Voice into text : orality and literacy in ancient Greece /
This volume deals with orality and literacy in ancient Greece and what consideration of these areas yields for that society, its literature, traditions and practices. Individual chapters focus on art, comedy, historiography, oratory, religion, rhetoric, philosophy, poetry, tragedy, and on orality in contemporary cultures (Greek and South African), which have a bearing on the ancient world. By considering such factors as oral elements in various genres and practices and how these have shaped the texts we have today, as well as the extent of literacy and the impact of literacy on oral traditions and on singers/writers, the book presents another insight into ancient Greek society and its people.
1 online resource (x, 232 pages, [8] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-230) and index. :
9789004329836 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Text and tradition : studies in ancient medicine and its transmission : presented to Jutta Kollesch /
The thirteen original studies collected in this volume range from detailed paleographical examinations of individual papyri, manuscripts and printed books to scholarly interpretations of particular medical texts in their cultural, intellectual and historical contexts. Subjects handled include an early testimony to the philosopher Empedocles, the development of general disease concepts from specific cases in the Hippocratic writings, the use of the word 'contagion' in the Roman medical writer Caelius Aurelianus, a Vienna manuscript which presents the contents of several Galenic treatises in the form of stemmatic diagrams, and the reception of Galen's medical system in Montpellier around 1300. With contributors from seven countries writing in four languages, this volume provides convincing evidence of the vitality and richness of scholarship in ancient medicine at the close of the twentieth century.
1 online resource (xii, 340 pages, 5 pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004377455 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin medical texts : studies in cultural change and exchange in ancient medicine /
Latin medical texts transmit medical theories and practices that originated mainly in Greece. This interaction took place through juxtaposition, assimilation and transformation of ideas. 'Greek' and 'Roman' in Latin Medical Texts studies the ways in which this cultural interaction influenced the development of the medical profession and the growth of knowledge of human and animal bodies, and especially how it provided the foundations for innovations in the areas of anatomy, pathology and pharmacology, from the earliest Latin medical texts until well into the medieval world.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004273863 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Approaches to Ancient Material Culture in the Greek & Roman World : 21st-Century Methods and Classical Antiquity /
New Approaches to Ancient Material Culture in the Greek & Roman World is about Classical Archaeology at its broadest and is important reading to all Classicists. As part of a recent movement to highlight the rich diversity of the subject it overcomes traditional disciplinary boundaries to show the variety of current approaches to the study of Classical Antiquity from the Late Bronze Age to the Late Antique period. The multi-disciplinary papers deal with archaeology and art history, museum objects and fieldwork data, ancient texts and material culture, archaeological theory and historiography, and technical and literary analysis. The international contributors discuss a selection of methodologies currently used to study ancient material, and illustrate their relevance through case studies which span the Greek and Roman world.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Is there a text in this cave? : studies in the textuality of the Dead Sea Scrolls in honour of George J. Brooke /
This volume is offered as a tribute to George Brooke to mark his sixty-fifth birthday. It has been conceived as a coherent contribution to the question of textuality in the Dead Sea Scrolls explored from a wide range of perspectives. These include material aspects of the texts, performance, reception, classification, scribal culture, composition, reworking, form and genre, and the issue of the extent to which any of the texts relate (to) social realities in the Second Temple period. Almost every contribution engages with Brooke's own remarkably wide-ranging, incisive, and innovative research on the Scrolls. The twenty-eight contributors are colleagues and students of the honouree and include leading scholars alongside promising new voices from across the field.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004344532 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Law, literature, and society in legal texts from Qumran : papers from the ninth meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Leuven 2016 /
Reflecting the increasing recognition of the importance of legal texts and issues in early Judaism, the essays in this collection examine halakhic and rule texts found at Qumran in light of the latest scholarship on text production, social organization, and material culture in early Judaism. The contributors present new interpretations of long-lived topics, such as the sobriquet "seekers of the smooth things," the Treatise of the Two Spirits, and 4QMMT, and take up new approaches to purity issues, the role of the maśkil, and the Temple Scroll. The volume exemplifies the range of ways in which the Qumran legal texts help illuminate early Jewish culture as a whole.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004393387 :
0169-9962 ;
Cyberresearch on the ancient Near East and neighboring regions : case studies on archaeological data, objects, texts, and digital archiving /
CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and Neighboring Regions is now available on PaperHive ! PaperHive is a new free web service that offers a platform to authors and readers to collaborate and discuss, using already published research. Please visit the platform to join the conversation. CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and Neighboring Regions provides case studies on archaeology, objects, cuneiform texts, and online publishing, digital archiving, and preservation. Eleven chapters present a rich array of material, spanning the fifth through the first millennium BCE, from Anatolia, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Iran. Customized cyber- and general glossaries support readers who lack either a technical background or familiarity with the ancient cultures. Edited by Vanessa Bigot Juloux, Amy Rebecca Gansell, and Alessandro Di Ludovico, this volume is dedicated to broadening the understanding and accessibility of digital humanities tools, methodologies, and results to Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Ultimately, this book provides a model for introducing cyber-studies to the mainstream of humanities research
1 online resource (xxviii, 458 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004375086 :
2452-0586 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Egypt transformed : the Middle Kingdom /
The Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030-1700 B.C.), the second great era of ancient Egyptian culture, was a transformational period during which the artistic conventions, cultural principles, religious beliefs, and political systems formed during earlier dynasties were developed and reimagined. This comprehensive volume presents a detailed picture of the art and culture of the Middle Kingdom, arguably the least known of Egypt's three kingdoms yet a time of remarkable prosperity and unprecedented change. International specialists present new insights into how Middle Kingdom artists refined existing forms and iconography to make strikingly original architecture, statuary, tomb and temple relief decoration, and stele. Thematic sections explore art produced for different strata of Egyptian society, including the pharaoh, royal women, the elite, and the family, while other chapters provide insight into Egypt's expanding relations with foreign lands and the themes of Middle Kingdom literature. More than 250 objects from major collections around the world are sumptuously illustrated, many with new photography undertaken specifically for this catalogue.
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 12, 2015-January 24, 2016. :
xix, 379 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 337-367) and index. :
Vision, narrative, and wisdom in the Aramaic texts from Qumran : essays from the Copenhagen Symposium, 14-15 August, 2017 /
The Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran have attracted increasing interest in recent years. These texts predate the "sectarian" Dead Sea scrolls, and they are contemporary with the youngest parts of the Hebrew Bible. They offer a unique glimpse into the situation before the biblical canons were closed. Their highly creative Jewish authors reshaped and rewrote biblical traditions to cope with the concerns of their own time. The essays in this volume examine this fascinating ancient literature from a variety of different perspectives. The book grew out of an international symposium held at the University of Copenhagen in August 2017.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Assyria to Iberia : art and culture in the Iron Age /
: "The essays in this volume are based on papers and lectures presented in conjunction with the exhibition "Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age" on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from September 27, 2014, through January 4, 2015" --Colophon. : ix, 360 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781588396068 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Assyria to Iberia : art and culture in the Iron Age /
: "The essays in this volume are based on papers and lectures presented in conjunction with the exhibition "Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age" on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from September 27, 2014, through January 4, 2015"--Colophon. : ix, 360 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781588396068 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Jewish Aramaic curse texts from late-antique Mesopotamia : "may these curses go out and flee" /
The corpus of Aramaic incantation bowls from Sasanian Mesopotamia is perhaps the most important source we have for studying the everyday beliefs and practices of the Jewish, Christian, Mandaean, Manichaean, Zoroastrian and Pagan communities on the eve of the Islamic conquests. In Jewish Aramaic Curse Texts from Late-Antique Mesopotamia , Dan Levene collects and analyses a selection of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic incantation bowls. While such texts are usually apotropaic or healing in purpose, those collected here are distinctive in that their purpose was to curse or return curses against human adversaries. This book presents new editions of thirty texts, of which fourteen are edited here for the first time, with an introduction, commentary, analysis and glossaries, as well as photographs. "In this valuable addition to the literature on the role of bowls with aggressive texts in magic practices in this period, Levene (Jewish history and culture, U. of Southampton, UK) presents a summary of newly edited and already published bowls with Aramaic transcription; English translation; its type (e.g., invocation of demons to attack a named person, counter-charm); publication source; formulaic parallels in other texts; and notes.\' Reference andamp; Research Book News, 2013.
