موضوعات ذات صلة

نتائج 1 - 6 من 6, وقت الاستعلام: 0.01s تنقيح النتائج
منشور في 1951
The Cairo nilometer : studies in Ibn Taghrî Birdî's chronicles of Egypt: I /

: "The study deals ... with the records of the rise [of the Nile] during the twelve and a half centuries from 641 to 1890 A.D. ... The chronicles of ... Ibn-Taghrî Birdî ... are the principal source of the statistics of the Nile for 641-1470 A.D." : xi, 269 pages : illustrations, map, diagrs., tables ; 26 cm. : Bibliography : pages 257-261.

Egypt and Syria under the Circassian Sultans : 1382-1468 A.D. : systematic notes to Ibn Taghrî Birdî's chronicles of Egypt /

: 2 volumes (X-120, IX-123 pages) ; 26 cm.

History of Egypt 1382-1469 A.D.

: volmue ; 26 cm.

منشور في 1955
Egypt and Syria under the circasian Sultans, 1382-1468 A.D : Systematic notes to Ibn Taghrî Birdî's Chronicles of Egypt /

: Notes sur les Ṉuǧūmal-ẓāhira, avec index. : 120 pages : 22 cartes ; 24 cm.

Abû l-Mahâsin ibn Taghrî Birdî's Annals entitled Annujûm az-zâhirâ fî mulûk Miṣr wal-Kâhirâ /

: The edition of the text was begun by Juynboll and Matthes (volume I, part 1-2, 1852-1855 ; volume II, part1, by Juynboll alone, 1857) and the Arabic paging of the present portion, volume II, part 2, fasc. 1, has been made continuous with that of the Juynboll portion. cf. Pref. : volumes ; 27 cm.

منشور في 1954
History of Egypt, 1382-1469 A.D.

: Translation of al-Nujum al-zahirah fi muluk Misr wa-al-Qahirah.
---- ----- Indices by William Popper. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1963. 103 p. 26 cm. : 103 pages 26 cm.