central Asian political, cultural and religious history. The ninth chapter offers accounts of the Timurid, Abulkhayrid/Shaybanid and the first four Ashatrkhanid khans. The tenth chapter which is the most original and important chapter of the work presents a detailed account of the life and time of the last great Ashatkhanid ruler, Subḥān QulīKhān (r. 1682-1702), revealing historical information essential for the study of the period and region".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Material evidence and narrative sources : interdisciplinary studies of the history of the Muslim Middle East /
This book is a collected volume that crosses traditional boundaries between methodologies. Each of its sixteen articles is based on imaginative combinations of data provided by excavations, artifacts, monuments, urban topography, rural layouts, historical narratives and/or archival records. The volume as a whole demonstrates the effectiveness of interdisciplinary research applied to historical, cultural and archaeological problems. Its five sections - Economics and Trade , Governmental Authority , Material Culture , Changing Landscapes , and Monuments - bring forth original studies of the medieval, Ottoman and modern Middle East, amongst others, of voiceless and silenced social groups. Contributors are: Nitzan Amitai-Preiss, Jere L. Bacharach, Simonetta Calderini, Delia Cortese, Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Miriam Frenkel, Haim Goldfus, Hani Hamza, Stefan Heidemann, Miriam Kühn, Ayala Lester, Nimrod Luz, Yoram Meital, Daphna Sharef-Davidovich, Oren Shmueli, Yasser Tabbaa, Daniella Talmon-Heller, and Bethany Walker.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004279667 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Muslim Tatar minorities in the Baltic Sea Region /
In Muslim Tatar Minorities in the Baltic Sea Region , edited by Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund, the contributors introduce the history and contemporary situation of these little known groups of people that for centuries have been part of the religious and ethnic mosaic of this region. The book has a broad and multi-disciplinary scope and covers the early settlements in Lithuania and Poland, the later immigrations to Saint Petersburg, Finland, Estonia and Latvia, as well as the most recent establishments in Sweden and Germany. The authors, who hail from and are specialists on these areas, demonstrate that in several respects the Tatar Muslims have become well-integrated here. Contributors are: Toomas Abiline, Tamara Bairasauskaite, Renat Bekkin, Sebastian Cwiklinski, Harry Halén, Tuomas Martikainen, Agata Nalborczyk, Egdunas Racius, Ringo Ringvee, Valters Scerbinskis, Sabira Ståhlberg, Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004308800 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Seafaring expeditions to Punt in the Middle Kingdom : excavations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, Egypt /
In the 12th Dynasty (ca. 1985-1773 BC) the Egyptian state sent a number of seafaring expeditions to the land of Punt, located somewhere in the southern Red Sea region, in order to bypass control of the upper Nile by the Kerma kingdom. Excavations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis on the Red Sea coast of Egypt from 2001 to 2011 have uncovered evidence of the ancient harbor ( Saww ) used for these expeditions, including parts of ancient ships, expedition equipment and food - all transported circa 150 km across the desert from Qift in Upper Egypt to the harbor. This book summarizes the results of these excavations for the organization of these logistically complex expeditions, and evidence at the harbor for the location of Punt.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004379602 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jewish cultural encounters in the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world /
The essays in this volume originate from the Third Qumran Institute Symposium held at the University of Groningen, December 2013. Taking the flexible concept of "cultural encounter" as a starting point, the essays in this volume bring together a panoply of approaches to the study of various cultural interactions between the people of ancient Israel, Judea, and Palestine and people from other parts of the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world. In order to study how cultural encounters shaped historical development, literary traditions, religious practice and political systems, the contributors employ a broad spectrum of theoretical positions (e.g., hybridity, métissage, frontier studies, postcolonialism, entangled histories and multilingualism), to interpret a diverse set of literary, documentary, archaeological, epigraphic, numismatic, and iconographic sources.
1 online resource. :
9789004336919 :
1384-2161 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Aux origines du classicisme, Calligraphes et bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles (Les Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides 656-814 / 1258-1411).
Cet ouvrage explore une période charnière de l'histoire du livre islamique et iranien: la période mongole envisagée dans le long terme, sous les dynasties ilkhanide et djalayiride. Il étudie la question de la maturation de la calligraphie arabe classique à travers la vie et l'œuvre de Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī qui sont, pour la première fois, soumises à une analyse systématique, mettant en avant l'importance de son école et des maîtres bagdadiens pour les arts du livre des décennies suivantes. L'ouvrage se penche aussi sur les manuscrits des Ilkhans musulmans et du vizir Rashīd al-Dīn dans le cadre de la problématique de la naissance de la kitābkhānah et de l'affirmation du statut des calligraphes et des peintres sous les derniers Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides. This book explores a pivotal period in the history of the book in the Islamic world and Iran, id est the Mongol period viewed in a long-term perspective, under the Ilkhanid and the Djalayirid dynasties. It examines the issue of the maturation of classical Arabic calligraphy through the life and work of Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī, which are for the first time subjected to a systematic analysis, highlighting the importance of his school and the Baghdadi masters for the arts of the book of the following decades. The study also looks at the manuscripts of the Muslim Ilkhans and the Vizier Rashīd al-Dīn in the context of the birth of the kitābkhānah and the rise in the status of calligraphers and painters under the last Ilkhanids and the Djalayirids.
1 online resource. :
Law and religion in the Eastern Mediterranean : from antiquity to early Islam /
OCLC 864667961 :
xviii, 408 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
0199550239 (hbk.) :