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Published 2008
Fatimid history and Ismaili doctrine /

: 1 volume (various pagings) : map, genealogical, table ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0754659526

Published 1992
The Sources for Early Bābī Doctrine and History : A Survey /

: The religious movement known as Bābism profoundly affected Iranian society during the 1840s. After a lengthy hiatus, academic study of the sect has entered a new phase with the appearance of several important books, articles, and theses. The present work surveys Persian and Arabic manuscripts relating to the history and doctrines of the sect. Part one examines the writings of the Bāb and his followers. Part two analyses primary and secondary sources for Bābī history, with a discussion of the controversial Kitāb-i Nuqṭat al-kāf . Discussion of each title is followed by a comprehensive listing of known MS copies. An appendix contains an index of first lines and titles for works of the Bāb. This is the first study to examine the large corpus of Bābī writing and will help scholars identify texts and find manuscripts in Europe and the Middle East.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004451391

Published 1965
Calcidius on matter : his doctrines and sources : a chapter in the history of Platonism.

: 1 online resource (viii, 268 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004320215 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Doctrinal Instruction in Early Islam : The Book of the Explanation of the Sunna by Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888) /

: This pioneering study casts important new light on key issues in the development of dogmatic instruction in early Islam, as it examines the creed written by the Basran and Baghdadi Sunni preacher Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888). It includes a critical edition of the Arabic text and an English translation of what appears to be one of the earliest statements of religious beliefs in Islam. In particular, this book argues convincingly that this influential text was authored by the ninth century Ghulām Khalīl rather than the Hanbali preacher of Baghdad, al-Barbahārī - a claim repeatedly made by modern scholars, both Western and Eastern. The present publication broaches multi-layered themes with the aim of specifying the parameters of this "Muslim Creed" in terms of the composite relationship between its content and its origin. In addition, it tackles the important question of what may have led modern Salafis to embrace the doctrinal positions of this particular statement of belief and practice and, perhaps more importantly, to pursue its "institutionalization" as a religious orthodoxy.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004429055

Published 1992
The Catholic doctrine of non-Christian religions : according to the Second Vatican Council /

: In the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) the Catholic Church for the first time recognized non-Christian religions as entities which the Church should respect and with which Christians should enter into dialogue. There are, however, conflicting views in Catholic interpretations of Conciliar theology: to what extent did the Council see other religions as means to salvation? The author offers The Catholic Doctrine of non-Christian Religions according to the Second Vatican Council as the first comprehensive and analytic piece of research on Conciliar teaching concerning the nature of other faiths. His study is based on the original Latin and covers Conciliar and pre-conciliar documents, with special focus on the Declaration on the relation of the Church to Non-Christian religions, (Nostra aetate). In his detailed and careful analysis Ruokanen demonstrates that Vaticanum Secundum understood non-Christian religions as naturally good entities, part of human culture. Religions express in many ways and to varying degrees the natural cognition of God and of natural moral law. Except for Judaism, they do not, however, possess the status of being considered channels of divine revelation or salvific grace. The seeds of truth present in other faiths must be purified and perfected by the fullness of grace and truth given in Christ and entrusted to the Church.
: 1 online resource (169 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-165) and index. : 9789004319882 : 0924-9389 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Problem and promise in Colin E. Gunton's doctrine of creation /

: While much dialogue has focused on aspects of Colin Gunton's Trinitarian theology, there has been a need for a full-scale study of Gunton's doctrine of creation that locates the significance of his understanding of creation within the wider spectrum of his theology. Problem and Promise demonstrates how Gunton's doctrine of creation cannot be read in abstraction from his Trinitarian theology and argues that creation remains a central feature in Gunton's writing that holds lasting importance for understanding ethical and moral aspects of Gunton's theology. William B. Whitney establishes how this Trinitarian account of creation goes beyond offering a theological description of the created realm and also provides the basis for understanding human involvement in creation through the enterprises of culture.
: 1 online resource (viii, 213 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004254626 : 1571-4799 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2023
Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī: Treatise on Divine Unity According to the Doctrine of the Christians : Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary /

: How do intellectual traditions interact? This is the fundamental question driving this book, which explores a case study set in the early Islamicate world: the Treatise on Divine Unity According to the Doctrine of the Christians by the Christian-Arabic theologian and philosopher Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī (d. 974). The book attempts to contextualise the treatise and its intellectual environment by exploring the interplay between philosophy, Christian theology and Islam. This volume includes a revised Arabic text of Samir's 2015 edition, collated with the manuscript Tehran, Madrasa-yi Marwī 19, recently discovered by prof. Robert Wisnovsky.
: 1 online resource (390 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004546509

Published 2013
The doctrine of God in reformed Orthodoxy, Karl Barth, and the Utrecht School : a study in method and content.

