Darrell L. Bock
Darrell L. Bock (born December 8, 1953) is an American evangelical New Testament scholar. He is executive director of Cultural Engagement at [https://hendrickscenter.dts.edu/ The Hendricks Center] and Senior Research Professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in Dallas, Texas, United States. Bock received his PhD from Scotland's University of Aberdeen. His supervisor was I. Howard Marshall. Harold Hoehner was an influence in his NT development, as were Martin Hengel and Otto Betz as he was a Humboldt scholar at Tübingen University multiple years.His works include the monograph "Blasphemy and Exaltation" in the collection ''Judaism and the Final Examination of Jesus'', and volumes on Luke in both the ''Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament'' and the IVP New Testament Commentary Series. Bock is a past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and he is a member of the board of trustees of Wheaton College (Illinois). He has served as a corresponding editor for ''Christianity Today'', and he has published articles in the ''Los Angeles Times'' and ''The Dallas Morning News''.
Bock is known for his work concerning ''The Da Vinci Code'' by Dan Brown. In a response to the theological implications of the novel, Bock wrote ''Breaking the Da Vinci Code'', his best-selling work to date. The book challenges the historicity of various extra-biblical ideas expressed in ''The Da Vinci Code'', most notably the supposed marriage of Jesus to Mary Magdalene. He also has written many pieces for ''Beliefnet'' and ''Christianity Today''. Bock also wrote ''The Missing Gospels'', which argues for the existence and legitimate primacy of early Christian orthodoxy over non-canonical gospels and beliefs.
On May 17, 2006, immediately before the film ''The Da Vinci Code'' opened, Bock appeared on the TV show ''Nightline'', talking about his book and about the movie. Bock has debated agnostic biblical scholar Bart D. Ehrman on whether certain epistles in the New Testament have been forged.
In 2012, Darrell Bock became the executive director of cultural engagement at the Hendricks Center at DTS. He is also a host of The Table Podcast, Dallas Theological Seminary's weekly cultural engagement show. The other hosts of the podcast are Mikel Del Rosario, Bill Hendricks, and Kymberli Cook.
For several years he has been a Guest Lecturer at the Bible Institute of South Africa's Winter School in Cape Town, as well as at numerous other institutions globally. Provided by Wikipedia
A Comparative Handbook to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke : Comparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic Literature /
This Handbook provides any commentator - whose purposes might include writing a consecutive treatment of a Gospel, or engaging with episodic themes or passages, or preparing a particular section of the Gospel for study, teaching, or preaching - with resources from the Gospels' Judaic environment that appear useful for understanding the texts themselves. Translation, presentation, comparison with Judaica, and occasional comments are all designed with that end in view. Materials are included from the Pseudepigrapha (together with Philo and Josephus), discoveries related to Qumran, and Rabbinic Literature (inclusive of the Targumim). As in a previous volume that dealt with Mark's Gospel, this Comparative Handbook targets the issue of comparison more than analysis or commentary.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A comparative handbook to the Gospel of Mark : comparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Schrolls [sic], and Rabbinic literature /
This comparative handbook is intended to provide scholars of the New Testament with detailed, systematic and accurate resources concerning the Judaic context of the gospel of Mark. It aims to serve as a powerful tool to assist the reader - and commentator - in understanding and commenting on the gospel of Mark. Introductions are provided to help with issues of dating and the development of the literatures concerned. Possible interpretations are also presented, where suitable.
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
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Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Synoptikon : Streams of Tradition in Mark, Matthew, and Luke /
The Synoptikon presents the texts of the Synoptic Gospels alongside one another and in relation to their Judaic contexts. Discrete typefaces highlight particular streams of tradition that interacted so as to produce the Gospels. The depth of the Synoptic tradition consequently emerges, as well as its breadth.
This Synoptikon brings together the Synoptic Gospels, freshly translated, comparing them with materials selected from previous volumes in this series. The aim is to serve commentators who engage the Gospels critically and with the awareness that a consideration of their Judaic environments is crucial. Placing the texts within that setting evokes particular streams of tradition that interacted so as to produce the Gospels. These are set out in distinctive typefaces, so that readers may assess the depth of the Synoptic tradition as well as the breadth of its development.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :