Septuagint, sages, and scripture : studies in honour of Johann Cook /
The studies collected in this volume were written in honour of Johann Cook, emeritus professor of the Department of Ancient Studies at Stellenbosch University. They cover a variety of subjects including the translation of Hebrew expressions into Greek, the reception of LXX texts in various contexts,...
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Leiden ; Boston :
Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, Supplement 2016, ISBN: 9789004309708.
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Call Number: BS744 .S466 2016
- Preliminary Material
- 1 Isaak, die Tochter Jephthas und Iphigenie, Menschenopfer im Alten Testament und im Alten Griechenland: Kulturkritische Beobachtungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Septuaginta /
- Evangelia G. Dafni
- 2 Descartes' Error and the Growth of Consciousness: A Non-Dualistic Reading of Genesis 1:1-7 /
- Annette Evans
- 3 Greek Translations of Hebrew Left Dislocation Constructions in lxx Genesis /
- Gideon R. Kotzé
- 4 A Commentary on Septuagint Leviticus 19:11-15 /
- Dirk Büchner
- 5 Where is Wisdom to be Found and How Do We Apprehend Her? /
- Jessie Rogers
- 6 The Relation of the Septuagint of Proverbs to the Septuagint of Psalms /
- Jan Joosten
- 7 Possessing Wisdom: A Study of the Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives in the Septuagint Version of Proverbs /
- Randall X. Gauthier
- 8 Septuagint Proverbs 28:4 and Shielding the Righteous: Implications for Understanding Sabbath Fighting in Josephus /
- Kenneth Atkinson
- 9 "A Man Shall Not Rise Again . . . ": Job 14:12 in Hebrew and Greek /
- Hans Ausloos
- 10 Jobs Sohn - Eine textgeschichtliche Notiz zu Job 42:17 (lxx) /
- Markus Witte
- 11 Old Greek Job 42 - A Surprise at the End of the Road: Intertextual Connections between the Epilogue and the Prologue Introduced by the Translator /
- Claude Cox
- 12 Scholars and Officials in Early Judaism: The Sôfer of Jesus Ben Sira /
- Arie van der Kooij
- 13 The Metatextual Marginal Notes of Ben Sira: Ideology and Theology in the Geneva Bible (1560) and the King James Version (1611) /
- Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé and Jacobus A. Naudé
- 14 Translating Wisdom in the Prophets: Ezekiel, Wisdom and Translation /
- Harry F. van Rooy
- 15 Enhanced and Revised: The Old Greek Edition of the Book of Daniel /
- Martin Rösel
- 16 Introductory Notes on Philo of Alexandria's "Proverbs" and Idiomatic Expressions /
- Gert J. Steyn
- 17 "Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth": About the Adoption of Prov 3:11f. in Hebr 12:5f. /
- Wolfgang Kraus
- 18 Symmachus, the Septuagint and the Sages: An Examination of the References to Sumkhos ben Joseph in the Mishnah, Tosefta and Talmudim /
- Michaël N. van der Meer
- Index of Modern Sources
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Subject Index.