: 102 pages, 72 unnumberd leaves of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm : Includes bibliographical references.
: xv, 207 pages, 123 pages of plates : illustrations, maps, plans ; 19 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.
: 103 pages : illustration, 123 plates, portraits ; 28 cm.
: xvi, 84 pages : illustrations, 39 plates, plans ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical footnotes.
: 235 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
: 258 pages : illustrations, folded color plans ; 28 cm.
: 52 pages : illustrations, maps (part folded, part color), plans (part folded), plates (part folded) ; 29 cm.
: At head of title : Service des antiquités de l'Égypte. : 112 pages : illustration, 23 (i.e. 24) plates (part folded ; include plan) ; 34 cm.
: At head of title : Service des antiquités de l'Egypte. : viii, 64 p., 1 l., plates (1col.) : ill., 2 fold. plans ; 34 cm.
: 181 pages, 16 pages of plates : illustrations, maps, plans ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9783954901135
الأحد – الخميس 8.30 صباحاً – 4.30 مساءً مواعيد العمل خلال شهر رمضان المبارك. الأحد – الخميس 8.30 صباحاً – 2.30 مساءً.
مكتبة مارلين م.، وليام كيلي سيمبسون
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