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Published 2010
Studies on war in the ancient Near East : collected essays on military history /

: 198 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9783868350357 (cl.)

Published 2016
The religious aspects of war in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome /

: The Religious Aspect of Warfare in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome is a volume dedicated to investigating the relationship between religion and war in antiquity in minute detail. The nineteen chapters are divided into three groups: the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome. They are presented in turn and all possible aspects of warfare and its religious connections are investigated. The contributors focus on the theology of war, the role of priests in warfare, natural phenomena as signs for military activity, cruelty, piety, the divinity of humans in specific martial cases, rituals of war, iconographical representations and symbols of war, and even the archaeology of war. As editor Krzysztof Ulanowski invited both well-known specialists such as Robert Parker, Nicholas Sekunda, and Pietro Mander to contribute, as well as many young, talented scholars with fresh ideas. From this polyphony of voices, perspectives and opinions emerges a diverse, but coherent, representation of the complex relationship between religion and war in antiquity.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004324763 : 1566-2055 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Forgiveness: Philosophy, Psychology and the Arts /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781848881716

Published 2013
Egyptology from the First World War to the Third Reich : ideology, scholarship, and individual biographies /

: Only recently has Egyptology begun to critically examine its history in the first half of the 20th century. This book presents major contributions that analyze the interplay of personal biographies and political history, ideologies and academic scholarship between the First World War and the Third Reich. Peter Raulwing and Thomas Gertzen study the political activism of Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bissing, professor of Egyptology at the University of Munich and art collector, during and after the First World War. Thomas Schneider's contribution is the first comprehensive treatment of the biographies of German and Austrian Egyptologists in the time of National Socialism and their careers after 1945, with remarks on the relationship between Egyptological scholarship and Nazi ideology. Lindsay Ambridge analyzes the scholarship of James Henry Breasted, the patron of North American Egyptology, in the context of racial ideologies of the early 20th century. A concluding chapter by Peter Raulwing, added after the death of Manfred Mayrhofer, patron of the study of Indo-Aryans in the Ancient Near East, reflects on the 20th century ideological and academic interest in the question of Indo-Aryans in the Ancient Near East. In the introductory chapter, Edmund Meltzer places these studies and their significance in the wider context of Egyptological and historiographical scholarship. \'...this book makes a significant contribution to exploring a dark chapter in Egyptology's history as a discipline and an important step in understanding the effect that period had on the academic community.\' Edward Mushett Cole, University of Birmingham
: 1 online resource (296 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004243309 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2025
European Military Books and Intellectual Cultures of War in 17th-Century Russia : From Translation to Adaptation /

: This book discusses the role Western military books and their translations played in 17th-century Russia. By tracing how these translations were produced, distributed and read, the study argues that foreign military treatises significantly shaped intellectual culture of the Russian elite. It also presents Tsar Peter the Great in a new light - not only as a military and political leader but as a devoted book reader and passionate student of military science.
: 1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710535

Published 2016
Circum Mare. Themes in ancient warfare /

: Circum Mare: Themes in Ancient Warfare presents a thematic approach to current directions in ancient military studies with case studies on topics including the economics of warfare, military cohesion, military authority, irregular warfare, and sieges. Bringing together research on cultures from across the Mediterranean world, ranging from Pharaonic Egypt to Late Antique Europe and from Punic Spain to Persian Anatolia, the collection demonstrates both the breadth of the current field and a surprising number of synergies.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004284852 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds : Studies in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd /

: "Dedicated to Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds offers new perspectives on the Christian and Muslim communities of the east Mediterranean from medieval to contemporary times. The contributors examine how people from diverse religious backgrounds adapted to their changing political landscapes and show that artistic patronage, consumption, and practices are interwoven with constructed narratives. The essays consider material and textual evidence for painted media, architecture, and the creative process in Byzantium, Crusader-era polities, the Ottoman empire, and the modern Middle East, thus demonstrating the importance of the past in understanding the present"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004457140

Published 2019
Pacifism, politics, and feminism : intersections and innovations /

: Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations discusses a) how feminist analyses allow for and encourage the re-conceptualization of concepts and ideas once thought familiar from traditional ethical and political philosophy, and b) traditional political topics and issues through pacifist and feminist lenses. The chapters that focus on the former explore the possibility of "queering" such concepts as autonomy, violence, resistance, peace, religion, and politics, while the chapters that focus on the latter bring feminist and pacifist sensibilities and arguments to bear on classic political questions such as when and how violence and war are justified, the appropriateness of various responses to climate change, and the correct way to engage with such topics and themes in educational, institutional settings. Contributors are David Boersema, Barrett Emerick, Tamara Fakhoury, Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon, William C. Gay, Jennifer Kling, John Lawless, Megan Mitchell, and Harry van der Linden.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004396722

