Table of Contents:
- Modes of Cultural Interaction
- The durability of Egypt
- The gods of Egypt
- Hermes Trismegistus
- The Hermetica
- Translation and interpretation
- Aretalogies of Isis and Asclepius
- Manetho and Chaeremon
- Books of Thoth and technical Hermetica
- Instructions and philosophical Hermetica
- The Way of Hermes
- Magister omnium physicorum
- Sympatheia
- Magic
- Occult properties and alchemy
- Astrology
- Religio mentis
- The philosophical paideia
- Gnosis
- Towards a via universalis
- Technique and philosophy: interactions
- Zosimus of Panopolis
- Pre-Iamblichan theurgy
- Iamblichus of Apamea
- Hermetism and theurgy
- The role and understanding of ritual
- Bitys
- The Milieu of Hermetism
- Hermetism in Egypt
- The evidence of the Hermetica
- First-century Alexandria
- and beyond
- Temples and priests
- Upper Egypt
- Late antique Alexandria
- The milieu of Hermetism: a socio-intellectual description
- Aegypti sacra deportata
- Earliest testimonies to the name 'Hermes Trismegistus'.