1 online resource (xiv, 164 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004257269 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Dead Sea scrolls in context : integrating the Dead Sea scrolls in the study of ancient texts, languages, and cultures /
The Dead Sea Scrolls enrich many areas of biblical research, as well as the study of ancient and rabbinic Judasim, early Christian and other ancient literatures, languages, and cultures. With nearly all Dead Sea Scrolls published, it is now time to integrate the Dead Sea Scrolls fully into the various disciplines that benefit from them. This two-volume collection of essays answers this need. It represents the proceedings of a conference jointly organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Vienna in Vienna on February 11-14, 2008.
Proceedings of a conference jointly organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Vienna in Vienna on February 11-14, 2008. :
1 online resource (2 volumes (xvi, 962 pages), [16] pages of plates) : illustrations (some color), maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004194205 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Egyptian Animal Fables : Tree Climbing Hippos and Ennobled Mice /
One group of ancient Egyptian drawings has captured the curiosity of scholars and laypeople alike: images of animals acting like people. They illustrate animal fables originally from a larger mythological narrative, making them an integral part of New Kingdom Thebes's religious environment. This book examines the purpose of animal fables, drawing cross cultural and temporal comparisons to other storytelling and artistic traditions. This publication is also the first thorough art historical treatment of the ostraca and papyri. The drawings' iconography and aesthetic value are carefully examined, providing further nuance to our understanding of ancient Egyptian art.
This book examines the depictions of anthropomorphised animals found on ostraca and papyri from Deir el-Medina and considers their narrative and artistic purpose within the religious environment of New Kingdom Thebes. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ancient manuscripts in digital culture : visualisation, data mining, communication /
Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Culture presents an overview of the digital turn in Ancient Jewish and Christian manuscripts visualisation, data mining and communication. Edited by David Hamidović, Claire Clivaz and Sarah Bowen Savant, it gathers together the contributions of seventeen scholars involved in Biblical, Early Jewish and Christian studies. The volume attests to the spreading of digital humanities in these fields and presents fundamental analysis of the rise of visual culture as well as specific test-cases concerning ancient manuscripts. Sophisticated visualisation tools, stylometric analysis, teaching and visual data, epigraphy and visualisation belong notably to the varied overview presented in the volume.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004399297 :
2452-0586 ;
Rethinking Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honor of Ann Macy Roth /
Throughout her career, Ann Macy Roth has regularly returned to well-known ancient Egyptian material and visual culture and shed new light on it by employing different approaches and methodologies. In this way, her research has led to new interpretations and readings of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices while illustrating the importance of and need for continual questioning and re-examination within Egyptology. This volume brings together papers from around the world that follow her tradition of rethinking, reassessing, and innovating. It is intended to honour Roth's significant career as a scholar, mentor, and teacher and to celebrate and continue her dedication to analyzing ancient Egypt from novel perspectives.
1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
In the second degree : paratextual literature in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean culture and its reflections in medieval literature /
To better understand the phenomenon of Literature in the Second Degree - in Jewish and Biblical studies often characterized as parabiblical or Rewritten Bible - the current volume applies the theories of Gerard Genette to ancient and medieval literature from various cultures. Literature in the Second Degree realigns earlier (authoritative) texts to the dynamics of developing cultures and their changing cultural memories. In the case of authoritative base texts, Literature in the Second Degree reaffirms their authority by way of interpretative actualization. In the case of non-authoritative base texts it replaces them to effect cultural forgetting. Far from being just literary forgery (pseudepigraphy), Literature in the Second Degree has an important function in the development of the ancient and medieval cultures.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004194199 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Flavian Rome : culture, image, text /
The politics, literature and culture of ancient Rome during the Flavian principate (69-96 ce) have recently been the subject of intense investigation. In this volume of new, specially commissioned studies, twenty-five scholars from five countries have combined to produce a critical survey of the period, which underscores and re-evaluates its foundational importance. Most of the authors are established international figures, but a feature of the volume is the presence of young, emerging scholars at the cutting edge of the discipline. The studies attend to a diversity of topics, including: the new political settlement, the role of the army, change and continuity in Rome's social structures, cultural festivals, architecture, sculpture, religion, coinage, imperial discourse, epistemology and political control, rhetoric, philosophy, Greek intellectual life, drama, poetry, patronage, Flavian historians, amphitheatrical Rome. All Greek and Latin text is translated.
1 online resource (xvii, 754 pages) : illustrations, plans. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 685-717) and indexes. :
9789004217157 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.