A wandering Galilean : essays in honour of Seán Freyne /
Starting his career as a scholar of the New Testament, Seán Freyne's work became synonymous with the study of Galilee in the Greek and Roman periods. His search for a deeper and more nuanced understanding of Judaism in the Greek and Roman periods and the development of the early Christian movem...
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, , ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2009, ISBN: 9789004222724.
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Call Number: BS2393 .W36 2009
- Preliminary Material /
- Z. Rodgers , Fitzpatrick-Mckinley and M. Daly-Denton
- Introduction /
- Z. Rodgers , Fitzpatrick-Mckinley and M. Daly-Denton
- What Happened To The Jewish Priesthood After 70? /
- Philip S. Alexander
- Some \'Mass Produced\' Scorpion-Amulets From The Cairo Genizah /
- Gideon Bohak
- Josephus On The Essenes. The Sources Of His Information /
- John J. Collins
- Judean Ethnic Identity In Josephus' Against Apion /
- Philip F. Esler
- What Did Nehemiah Do For Judaism? /
- Anne Fitzpatrick-Mckinley
- Ben-Hur And Ancient Jewish Slavery /
- Catherine Hezser
- Corruption Among The High Priesthood: A Matter Of Perspective /
- James S. Mclaren
- The Integrity Of The Rabbinic Law Of Purity (Mishnah Teharot) /
- Jacob Neusner
- Monarchy Vs. Priesthood: Josephus, Justus Of Tiberias, And Agrippa II /
- Zuleika Rodgers
- Early Printed Maps Of Galilee /
- John R. Bartlett
- Archaeology, Ethnicity, And First-Century C.E. Galilee: The Limits Of Evidence /
- Mark A. Chancey
- Walking The Roman Landscape In Lower Galilee: Sepphoris, Jotapata, And Khirbet Qana /
- Douglas R. Edwards
- George Adam Smith And The Moral Geography Of Galilee /
- Halvor Moxnes
- Early And Late Synagogues At Nabratein In Upper Galilee: Regional And Other Considerations /
- Eric M. Meyers
- Between Rome And Parthia: Galilee And The Implications Of Empire /
- J. Andrew Overman
- Who Wouldn'T Marry Jesus? /
- Marianne Sawicki
- Stratum II Synagogue At Hammath Tiberias: Reconsidering Its Access, Internal Space, And Architecture /
- Zeev Weiss
- Drinking The Water That Jesus Gives: A Feature Of The Johannine Eucharist? /
- Margaret Daly-Denton
- Imitatio Christi: Copying The Death Of The Founder And Gaining Paradise /
- Majella Franzmann
- Tertullianus and Son? /
- Jill Harries
- The Language(S) Of The Kingdom: From Aramaic To Greek, Galilee To Syria, Oral To Oral-Written /
- Richard A. Horsley
- The Women, The Tomb, And The Climax Of Mark /
- Larry W. Hurtado
- Unsocial Bandits /
- John S. Kloppenborg
- Another Post-Resurrection Meal And Its Implications For The Early Understanding Of The Eucharist /
- Thomas O'Loughlin
- Reading Jesus' Parables In Light Of His Crucifixion /
- V. George Shillington
- Bread That Is Broken-And Unbroken /
- Justin Taylor
- Composition And Performance In Mark 13 /
- Adela Yarbro Collins
- A Conflict Between Brothers: Observations On The Υποκπιται In Matthew /
- Jurgen Zangenberg
- Index Of Authors /
- Z. Rodgers , Fitzpatrick-Mckinley and M. Daly-Denton
- Index Of Ancient Sources /
- Z. Rodgers , Fitzpatrick-Mckinley and M. Daly-Denton.