Goochem in mokum, wisdom in Amsterdam : papers on biblical and related wisdom read at the fifteenth joint meeting of the Society of Old Testament study and the Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap, Amsterdam, July 2012 /
This collection of essays is focused on the wisdom traditions of the Hebrew Bible, including the Book of Sira . The Biblical books are read as literary works on their own as well as in an Ancient Near Eastern setting. Some essays scrutinize Greek and Hellenistic wisdom traditions. The authors refrai...
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,Format: Conference Proceeding eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Oudtestamentische Studiën, Old Testament Studies
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2016, ISBN: 9789004303812.
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Call Number: BS1199.W57
- Preliminary Material
- The Book of Ben Sira: Some New Perspectives at the Dawn of the 21st Century /
- Pancratius C. Beentjes
- The Place of Wisdom in the Formation of the Movement behind the Dead Sea Scrolls /
- George J. Brooke
- The Wisdom of Job's Conclusion (Job 42:1-6) /
- David J.A. Clines
- Ecclesiastes as Mainstream Wisdom (Without Job) /
- Katharine J. Dell
- Unity, Date, Authorship and the 'Wisdom' of the Song of Songs /
- J. Cheryl Exum
- The Substance of Job: Beginnings and Endings /
- Jan Fokkelman
- An Awfully Beastly Business: Some Thoughts on behēmāh in Jonah and Qoheleth /
- Alastair G. Hunter
- Ecclesiastes Among the Tragedians /
- John Jarick
- The Disturbing Experience of Eliphaz in Job 4: Divine or Demonic Manifestation? /
- Mart-Jan Paul
- Acquiring Wisdom: A Semantic Analysis of Its Metaphorical Conceptualisations /
- Pierre Van Hecke
- Aristobulus and the Universal Sabbath /
- J. Cornelis de Vos
- Divine Judgment and Reward in Ecclesiastes /
- Stuart Weeks
- Index of Authors
- Index of Textual References.