: In The Doctrine of God Dolf te Velde examines the interaction of method and content in three historically important accounts of the doctrine of God. Does the method of a systematic theology affect the belief content expressed by it? Can substantial insights be detected that have a regulative function for the method of a doctrine of God? This two-way connection of method and content is investigated in three phases of Reformed theology. The first seeks to discover inner dynamics of Reformed scholastic theology. The second part treats Karl Barth's doctrine of God as a contrast model for scholasticism, understood in the framework of Barth's theological method. The third part offers a first published comprehensive description and analysis of the so-called Utrecht School. The closing chapter draws some lines for developing a Reformed doctrine of God in the 21st century.
: Description based upon print version of record. : 1 online resource (834 pages) : 9789004252462 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Locating the Sharīʿa : Legal Fluidity in Theory, History and Practice /

: The study of the sharīʿa has enjoyed a renaissance in the last two decades and it will continue to attract interdisciplinary attention given the ongoing social, political and religious developments throughout the Muslim world. With such a variety of debates, and a corresponding multitude of theoretical methods, students and non-scholars are often overwhelmed by the complexity of the field. Even experts will often need to consult multiple sources to understand these new voices and provide accessible answers to specialist and non-specialist audiences alike. This volume is intended for both the novice and expert as a companion to understanding the evolution of the field of Islamic law, the current work that is shaping this field, and the new directions the sharīʿa will take in the twenty-first/fifteenth century. Contributors are Khaled Abou El Fadl, Asma Afsaruddin Ahmad Ahmad, Sarah Albrecht, Ovamir Anjum, Dale Correa, Robert Gleave, Sohail Hanif, Rami Koujah, Marion Katz, Asifa Quraishi-Landes, David Warren and Salman Younas.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004391710 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
In praise of the few : studies in Shiʻi thought and history /

: "In Praise of the Few: Studies in Shiʻi Thought and History is a selection of Etan Kohlberg's research on Shiʻi Islam over a period of fifty years. It includes previously published articles, revised dissertation chapters, and a full bibliography of the author's work. Divided into two parts, the collection begins with chapters from Kohlberg's Oxford doctoral dissertation (1971) and related articles that investigate Sunni and Shiʻi views on the Prophet's Companions and debates concerning the extent of their authority as sources of religious knowledge. Part Two traces the doctrinal and historical developments pertaining to various dimensions of Imāmī Shiʻi intellectual tradition such as theology, hadith, law and jurisprudence. and exegesis".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004406971

Published 2012
The Days of Creation : A History of Christian Interpretation of Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397538

Published 1990
Heilsverlangen und Heilsverwirklichung : Studien zur Erwartung des Heils in der apokalyptischen Literatur des antiken Judentums und im ältesten Christentum /

: Ernst Baasland, Synthetischer Dualismus in der Bibel . Zur wissenschaftlichen Lebensarbeit Sverre Aalens (1909 - 1980) Sverre Aalen, Heilsverlangen und Heilsverwirklichung 1. Apokalyptische Texte im Alten Testament 2. Das Buch Daniel 3. Zur Abgrenzung des Materials 4. Das Buch der Jubiläen 5. Traktate des äthiopischen Henoch-Buchs 6. Die Psalmen Salomos 7. Die Testamente der Zwölf Patriarchen 8. Die Texte von Qumran 9. Die Himmelfahrt Moses - Das Testament des Mose 10. Die Bilderreden des äthiopischen Henoch-Buchs und der Rabbinismus des 1.Jahrhunderts n.Chr. 11. Die Esra-Apokalypse 12. Die syrische Baruch-Apokalypse 13. Die slavische Henoch-Apokalypse und die Abraham Apokalypse sowie weitere verwandte Schriften
: Originally presented during a lecture series at the Universität Münster in 1974. : 1 online resource (xxi, 70 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-70). : 9789004332041 : 0169-7390 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Origen : philosophy of history and eschatology /

: A common accusation made against Origen is that he dissolves history into intellectual abstraction and that his eschatology (if this is recognized at all) is notoriously obscure. In this new work, the author draws on an impressive range of bibliography to consider Origen's Philosophy of History and Eschatology in the widest context of facts, documents and streams of thought, including Classical and Late Antiquity Greek Philosophy, Gnosticism, Hebraism and Patristic Thought, both before Origen and well after his death. Against claims that he causes history to evaporate into barren idealism, his thought is shown to be firmly grounded on his particular vision of historical occurences. Confronting assertions that Origen has no eschatological ideas, his eschatology is shown rather to have made a distinctive mark throughout his works, both explicitly and tacitly. In Origen's view, history was the foundation of scriptural interpretation, a teleological process determined by factors and functions such as providence - prophecy - promise - expectation - realization - anticipation - faith - anticipation - hope - awaiting for - fulfilment - end . Since 1986, the author has argued for the unpopular thesis that Origen is, in many respects, an anti-Platonist. Nevertheless, the author casts light upon the Aristotelian rationale of Origen's doctrine of apokatastasis , arguing that its validity is bolstered by ontological rather than historical premises. The extent of Origen's influence upon what is currently regarded as 'orthodoxy' turns out to be far wider and more profound than has hitherto been acknowledged.
: 1 online resource (xvii, 498 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 439-460) and indexes. : 9789047428695 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Rendre la justice à Amid : procedures, acteurs et doctrines dans le contexte ottoman du XVIIIème siècle /

