Evolving Egypt : innovation, appropriation, and reinterpretation in ancient Egypt /
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Format: Book
Oxford :
BAR International Series ;
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Call Number: DT61 .E98 2012
- •Preface •Abbreviations of journal and series titles •Possibilities and pitfalls in identifying innovation: the early Ramesside Era as a case study / Kerry Muhlestein •Les bateaux et le sacré dans l'ancienne Egypt / Ana María Rosso •Symbolic connotations of pyramid temples in the 5th and 6th dynasties / Pål Steiner •Dating of stelae of the 12th dynasty: a statistical approach / Des Bright •The expansionist policies of the New Kingdom and the increase in craft specialization in the textile industry / Giovanni Tata •Copy and reinterpretation in the tomb of Nakht: ancient Egyptian hermeneutics / Vale̊rie Angenot •The daily cult: space, continuity and change / Robyn Gillam •Glossed over: ancient Egyptian interpretations of their religion / John Gee •The hieratic scribal tradition in preexilic Judah / David Calabro •Ptolemaic translation and representation: the Hellenistic sculptural program of the Memphite Sarapieion / Shanna Kennedy-Quigley •Appropriation of Egyptian judgment in the Testament of Abraham? / Jared Ludlow •New evidence of Coptic mummification techniques from Tell El-Hibeh, Middle Egypt / Robert M. Yohe II, Jill K. Gardner, and Deanna Heikkinen.