Shenoute of Atripe : de vita christiana : M 604 Pierpont-Morgan-Library New York, Ms. Or 12689 British Library London and Ms. Clarendon Press b.4 Frg. 99 Bodleian Library Oxford /
: "I proved that this sermon is not a Pseudo-Shenoute but a real Shenoute speech and comes directly from this famous abbot."--Page5 Coptic text with English prefatory material and German translation. : 264 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9783906206004
Le Canon 8 de Chénouté : d'après le manuscript Ifao Copte 2 et les fragments complémentaires /
Shenoute (4th-5th cent.), the abbot of the great monastery in Upper Egypt known as "White Monastery," is considered as the Coptic writer par excellence, being the author of nine books of so-called Canons, or sermons on monastic discipline. Scattered after their discovery in the late 1880's, like all manuscripts of the Monastery's library, the volumes have reached us only in a very fragmentary state. Canon 8 is a welcome exception, as a copy, dated 8th century and preserved up to 80%, has been kept in the collection of Ifao for over a hundred years. Presented here are the description, edition and translation of the various sermons contained in the manuscript, with colour reproductions of all the pages stored in Cairo. Such a valuable testimony should be of great interest to scholars in book history and Coptic language, as well as in Egyptian monasticism, which Shenoute, one of its most passionate representatives, served with a fiery and subtle rhetoric.
2 volumes (viii, 775 pages) : illustrations (some color), facsimiles. ; 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [479]-482) and indexes. :
Schenute von Atripe, Contra Origenistas : Edition des koptischen Textes mit annotierter Übersetzung und Indizes einschliesslich einer Übersetzung des 16. Osterfestbriefs des Theoph...
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral - Bonn) under the title : Schenute, Contra Origenistas. :
viii, 387 pages : facsimiles ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pseudo-Shenoute on Christian behaviour /
"Attributed to Shenoute, the abbot of the White Monastery ... in the heading of M604 as well as in the Aragic version. But there are reasons for doubting the correctness of this attribution."
"The Coptic text here edited for the first time is contained in M604, a manuscript and translation in English; text in Coptic. :
2 volumes in 1. ; 26 cm.