نتائج 201 - 220 من 44,395, وقت الاستعلام: 0.11s تنقيح النتائج
Hādhā Dīwān al-ḥaqāʼiq wa-majmūʻ al-raqāʼiq fī ṣarīḥ al-mawājīd al-Ilāhīyah wa-al-tajallīyāt al-rabbānīyah wa-al-futūḥāt al-aqdasīyah : wa-huwa al-bāb al-awwal min Dīwān al-dawāwīn...

: 471 pages ; 25 cm.

Al-Mubhij fī tafsīr asmāʼ shuʻaraʼ Dīwān al-ḥamāsah : ʻan aṣl maktūb ʻām (669) maʻa al-muʻāraḍah bi-nuskhah qadīmah fī Dār al- Kutub al-Miṣrīyah wa-nuskhah nāqiṣah /...

: Library of Congress. Mansuri Book Collection, 7-357. : 73 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Taṣḥīḥ Lisān al-ʻArab : al-oism al-awwal /

: Cover title. : 59 pages ; 28 cm.

Manṭiqat al-Khalīj al-ʻArabī khilāl al-alfayn al-rābiʻ wa-al-thālith qabla al-mīlād /

: 1 volume ; 27 cm. : Bibliography : pages [207]-214.

Tarīkh al-ʼArab qabl al-Islām /

: 5 volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm.

From the Syrian land to the states of Syria and Lebanon /

: Articles presented at the third conference on Bilad al-Sham, held in Erlangen, Germany. : vii, 366 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 24 cm. : 3899133536 : 0067-4931 ;

The Greeks in the east /

: v, 123 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 0861591577

The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus /

: 2 volumes : plates (part folded, Facsimiles ; 31 x 24 cm.

al-Mujam al-wasit /

: 2 volumes : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Taʼrīkh al-zirāʻah al-Miṣrīyah : fī ʻahd Muḥammad ʻAlī al-kabīr /

: At head of title : al-Jamʻīyah al-Malikīyah lil-Dirāsāt al-Taʼrīkhīyah. al-Dhikrā al-miʼawīyah lil-maghfūr lahu Muḥammad ʻAlī al-Kabīr. : xiv, 382 pages : portraits ; 24 cm.

Riḥlat al-Munshī al-Baghdādī ... : katabaha sanat 1237H.-1822A.D. baʻda an tajawwala fī diyār al-Kurd wa-mawaṭin al-ʻIrāq al-ukhrá /

: Added title page : Itinerary of al-Munshi al-Baghdady. : 128 pages ; 25 cm.

al-Aʻlām al-Sharqīyah : fī al-maʼah al-rābiʻah ʻasharah al-hijriyyah, min sanah 1301 ilā sanah 1365/sanah 1883 ilā sanah 1946 /

: Volume 1 has added title page : Biocraphies [sic] of famous men of the Orient in the XIVthe [c]entury hijri. : 4 volumes ; 24 cm.

Juḥā, al-ḍāḥik al-muḍḥik /

: 190 pages ; 25 cm.

Juḥā : al-ḍāḥik al-muḍḥik /

: 190 pages ; 25 cm.

al-Marāthī al-shaʻbīyah (al-ʻadīd) : al-baḥth al-fāʼiz bi-Jāʼizat al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Funūn wa-al-Ādāb /

: 279 pages ; 24 cm. : 9777356161

Kitāb al-shajarah dhāt al-akmām al-ḥāwīyah li-ʼuṣūl al-anghām /

: "Tamma taḥqīqahu ʻalá muskhah waḥīdah raqm (1535 sharqīyāt) bi-al-Matḥaf al-Brīṭānī ʼuʻtamada ʻalayhā fī tarjamat naẓarīyāt ʻilm al-mūsīqá al-ʻArabīyah bi-al-juzʼ al-rābiʻ ʻashar min kitāb waṣf Miṣr." : 161 pages : illustrations, facsimiles, music ; 24 cm.

al-Rawḍ al-zāhir fī sīrat al-Malik : Ṭaṭar /

: 47 pages ; 24 cm.

Islam and the political discourse of modernity /

: 312 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 0863722733

al-Sikkah al-Islāmīyah fī Miṣr : ʻaṣr Dawlat al-Mamālīk al-Jarākisah /

: 371 page, [16] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Bibliography : page 359-371. : 9775121396

Victoria & Albert Museum : brief guide.

: Includes Table of Contents. : [63] page illustrations ; 24 cm.