Three Shabtis of the Vizier Paser (UC39724-39726) /
This paper publishes three shabti figures of the vizier Paser held in the Petrie Museum of the Egyptian Archaeology (UC39724-39726), together with another nineteen shabtis which are dispersed in four Museums (Egyptian Museum Berlin, Louvre Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Penn Museum). It presents a set of criteria by which to distinguish the shabtis of the vizier Paser from those of other individuals who have the same name. It also investigates the archaeological context of these three shabtis missing from Petrie’s publication in 1935 and, using these parallels, attempts to identify their provenance. The function of the shabtis of the vizier Paser is also examined.
Ramesside Hieratic Stela of the Sandal Maker Penone in the Egyptian Museum Cairo (TR. /
The hieratic stela (TR. in the Egyptian Museum Cairo represents an interesting deposition which belongs to the sandal maker, Penone, and a woman named Ta‘at. This stela represents one of the earliest known incised hieratic examples from the Ramesside Period. The article presents a full transcription and translation with commentary on the text. Particular attention is paid to the palaeography of the text. It also shows the purpose of writing this kind of subject on this stela instead of an ostracon or papyrus. The choice of the hieratic rather than the hieroglyphic script for this stela is examined as well.