Congress volume : Basel, 2001 /
This volume publishes the papers given by invitation at the 17th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, which was held in Basel from 5-10 August 2001. It presents a state of the art of the current exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, taking into account the latest re...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum,
v. 92
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264991.
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Call Number: BS410 BS1171.3 .V452 vol. 92
- Preliminary material /
- A. Lemaire
- Höfliche Bitte Im Alten Testament /
- Ernst Jenni
- Discourse Linguistics and the Study of Biblical Hebrew /
- M. O'Connor
- Recent Contributions of Aramaic Studies to Biblical Hebrew Philology and the Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible /
- Stephen A. Kaufman
- Die Stellung Der Sprechakttheorie in Hebraistik Und Exegese /
- Andreas Wagner
- The Text of the Hebrew Scriptures at the Time of Hillel and Jesus /
- Eugene Ulrich
- Moving in from the Margins Issues of Text and Context in Deuteronomy /
- Carmel McCarthy
- Septante Et Texte Massorétique. Le Cas Des Psaumes /
- Gilles Dorival
- Der Lärm Und Die Stille. Ethno-Archäologische Annäherungen an Das Biblische Alltagsleben /
- Helga Weippert
- Dtn 13 in Der Neueren Deuteronomiumforschung /
- Udo Rüterswörden
- Feministische Exegese Ausgewählter Beispiele Aus Der Urgeschichte. Rückblick Auf Ein Vierteljahrundert Feministische Auslegung Von Gen 2 Und 3 /
- Helen Schüngel-Straumann
- Isa. 40,1-11. Another Reading /
- Hans M. Barstad
- Theologie Des Alten Testaments. Plädoyer Für Eine Integrative Perspektive /
- Bernd Janowski
- From Household to House of Yahweh: Women's Religious Culture in Ancient Israel /
- Carol Meyers
- The Resurrection of the Dead and the Construction of Personal Identity in Ancient Israel /
- Jon D. Levenson
- Archaeology and Text in the Third Millennium: A View from the Center /
- Israel Finkelstein
- Le Pentateuque Toujours En Question: Bilan Et Perspectives Après Un Quart De Siècle De Débat /
- Thomas Römer
- Hebraica Veritas in Basel. Christliche Hebraistik Aus Jüdischen Quellen /
- Thomas Willi
- Biblical Index /
- A. Lemaire.