Hussein Bassir
}} Dr Hussein Bassir was an Egyptian archaeologist of Giza Pyramids and one of the directors (field director) of the excavation team in the Valley of the Golden Mummies at Bahariya Oasis. In 1994, he got his BA in Egyptology from Cairo University. In 2009, he got his PhD in Near Eastern Studies from the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States. He is also the author of several works of fiction in Arabic on ancient Egypt such as ''In Search for Khnum'' and ''The Old Red Hippopotamus''. Bassir worked as a member of several archaeological teams and participated in many archaeological excavations in sites all over Egypt. His written works include commentaries on Arabic literature, Arabic cinema, Egyptology and Archaeology. He is the Director of Antiquities Museum at the Library of Alexandria. Provided by WikipediaPayeftjauemawyneith’s Shabti (UC 40093) and Another from Nebesheh /
A shabti of Saite date, UC 40093, bearing the name Payeftjauemawyneith, is for the first time described, transcribed, transliterated, and translated. Some publications conflate it with another shabti that bears the same name. This article explores whether they belonged to the same man (who may be a high-ranking official who served under Apries and Amasis), and possible locations for his tomb.
The Representation of the Hedgehog Goddess Abaset at Bahariya Oasis /
The representation of the hedgehog goddess Abaset in ancient Egyptian iconography is unique. The goddess appears twice on the decorated walls of the tomb of the wealthy Saite merchant, Bannentiu, at Qarat Qasr Salim, Bahariya Oasis. Reading and analysis of the two scenes of this goddess are presented.