Atlas of the ancient Near East : from prehistoric times to the Roman imperial period /
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Format: Book
Language: English
New York ; London :
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Call Number: DS62.2 .B79 2016
- The geography and geology of the ancient Near East
- Foragers and farmers: early agricultural communities
- The prehistory of the Near East: key sites
- The homelands of the major Near Eastern kingdoms
- Writing systems
- A sample of sites where important inscriptions have been found
- Trade and mineral resources
- The Sumerians
- Uruk (Warka, biblical Erech)
- Early dynastic and old kingdom Egypt
- The Akkadian empire
- Ur and the Ur III empire
- The early and middle Bronze Age kingdoms of western Iran
- The Amorites
- The Isin and Larsa dynasties
- The old Assyrian kingdom
- The Assyrian merchant colonies
- The Diyala region
- The Habur (Khabur) river region
- The old Babylonian kingdom
- Mari
- The cities and kingdoms of Syria in the middle and late Bronze Ages
- The major late Bronze Age kingdoms
- The Hittites
- Arzawa and the Luwians
- The Hurrians and Mitanni (Mittani)
- The adventures of Idrimi
- The middle Assyrian empire
- Kassite Babylonia
- Middle and new kingdom Egypt
- The Canaanites
- The Syro-Palestinian states attested in the Amarna letters
- Hittites and Egyptians in conflict
- Troy
- Ahhiyawa
- Bronze Age Cyprus
- The sea peoples
- The middle Elamite and Neo-Elamite periods
- The age of iron
- The Neo-Hittite kingdoms
- Tabal, Hilakku and Que (Adanawa/Hiyawa)
- The Neo-Assyrian empire
- The Phoenicians
- The Iron Age countries and kingdoms of Transjordan
- The Philistines
- 1st millennium BC Anatolia
- Phrygia and Lydia
- Urartu
- The Cimmerians
- Egypt in the Third Intermediate and Saite periods (1069-525 BC)
- Aeolians, Ionians, Dorians
- Two major Bronze Age-classical sites of western Anatolia
- The countries of southern Asia Minor in the Graeco-Roman period
- Lycia
- The ten kingdoms of 1st millennium BC Cyprus
- The Medes
- The Neo-Babylonian empire
- The Arabs
- Armenia
- The Persian (Achaemenid) empire
- The Persian invasions of the western Greek world
- Alexander the Great
- The Hellenistic age
- The Seleucid empire
- The Attalid empire
- Bactria
- The Maccabean rebellion
- Roman rule in the near East I: from the battle of Magnesia to the settlements of Pompey
- Roman rule in the Near East II: from Pompey to Augustus
- Herod the Great
- Parthia
- The Nabataeans
- Roman rule in the Near East III: from Augustus to Trajan
- The Sasanians
- Zenobia
- Roman rule in the Near East IV: from Diocletian to the Islamic invasions.