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Ethics in the Qurʾān and the Tafsīr Tradition : From the Polynoia of Scripture to the Homonoia of Exegesis /
This book is about the articulation of ethics in the QurʾÄn and the tafsÄ«r tradition. Based on an examination of several apparently problematic QurʾÄnic narrative pericopes and how the exegetes grappled with them, the book demonstrates that the moral world of the QurʾÄn is polyvalent and non-linear, owing, above all, to its intrinsic ethical antinomies and textual ambiguities. That is, the book contends that paradox and uncertainty are both constituents of the QurʾÄn's ethical architectonics, and that through these constituents the QurʾÄn charts a system of ethics that seeks to tread in the midst of a non-ideal world rife with uncertainty. The book also argues that the tafsÄ«r tradition tends to erode the hermeneutical openness of the QurʾÄn and, thereby, limits the QurʾÄn's ethical potential. The book, thus, advances our understanding of QurʾÄnic ethics and contributes to the field of tafsÄ«r studies and to the scholarship on QurʾÄnic hermeneutics.
1 online resource (260 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :