Arab League

Arab League of states establishment memorial stamp. Showing flags of the 8 establishing countries: [[Kingdom of Egypt The Arab League (, ' ), formally the League of Arab States (, '), is a regional organization in the Arab world. The Arab League was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945, initially with seven members: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and North Yemen. Currently, the League has 22 members.

The League's main goal is to "draw closer the relations between member states and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries". The organization has received a relatively low level of cooperation throughout its history.

Through institutions, notably the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Economic and Social Council of its Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU), the League facilitates political, economic, cultural, scientific, and social programmes designed to promote the interests of the Arab world. It has served as a forum for the member states to coordinate policy, arrange studies of and committees as to matters of common concern, settle inter-state disputes and limit conflicts such as the 1958 Lebanon crisis. The League has served as a platform for the drafting and conclusion of many landmark documents promoting economic integration. One example is the Joint Arab Economic Action Charter, which outlines the principles for economic activities in the region.

Each member state has one vote in the Council of the Arab League, and decisions are binding only for those states that have voted for them. The aims of the league in 1945 were to strengthen and coordinate the political, cultural, economic and social programs of its members and to mediate disputes among them or between them and third parties. Furthermore, the signing of an agreement on ''Joint Defence and Economic Cooperation'' on 13 April 1950 committed the signatories to coordination of military defence measures. In March 2015, the Arab League General Secretary announced the establishment of a Joint Arab Force with the aim of counteracting extremism and other threats to the Arab States. The decision was reached while Operation Decisive Storm was intensifying in Yemen. Participation in the project is voluntary, and the army intervenes only at the request of one of the member states. Existing military cooperation between Arab league states and regional civil wars and terrorist threats were the impetuses for JAF's establishment.

In the early 1970s, the Economic Council put forward a proposal to create the Joint Arab Chambers of Commerce across international states. That led to the setting up of mandates to promote, encourage and facilitate bilateral trade between the Arab world and significant trading partners. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 20 results of 26 for search 'League of Arab States.', query time: 0.05s Refine Results
Published 1950
Essai de bibliographie avicennienne /

: "Millénaire d'Avicenne."
At head of title : Ligue Arabe -- Direction culturelle.
Title on added title pagee in Arabic : Muʼalafāt Ibn Sīnā. : 20, 435, 31 pages ; 24 cm.

al- Wat̲āʼiq ar-raʼīsīya fī qaḍīyat Filasṭīn : al-maǧmūʻa al-ʼūlā 1915-1946 /

: 9, 474 pages ; 27 cm

Tārīkh al-qānūn al-khāṣṣ fī Miṣr /

: volume ; 25 cm.

Taqārīr ʻan aʻmāl al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah bayna dawrāt ijtimāʻ al-Majlis min al-dawrah al-ūlá ilá al-dawrah al-ʻāshirah ; taqrīrān lil-amīn al-ʻāmm ʻan raḥalātihi ilá Barīṭāniyā al-ʻUẓ...

: 130 pages ; 33 cm.

Taqārīr ʻan aʻmāl al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah bayna dawrāt ijtimāʻ al-Majlis min al-dawrah al-ūlá ilá al-dawrah al-ʻāshirah : taqrīrān lil-amīn al-ʻāmm ʻan raḥalātihi ilá Barīṭāniyā al-ʻUẓ...

: 259 pages ; 27 cm

al-Lājiʼūn al-Filasṭīnīyūn : Bayānāt wa-iḥṣāʼāt.

: 88 pages ; 24 cm.

Iḍṭihād al-ʻArab fī Isrāʾīl.

: 2 volumes ; 24 cm.

al-Hijrah al-Yahūdīyah ilā Filasṭīn.

: pages ; 24 cm

Muʻallafāt Ibn Sīnā /

: Added title page : Essai de bibliographie avicennienne, par G.C. Anawati. : 31, 435 pages ; 20 pages ; 24 cm

Published 1950
Muʼallafāt Ibn Sīnā /

: At head of title : Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah, al-Idārah al-Thaqāfīyah. Mihrajān Ibn Sīnā.
Added title pages Essai de bibliographie avicennienne, par G. C. Anawati. : 31, 435 pages, 20 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1954
Fihris al-makhṭūṭāt al-muṣawwarah /

: At head of title : Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah ; Maʻhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʻArabīyah. : volumes ; 29 cm.

Published 1949
al-ʻĀlam al-ʻArabī : maqālāt wa-buḥūth fī baʻḍ shuʼūnihi al-siyāsīyah wa-al-ʻilmīyah.

: 2 volumes ; 25 cm.

Published 1971
al-Maʻālim al-atharīyah fī al-bilād al-ʻArabīyah.

: volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1950
Muʼallafāt Ibn Sīnā /

: At head of title: Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah, al-Idārah al-Thaqāfīyah. Mihrajān Ibn Sīnā.
Added t.p. Essai de bibliographie avicennienne, par G.C. Anawati. : 351, 7 pages ; 24 cm.

al-Wathāʼiq al-raʼīsīyah fī qadị̄yat Filastị̄n : al-majmūʻah al-ʼūlá 1915-1946.

: At head of title: Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabiȳah, al-Amānah al-ʻāmmah, Idārat Filastị̄n, (al-Shuʻbah al-Sīyāsīyah) : volumes ; 23 cm : Includes bibliographical references.

al-'Alam al-'Arabi : maqalat wa-buhuth fi ba'd shu'unihi al-siyasiyah wa-al-'ilmiyah.

: From Mahmoud Saba's personal library collection at the American University in Cairo. : 2 volumes ; 25 cm.

Ḥalaqat al-Dirāsāt al-Ijtimāʻīyah lil-Duwal alʻArabīyah : kitāb al-dawrah al-khāmisah 16-25 Māyū (Ayyār), 1956, ʻAmmān.

: 19, 1022 pages ; 27 cm : Sara.lib

Published 1956
Ḥalaqat al-Dirāsāt al-Ijtimāʻīyah lil-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah : kitāb al-dawrah al-khāmisah 16-25 Māyū (Ayār), 1956, ʻAmmān.

: 19, 1022 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.

Published 1963
Hạlaqat al-dirāsāt al-ijtimāʻīyah lil-duwal al-ʻarabīyah : kitāb al-dawrah al-sādisah, 18-26 Yūlyū (Tamūz), 1959, Banghāzī-Tạrābulus.

: Errata page inserted. : 2 volumes ; 27 cm.

Published 1952
al-Kitāb al-dhahabī lil-Mihrajān al-Alfī li-Dhikrá Ibn Sīnā : Baghdād min 20 ilá 28 Māris 1952.

: At head of t.p.: Jāmiʻat al-Duwal al-ʻArabīyah. al-Idārah al-Thaqāfīyah. : 6, 463, 69 pages : ports. ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

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