Published 2025
Between Point Zero and the Iron Curtain : International Cooperation in Art and the Postwar Moment, 1945-1948 /

: This volume, edited by Éva Forgács, with contributions from art historians from across Europe and the Americas, analyzes the artistic initiatives of the short time span between the end of World War II and the onset of the Cold War. In this moment, a new internationalism was anticipated by retrieving pre-war modernism, as well as creating the new era's new artistic lingua franca. The chapters include in-depth case studies that analyze the complex, often interconnected, projects throughout the world-South America, North Africa, and eastern and western Europe-that were soon ended by the Cold War. See Less
: 1 online resource (382 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004711280

Published 2009
Artists and intellectuals and the requests of power /

: A much discussed question in classical studies is the comparison between the situation of poets in Augustan Rome and that of artists and intellectuals in the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. As instructive as this question proves to be for an understanding of the relation between the freedom of art and thinking on the one hand and power on the other, it also reveals the insufficiency of our present grasp of this crucial articulation of our humanity. This volume offers a multidisciplinary and comparative approach to the problem, complementing the historical perspective with a regard on Eastern traditions. It thus explores tentative paths for future research on an issue of critical importance for the shaping of the global world.
: Papers given at the workshop 'Artists and Intellectuals and the Requests of Power', held from 26 to 29 July 2007 at the Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047425601 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Pharaoh : king of ancient Egypt /

: "Pharaoh: King of Ancient Egypt introduces readers to three thousand years of Egypt's ancient history by unveiling its famous leaders--the pharaohs--using some of the finest objects from the vast holdings of the British Museum, along with masterworks from the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art. In an introductory essay, Margaret Maitland looks at Egyptian kingship in terms of both ideology and practicality. Then Aude Semat considers the Egyptian image of kingship, its roles and its uses. In ten additional sections, Marie Vandenbeusch delves into themes related to the land of ancient Egypt, conceptions of kingship, the exercise of power, royal daily life, war and diplomacy, and death and afterlife. Detailed entries by Vandenbeusch and Semat cover key works relating to the pharaohs. These objects, beautifully illustrated in 180 photographs, include monumental sculpture, architectural pieces, funerary objects, exquisite jewelry, and papyri. The rulers of ancient Egypt were not always male, or even always Egyptian. At times, Egypt was divided by civil war, conquered by foreign powers, or ruled by competing kings. Many of the objects surviving from ancient Egypt represent the image a pharaoh wanted to project, but this publication also looks past the myth to explore the realities and immense challenges of ruling one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen."--Book jacket.
: Catalog of the exhibition March 13 to June 12, 2016, at the Cleveland Museum of Art. : 180 pages : color illustrations ; 28 x 30 cm : Includes bibliographical references (page 174). : 9780300218381

Published 2023
The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE-650 CE) /

: Building on the important work by Hemelrijk, this volume endeavours to bring ancient women out of the domestic sphere and to examine their presence and activities in the public domain, for example as rulers, patrons, priestesses, wives, athletes and pilgrims. Covering the period 500 BCE to 650 CE and ranging across the Mediterranean and beyond, it fruitfully employs a great variety of source types and thematic approaches to argue that women in the ancient world were active in many parts of the public domain, including the civic, the religious and at times even the political and military spheres.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004533295

Published 2017
David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /

: David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004356993 : 1877-3192 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Bildungsanspruch und Statuswechsel : Musiklehrerinnen- und Musiklehrerbildung in Würzburg aus institutionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive /

: Ausgangspunkt dieser Studie ist die Frage, wie und warum die heutige Hochschule für Musik Würzburg (HfM) im Jahr 1973 zur zweiten Musikhochschule in Bayern wurde. Dieser 1970 vom damaligen Rektor Reinartz initiierte und 1974 formal abgeschlossene Prozess war eingebettet in die bildungsstrukturellen und curricularen Debatten dieser Zeit, vor allem aber in die Wiederaufnahme des gymnasialen Lehramts Musik. Aus institutionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive wurde weder auf Musikhochschule noch auf Musiklehrkräftebildung geblickt. Diesen Desideraten wird sich an dem Beispiel der HfM in dieser Untersuchung exemplarisch zugewendet. Um Musiklehrkräftebildung als Teil eines musikalischen (Volks-)Bildungsgedankens sichtbar zu machen, wird der Bogen bis in das Gründungsjahr 1804 geschlagen. Es wird gezeigt, dass Musiklehrkräftebildung ein kontinuierliches Aufgabenfeld der HfM ist, in das der Statuswechsel von 1974 mit seinem Ereignischarakter kontextuell eingebettet ist. See Less
: 1 online resource (288 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783846769072

