Crafts and images in contact : studies on Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE /
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,Format: Book
Fribourg, Switzerland : Göttingen :
Academic Press ; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
Orbis biblicus et orientalis,
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Call Number: DS41 .O5 v.210
- Makers' marks, owners' names and individual identity /
- Alan Millard
- Naming, defining, explaining : a view from Nimrud /
- Georgina Herrmann
- Establishing group boundaries : toward methodological refinement in the determination of sets as a prior condition to the analysis of cultural contact and /or innovation in first millennium BCE ivory carving /
- Irene J. Winter
- Pyxides and hand-lion bowls : a case of minor arts /
- Stefania Mazzoni
- "Roundcheeked and ringletted" : Gibt es einen nordwestsyrischen Regionalstil in der altorientalischen Elfenbeinschnitzerei? /
- Dirk Wicke
- Phoenician and Aramean bridle-harness decoration : examples of cultural contact and innovation in the eastern Mediterranean /
- Eric Gubel
- Die Elfenbeinschnitzereien von Samaria und die Relegionsgeschichte Israels : Voruberlegungen zu einem Forschungsprojekt /
- Christoph Uehlinger
- Assyrische Mobel fur den assyrischen Herrscher! /
- Ellen Rehm
- A complex system of religious symbols : the case of the winged disc in Near Eastern imagery of the first millennium BCE /
- Tallay Ornan
- The 'suivant du char royal' : a case of interaction between various genres of minor art /
- Serena Maria Cecchini
- Ivory, wood, and stone : some suggestions regarding the Egyptianizing votive sculpture from Cyprus /
- Fanni Faegersten
- Foreutik und Vasenmalerei im fruheisenzeitlichen Kreta : Minoisches Erbe, lokale Traditionen und Fremdeinflusse /
- Hartmut Matthaus
- Defining identities : Greek artistic interaction with the Near East /
- Gail L. Hoffman
- Discussion and future perspectives /
- Claudia E. Suter.