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The archaeology of ancient Egypt : beyond pharaohs /
"Egyptologists, art historians, philologists and anthropological archaeologists have long worked side by side in Egypt, but they often fail to understand one another's approaches. This book aims to introduce students to the archaeological side of the study of ancient Egypt and to bridge the gap between disciplines by explaining how archaeologists tackle a variety of problems. Douglas J. Brewer introduces the theoretical reasoning for each approach, as well as the methods and techniques applied to support it. This book is an essential read for any student considering further study of ancient Egypt" --
"Archaeology: History and Development Archaeology and Egyptology Archaeology, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is the "study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and analysis of physical remains." These physical remains include not only every item ever made by humans - - from a piece of burnt charcoal to awe-inspiring stone monuments -- but also the remains of humans themselves. As such, archaeology is one of the widest-ranging scientific disciplines and incorporates method and theory from art, history, linguistics, geology, biology, chemistry, mathematics and the social sciences. What is Egyptology and how does it differ from archaeology? Egyptology is a historical discipline devoted to the study of ancient Egypt. It is modeled after classical studies of Greece and Rome, which rely on written records to supply chronology, historical data, and information about beliefs of the past. Egyptologists work with specific texts to understand nuances of the ancient culture, often within a well-defined time period. Like all historical disciplines, Egyptology is a particularizing discipline. That is, it is primarily interested in defining what happened at a specific place and time"--
xvii, 200 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Rethinking Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honor of Ann Macy Roth /
Throughout her career, Ann Macy Roth has regularly returned to well-known ancient Egyptian material and visual culture and shed new light on it by employing different approaches and methodologies. In this way, her research has led to new interpretations and readings of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices while illustrating the importance of and need for continual questioning and re-examination within Egyptology. This volume brings together papers from around the world that follow her tradition of rethinking, reassessing, and innovating. It is intended to honour Roth's significant career as a scholar, mentor, and teacher and to celebrate and continue her dedication to analyzing ancient Egypt from novel perspectives.
1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Concepts in Middle Kingdom funerary culture : proceedings of the Lady Wallis Budge anniversary symposium held at Christ's College, Cambridge, 22 January 2016 /
Concepts in Middle Kingdom Funerary Culture presents a collection of archaeological and philological papers discussing how ancient Egyptians thought, and modern scholars may think, about Egyptian funerary practices of the early 2nd millennium BCE. Targeting the concepts used by modern scholars, the papers address both general methodological questions of how concepts should be developed and used and more specific ones about the history and presuppositions behind particular Egyptological concepts. In so doing, the volume brings to the fore occasionally problematic intellectual baggage that have hindered understanding, as well highlighting new promising avenues of research in ancient Egyptian funerary culture in the Middle Kingdom and more broadly.
1 online resource. :
9789004399846 :
1566-2055 ;
From microcosm to macrocosm : individual households and cities in ancient egypt and nubia /
As reflected in the title "From Microcosm to Macrocosm : Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia", both a micro-approach introducing microhistories of individual sites according to recent archaeological fieldwork incorporating interdisciplinary methods as well as general patterns and regional developments in Northeast Africa are discussed. This combination of research questions on the micro-level with the macro-level provides new Information about cities and households in Ancient Egypt and Nubia and makes the book unique. Architectural studies as well as analyses of material culture and the new application of microarchaeology, here especially of micromorphology and archaeometric applications, are presented as case studies from sites primarily dating to the New Kingdom (Second Millennium BC).
The rich potential of well-preserved but still not completely explored sites in modern Sudan, especially as direct comparison for already excavated sites located in Egypt, is in particular emphasised in the book. Settlement archaeology in Egypt and Nubia has recently moved away from a strong textual approach and generalised studies to a more site-specific approach and household studies. This new bottom-up approach applied by current fieldwork projects is demonstrated in the book. The volume is intended for all specialists at settlements sites in Northeast Africa, for students of Egyptology and Nubian Studies, but it will be of interest to anyone working in the field of settlement archaeology.
260 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), charts, maps, plans ; 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Elephantine in context : studies on the history, religion and literature of the Judeans in Persian period Egypt /
"The Persian period has long been considered a "dark era" in Israel's history. For this reason, research has mainly focused on how it is depicted in the Hebrew Bible. A spectacular discovery of archaeological relics and epigraphic sources was hence hardly noticed: the military colony located on the island of Elephantine in the Nile, on the border between Egypt and present-day Sudan. The basic approach of this volume, which documents a three-year Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project, is to break with a research tradition focusing on the Judeans (Jews) mentioned in the Aramaic papyri from Elephantine and instead investigate the military colony in a broader historical context also documented by Demotic and Egyptian-hieratic evidence found at Elephantine. The studies presented focus on three main subject areas: society and administration, religion, and literature. They show that historically the island of Elephantine hosted a multicultural society with several interactions between the Egyptians and the other inhabitants, and that it was also an important administrative centre for the Persian authorities."
xii, 385 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
3161609964 :
0940-4155 ;