The Cypro-Phoenician pottery of the Iron Age /
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Format: Book
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Culture and History of the ancient Near East,
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Call Number: DS41 .C85 v.13
- •List of Figures, Maps and Tables •Acknowledgements •Introduction •Past Scholarship on the Origin and Date of the Pottery •Aims and Methodology •Chapter 1. The Initial Appearance of Black-on-Red Pottery •Definition •Earliest Appearances of BoR •Black-on-Red Antecedents? •Conclusions •Chapter 2. The Distribution of Black-on-Red Pottery in the Levant and the Nature of its Trade •Methodology •Results •A Comment on Chronology •Phoenician Pottery and BoR •Aspects of Late Bronze Age Cypriot Pottery Imports •Deposition Contexts •The Popularity of BoR •The Dynamics of BoR Trade: Open versus Closed Vessels •Trade in BoR: A Trade in the Vessels or their Contents? •The Nature of Their Contents
- BoR and a Possible Trade in Perfumed Oil •Uses and Types of Oils •Implications •Possible Routes of BoR Trade from Cyprus •Cargoes •Routes over the Sea •The Coast: Ports and Harbours •Routes Inland •Conclusions •Chapter 3. The Chronology of Black-on-Red Pottery •Section I. The 10th Century •The 10th Century and the Problem of Shishak •Shishak, Ben-Hadad or Hazael? Identifying the Archaeological Context •Megiddo •Hazor •Tell Ta'anach •Tel Michal •Tel Qiri •Beersheba •Beth-Shan •Tell el-Far'ah (N) •Tel Mevorakh •Tel 'Amal •Mt. Carmel •Tell Keisan •Tell el-Hammeh •Tel Halif •Tel Rehov •Tell Abu Hawam •Sarepta •Other 10th Century Sites •Conclusions •Cultic Contexts •Associated Pottery •Establishing 'Phase 1' of BoR •Section II. The 9th
- 8th Centuries •Megiddo •Hazor •Ta'anach •Tel Michal •Tel Qiri •Beersheba •Beth-Shan •Tell el-Far'ah (N) •Tel Mevorakh •Tel 'Amal •Tell Keisan •Tell el-Hammeh •Lachish •Hurvat Rosh Zayit •Tel Kabri •Tell Kazel •Sarepta •Tyre •Tell Sukas •Hama •Other Sites •Conclusions •Chapter 4. The Origin of Black-on-Red Pottery •Gjerstad and the Problem of the Origin of BoR •Post-Gjerstad
- Reassessments •Post-Birmingham
- Origin of BoR •Post-Birmingham
- Chronology of Cyprus •The Scientific Contribution •'Deconstructing' Gjerstad •A. BoR on the Mainland versus BoR in Cyprus •B. Gjerstad's Typology: Does it Fit on the Mainland? •BoR within Cyprus •Test-Case: Palaepaphos-Skales •Other Iron Age Sites in Cyprus •'Non-Ceramic' Dating Evidence •Absolute Chronology and (Towards) a Reconciliation of the Chronologies of Cyprus and the Mainland •The Origin and Development of BoR •"Imitation" BoR •Conclusions •Chapter 5. The Later History of BoR and the Question of Phoenician Involvement in its Dispersal to the West •The Latest Stage of BoR in Cyprus •Cypriot Pottery West of Cyprus •BoR in Rhodes •BoR in Cos •BoR in Crete •The Phoenicians of Ialysos? Assessment of the Phoenician Involvement in BoR Trade to the West •Conclusion •Appendix I. Comparative Distribution Table of BoR Pottery on the Mainland by Site and Phase •Appendix II. Cypriot Pottery Statistics •Appendix III. BoR Vessel Types: Chronological 'Phase' on Mainland versus Gjerstad's Classification •Appendix IV. The Earliest Appearance of BoR pottery at Palaepaphos-Skales: Proportions of BoR types versus White Painted •Bibliography •Index