Published 2017
Brill's companion to Aineias Tacticus /

: Brill's Companion to Aineias Tacticus is a collection of articles on the significance of the earliest Greek handbook on military tactics. Aineias' (Aeneas) wrote his Poliorketika in the mid-fourth century BC, offering a unique perspective on contemporary Greek city-states, warfare and intellectual trends. We offer an introduction to Aineias and his work, and then discuss the work's historical and intellectual context, his qualities as a writer, and aspects of his work as a historical source for the Greek polis of the fourth century BC. Several chapters discuss Aineias' approach to warfare, specifically light infantry, mercenaries, naval operations, fortifications and technology. Finally, we include a lengthy study of the reception of ancient military treatises, specifically Aineias' Poliorketika, in the Byzantine period.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004352858 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Survival Boogie Woogie. Neo-Japonisme, Architectural Photography & Abstraction /

: What links are there between Piet Mondrian's unfinished work Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-4) and post-war Japanese and Japanese-style architectural photography? As far back as the mid-1950s, critics and photographers were inclined to link Mondria
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004711426

Published 2016
The reception of Aeschylus' plays through shifting models and frontiers /

: The Reception of Aeschylus' Plays through Shifting Models and Frontiers addresses the need for an integrated approach to the study and staging of Aeschylus' plays. It offers an invigorating discussion about the transmission and reception of his plays and explores the interrelated tasks of editing, translating, adapting and remaking them for the page and the stage. The volume seeks to reshape current debates about the place of his tragedies in the curriculum and the repertory in a scholarly manner that is accessible and innovative. Each chapter makes a significant and original contribution to its selected topic, but the collective strength of the volume rests on its simultaneous appeal to readers in theatre studies, classical studies, performance studies, comparative studies, translation studies, adaptation studies, and, naturally, reception studies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004332164 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Flavius Josephus' Self-Characterisation in First-Century Rome /

: The Jewish War describes the history of the First Jewish Revolt against Rome (66-70 CE). This study deals with one of this work's most intriguing features: why and how Flavius Josephus, its author, describes his own actions in the context of this conflict in such detail. Glas traces the thematic and rhetorical aspects of autobiographical discourse in War and uses contextual evidence to situate Josephus' self-characterisation in a Flavian Roman setting. In doing so, he sheds new light on this Jewish writer's historiographical methods and his deep knowledge and creative use of Graeco-Roman culture.
: 1 online resource (308 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004697645

Published 2010
Positive peace : reflections on peace education, nonviolence, and social change /

: Positive Peace is a scholarly and creative compilation of articles on peace education, nonviolence and social change. Arun Gandhi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi) sets the scene in his introduction with the challenge that positive peace is both a resisting of the physical violence of war and the passive violence of the psychological structures that lead to conflict. Peace education rises to meet that challenge. In twelve chapters, philosophers and educators look at a variety of topics from Gandhian nonviolence, to pragmatic conflict solving; hope and the ethics of belief, to the way we use violent language; mothering and peace activism, to multiculturalism and peace. Recurring themes are: pragmatic nonviolence, the ethics of care as an antidote to violence, and hope in a violent world. Chapters on the use of film in peace education, song and nonviolent activism, and teaching art history and peace, demonstrate pragmatic possibilities for would-be peace educators. Arun Gandhi in his introduction asks, "For generations human beings have strived to attain peace, but with little or no success. ... Why is peace so illusive? Is it unattainable? Are humans incapable of living in peace?" This book suggests that peace education has a large part to play. It is an important attempt to begin to meet the challenge.
: 1 online resource (xxii, 183 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789042029927 : 0929-8436 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Anatomie und Physiologie der Seele bei Leonardo da Vinci /

: Leonardo da Vinci war kein gläubiger Christ. Er schrieb um 1500: »Seele und Leben sind unglaubwürdige Dinge... Gegen das Wesen Gottes und der Seele sträuben sich die Sinne«. Die Seele ist bei Leonardo eine visuell dominante Wahrnehmungsseele, eng verbunden mit dem Gemeinsinn, dem sensus communis, und mit der mittelalterlichen Lehre von den Hirnkammern. Sein Konzept geht von physiologischen Funktionen der Seele aus und verzichtet auf jegliche Metaphysik. Für seine eigene Seele lässt Leonardo die Frage nach ihrem Wesen (che cosa è anima? ) unbeantwortet. Erstmals befasst sich eine Monographie mit Leonardos Konzept der Seele. In klarer und ansprechender Sprache geschrieben, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, einer ausführlichen Bibliographie und einem Personen- und Sachregister versehen, bereichert das vorliegende Buch die Leonardo-Forschung um substantielle neue Erkenntnisse. See Less
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783846768976