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Andrzej Niwiński
Andrzej Stefan Niwiński (born 1948 in Warsaw) is a Polish archaeologist, specializing in the field of religious iconography and mythological studies of the XXI–XXII Dynasty. Especially known as a specialist in the studies of coffins from XXI dynasty, and his search for tomb of Herihor. Provided by WikipediaThe second find of Deir El-Bahari (coffins) /
At head of title : Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt in cooperation with Institute of Archaeology of the Warsaw University and Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo.
"Numbers 6069-6082."
Continues the author's La seconde trouvaille de Deir El-Bahari (sarcophages). 1995. :
volume <2, fasc. 1> : illustrations ; 33 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (volume 2, fasc. 1, pages xiii) :
La seconde trouvaille de Deir El-Bahari (sarcophages) : Tome Permier, deuxieme /
At head of title : Conseil suprême des antiquités de l'Egypte en coopération avec l'Institut d'archéologie de l'Universite̋ de Varsovie et Centre polonais d'archéologie mediterranéenne au Caire.
Continues Emile Chassinat's La seconde trouvaille de Deir El-Bahari (sarcophages), nos 6001-6029, which was published in 1909 as t. 1, fasc. 1. :
xii, 141 pages 23 leaves of plates : illustrations ; 32 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references.
Papirusy, mumie, złoto : Michał Tyszkiewicz i 150-lecie pierwszych polskich i litewskich wykopalisk w Egipcie = Papyri, mummies and gold : Michał Tyszkiewicz and the 150th annivers...
: Published in conjunction with an exhibit of the same name at the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, Dec. 12, 2011-May 31, 2012. : 86 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9788391594148