Proceedings of the International Conference Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity, Nicosia, 3-6 April 2003 /
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, ,Format: Conference Proceeding Book
Oxford ; Oakville, CT :
Oxbow Books,
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Call Number: DS54.3 .I575 2003
- pt. 1. Bronze Age / edited by R.S. Merrillees and V. Kassianidou
- Alas(h)i(y)a (Irs) and Asiya (Isy) in ancient Egyptian sources / Kenneth A. Kitchen
- Peuples, états, et cités : enquête sur la cartographie géopolitique égyptienne / Nicolas Grimal
- The stone vases of the Philia culture from Vasilia : Cypriote, Egyptian, or other? / Robert S. Merrillees
- A contribution from Tell el-Dab'a/'Ezbet Helmi to the Cyprus connection at the turn of middle Bronze Age to late Bronze Age / Irmgard Hein
- Embracing the new : the perception of Cypriot pottery in Egypt / Linda Hulin
- "May he send me silver in very great quantities" / Vasiliki Kassianidou
- pt. 2. Iron Age / edited by V. Kassianidou
- The relations between Egypt and Cyprus from Neo-Assyrian to Achaemenid rule (7th-6th cent. B.C.) / Andreas Mehl
- The relations of Egyptian iconography and symbolism with the royal ideology of Cypriot city kingdoms / Pavlos Flourentzos
- L'Égypte, Chypre et la route de Péluse à Gaza : approche micro-régionale des politiques stratégiques des derniers souverains égyptiens et achéménides (610-332 av. J.C.) / Claire Balandier
- Divinités égyptiennes à Chypre à l'époque archaïque / Sabine Fourrier
- From Siwa to Cyprus : the assimilation of Zeus Ammon in the Cypriote pantheon / Derek B. Counts
- Le baal d'Amathonte et le bès égyptien / Isabelle Tassignon
- Representations of Cypriote scribes and carriers of written documents : a link with Egypt? / Frieda Vandenabeele
- pt. 3. Classical and later periods / edited by D. Michaelides
- Un Apollon Chypriote aux boucles "Libyques" / Antoine Hermary
- Fusion and diffusion : Isiac cults in Ptolemaic and Roman Cyprus / Aristodemos Anastasiades
- Ptolemaic art and the legitimation of power / Emilia Dina Vassiliou
- Les relations culturelles entre l'Égypte et Chypre : la céramique d'Alexandrie et de Paphos / Pascale Ballet
- Modèles alexandrins? Apport des fouilles et prospections récentes dans la nécropole occidentale d'Alexandrie à la connaissance de l'architecture funéraire hellénistique et impériale / Marie-Dominique Nenna
- Twilight of the Ptolemies : Egyptian presence on late Hellenistic Yeronisos / Joan Breton Connelly
- Sailors and artisans : the Egyptian connections of ceramic finds from Yeronisos / Jolanta Młynarczyk
- Alexandrian influences on the architecture and decoration of the Hellenistic tombs of Cyprus / Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets and Demetrios Michaelides
- Alexandrian elements in Cypriot burial customs of the Hellenistic and Roman periods / Danielle A. Parks
- La contribution des conteneurs commerciaux à l'histoire des échanges entre Chypre et l'Égypte de l'èpoque archaïque à l'èpoque romaine tardive / Antigone Marangou et Sylvie Marchand
- The Nile flows underground to Cyprus : the painted water-cistern at Salamis reconsidered / Helen Whitehouse.