Varia africana /
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Format: Book
Language: English
Cambridge, Mass. :
African Department, Peabody Museum, Harvard University,
Harvard African Studies ;
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Call Number: DT1 .H3 v.1-3
- •I. •Sîwan customs / •M. M. ʿAbd Allah. •Oral surgery in Egypt during the Old Regime / •E. A. Hooton. •Worship of the dead as practiced by some African tribes / •J. Roscoe. •Paleoliths of the Eastern Desert / •F. H. Sterns. •Notes on the Nungu tribe, Nassawara Province, etc. / •H. F. Mathews. •Study of the ancient speech of the Canary Islands / •J. Abercromby. •Benin antiquities in the Peabody Museum / •E. A. Hooton. •Utendi of Mwana Kupona / •A. Werner. •Notes on Egyptian saints / •R. H. Blanchard. •Darfûr gourds / •F. H. Sterns. •Inscription from Gebel Barkal / •G. A. Reisner. •Ancient Egyptian fishing / •O. Bates. •Selected bibliography of Africana for 1915 / •R. F. Carroll. •Notes / •Editors •II. •Preliminary report on the Harvard-Boston excavations at Nûri: the kings of Ethiopia after Tirhaqa / •G. A. Reisner. •Certain rites of transition and the conception of Inau among the Hottentots / •A. W. Hoernlé. •Some early drawings of Hottentot women / •E. A. Hooton. •Note on a deformed skull from Sîwah Oasis / •E. A. Hooton. •Kabâbish, a Sudan Arab tribe / •C. G. and B. Z. Seligman. •On the origin of the double-bladed swords of the West Coast / •O. Bates and E. A. Hooton. •Some Bisharîn baskets in the Peabody Museum / •F. H. Sterns. •Zulus and the Spartans: a comparison of their military systems / •W. S. Ferguson. •Recherches sur les poteries peints de l'Afrique du Nord française (Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc) / •A. van Gennep. •Sîwan pottery / •O. Bates. •Selected bibliography of Africana for 1916 / •C. Ashenden. •Notes / •Editors •III. •Actual state of the question of the most ancient Egyptian populations / •V. Giuffrida-Ruggeri. •Folk-literature of the Galla of Southern Abyssinia / •E. Cerulli. •Wayao of Nyasaland / •H. S. Stannus. •Note on prehistoric collections from Northwest Africa in the Peabody Museum of Harvard University