: Dans son Rendre la justice à Amid , Yavuz Aykan analyse la vie juridique de la ville d'Amid, capitale de la province ottomane de Diyarbakir, au 18ème siècle. A partir des procès-verbaux des tribunaux des villes d'Amid, Harput et Mardin, il met en lumière la centralité du cadi, du gouverneur provincial (vali) et du mufti dans le champ opératoire de la loi. Retraçant la généalogie des textes utilisés par le mufti provincial, Aykan étudie aussi la circulation de diverses interprétations juridiques de la Grande Syrie à la Transoxiane et la Horde d'Or, et leur intégration dans la pratique juridique ottomane. Ce livre offre ainsi une approche renouvelée et historicisée des acteurs et hiérarchies de systèmes juridiques de ce cadre provincial. In Rendre la justice à Amid , Yavuz Aykan analyses the legal life of the city of Amid, the capital of Ottoman Diyarbekir province in the 18th century. Making use of court records from the cities of Amid, Harput and Mardin, he explores the centrality of the qadi, the provincial governor, and the provincial mufti to law enforcement. By tracing the genealogies of legal texts used by the mufti for fatwa production, Aykan maps out the broader transformations of various judicial interpretations in their journey from Greater Syria to Transoxiana and the Golden Horde, and finally into Ottoman legal praxis. As such, this book offers a far more historicized approach to the multiple actors and hierarchies of juridical systems operating in this provincial setting.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004305793 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Pentecostal Ecclesiology : An Essay on the Development of Doctrine /

: This book argues that if the Pentecostal movement is to overcome its excessive individualism and structural instability the way forward is not more institutionalization but a coherent and robust ecclesiology based on the Pentecost event, which is the coming of the Holy Spirit in his own person into the church. A Pentecostal ecclesiology is essentially the working-out of the ramifications of that key event. The book takes a more ontological understanding of the relationship between the Spirit and the church than would Protestant and evangelical ecclesiologies. In this respect, it has more in common with Orthodoxy. It is further argued that this realignment away from Protestantism and evangelicalism towards Orthodoxy, far from removing Pentecostals from their roots, actually brings them much closer to the heart of Pentecostal spirituality.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397149

Published 2019
Theology and Society in the Second and Third Centuries of the Hijra. Volume 5 Indices : a A History of Religious Thought in Early Islam /

: Theology and Society is the most comprehensive study of Islamic intellectual and religious history, focusing on Muslim theology. With its emphasis on the eighth and ninth centuries CE, it remains the most detailed prosopographical study of the early phase of the formation of Islam. Originally published in German between 1991 and 1995, Theology and Society is a monument of scholarship and a unique scholarly enterprise which has stood the test of the time as an unparalleled reference work. The Indices consist of a General Index and a separate Index of Works.
: 1 online resource : 9789004402843

Published 2022
John within Judaism : Religion, Ethnicity, and the Shaping of Jesus-Oriented Jewishness in the Fourth Gospel /

: In John within Judaism , Wally V. Cirafesi offers a reading of the Gospel of John as an expression of the fluid and flexible nature of Jewish identity in Greco-Roman antiquity. While many have noted John's general Jewishness, few have given it a seat at the ideologically congested table of ancient Jewish practice and belief. By interrogating the concept of "Judaism" in relation to the complex categories of "religion" and "ethnicity," Cirafesi argues that John negotiates Jewishness using strategies of ethnic identity formation paralleled in other Jewish sources from the Second Temple and early rabbinic periods. In this process of negotiation, including its use of "high christology" and critique of Ioudaioi, John coalesces with other expressions of ancient Jewish identity and, thus, can be read "within Judaism.".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004462946

Published 1999
Ancient histories of medicine : essays in medical doxography and historiography in classical antiquity /

: This collection of essays focuses on the ways in which Greek and Latin authors viewed and wrote about the history of medicine in the ancient world. Special attention is given to medical doxography, id est the description of the characteristic doctrines of the great medical authorities of the past. The volume examines the various attitudes to the history of medicine adopted by a wide range of ancient writers (e.g. Aristotle, Galen, Celsus, Herophilus, Soranus, Oribasius, Caelius Aurelianus). It discusses the historical sense of ancient medicine, the variety of versions of the medical past that were created and the wide range of purposes and strategies which medico-historical writing served. It also deals with the question of the sources, the role of historiographical traditions and the variety of literary genres of ancient medico-historical writing.
: 1 online resource (viii, 537 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004377479 : 0925-1421 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Theology and society in the second and third centuries of the Hijra. a history of religious thought in Early Islam /

: Theology and Society is the most comprehensive study of Islamic intellectual and religious history, focusing on Muslim theology. With its emphasis on the eighth and ninth centuries CE, it remains the most detailed prosopographical study of the early phase of the formation of Islam. Originally published in German between 1991 and 1995, Theology and Society is a monument of scholarship and a unique scholarly enterprise which has stood the test of time as an unparalleled reference work.
: 1 online resource (844 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004344020 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1963
Der Paraklet : Fürsprecher im häretischen Spätjudentum, im Johannes-Evangelium und in neu gefundenen gnostischen Schriften.

: 1 online resource (ix, 242 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 238-242). : 9789004332539 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.