Non-textual marking systems, writing and pseudo script from prehistory to modern times /
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Gottingen :
Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie,
Lingua aegyptia. Studia monographica,
LingAeg.SM ;
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Call Number: PJ1001 .L57 v.8
- Non-textual marking systems, writing and pseudo script from prehistory to present times :
- eine Einführung /
- Petra Andrássy, Julia Budka & Kammerzell
- Grosse Reliefpfeiler und kleine Zeichentäfelchen :
- ein frühneolithisches Zeichensystem in Obermesopotamien /
- Ludwig D. Morenz & Klaus Schmidt
- Non-textuality in the ancient Near East :
- some glimpses from the Mesopotamian field /
- Klaus Wagensonner
- Non-textual marks and the Twelth Dynasty dynamics of centre and periphery :
- a case-study of potmarks at the Gebel el-Asr Gneiss quarries /
- Ian Shaw
- Pseudo hieroglyphs on Middle Bronze Age Canaanite scarabs /
- Daphna Ben-Tor
- Script and pseudo scripts on Graeco-Roman Egypt /
- Alexandra von Lieven
- Symbols in the Reisner Papyri /
- Petra Andrássy
- On the nature of workmen's marks of the Royal Necropolis Administration in the New Kingdom /
- Ben J.J. Haring
- Markings on objects of daily use from Deir el-Medina :
- ownership marks or administrative aids? /
- Geoffrey Killen & Lara Weiss
- Funny signs in Theban rock graffiti /
- Maria Fronczak & Sławomir Rzepka
- Non-textual marks from the Asasif (western Thebes) :
- remarks on function and practical use based on external textual evidence /
- Julia Budka
- The semiotics of quarry marks applied to Late Period and Graeco-Roman Egypt /
- Mark Depauw
- Hellenistische Steinmetzmarken im westlichen Kleinasien /
- Martin Bachmann
- Über die Steinmetzzeichen :
- am Regensburger Dom und darüber hinaus /
- Friedrich Fuchs
- Besitzmarken, Sortierzeichen, Abbundzeichen :
- Nicht-textuale Markierungssysteme im Holzbau /
- Thomas Eissing
- Rangoli in India :
- decoration, symbols, charms /
- Dörte Borchers
- Defining non-textual marking systems, writing, and other systems of graphic information processing /
- Frank Kammerzell.