Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint /
Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint is the title of a bilateral research project conducted from 2009 to 2011 by scholars from the universities of Munich (Germany) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). The joint research enterprise was rounded off by a conference that took place from...
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Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
Vetus Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264991.
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Call Number: BS744 .T488 2012
- Preliminary Material
- The Pentateuch in Greek and the Authorities of the Jews /
- Arie van der Kooij
- The Biblical Canon and Beyond: Theological and Historical Context of the Codices of Alexandria /
- Heinz-Josef Fabry
- Revisiting the Rock: Tsur as a Translation of Elohim in Deuteronomy and Beyond /
- Melvin K. H. Peters
- Judges 3:12-30: An Analysis of the Greek Rendering of Hebrew Wordplay /
- Hans Ausloos
- B or not B? The Place of Codex Vaticanus in Textual History and in Septuagint Research /
- Siegfried Kreuzer
- Übersetzungstechnik und Textkritik in den Esdrasbüchern: Hendiadyoin, Doppelübersetzungen und Wiederholungsvariationen in 1 Esdr /
- Dieter Böhler SJ
- In Search of the Old Greek Text of 4 Maccabees /
- Robert J. V. Hiebert
- The Relationship between the LXX Versions of Proverbs and Job /
- Johann Cook
- An Analysis of the Use of Hebel as a Metaphorical and Symbolic Device as Interpreted in LXX Ecclesiastes /
- Lawrence Lincoln
- The θεός and κύριος Terms in the Isaiah Text and their Impact on the New Testament: Some Observations /
- Peter Nagel
- Revisiting the Original Greek of Ezekiel 18 /
- Harry F. van Rooy
- Theology after the Crisis: The Septuagint Version of Daniel 8-12 /
- Martin Rösel
- The Value of the Septuagint for Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible as Illustrated by the Oxford Hebrew Bible Edition of 1 Kings /
- Jan Joosten
- Gottesbildfragen in den Lesartendifferenzen zwischen dem masoretischen und dem alexandrinischen Text des Jeremiabuches /
- Hermann-Josef Stipp
- Two Difficult Passages in the Hebrew Texts of Lamentations 5: Text-Critical Analyses of the Greek Translation /
- Gideon R. Kotzé
- Amos 5:26-Überlegungen zur Textkritik, Textgeschichte und Übersetzung eines schwierigen Bibelverses /
- Eberhard Bons
- Die Schriftzitate im ersten Christentum und die Textgeschichte der Septuaginta: Ein Wuppertaler Forschungsprojekt /
- Martin Karrer and Johannes de Vries
- Ιουδιθ und Iudith: Überlegungen zum Verhältnis der Judit-Erzählung in der LXX und der Vulgata /
- Barbara Schmitz
- PsalmsLXX and the Christian Definition of Space: Examples Based on Inscriptions from Central Asia Minor /
- Cilliers Breytenbach
- The Testament of Job as an Adaptation of LXX Job /
- Jessie Rogers
- On Kingship in Philo and the Wisdom of Solomon /
- Jonathan More
- The Text Form of the Isaiah Quotations in the Sondergut Matthäus Compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Masoretic Text and Septuagint /
- Gert J. Steyn
- Die Rezeption von Jer 38:31-34 (LXX) in Hebräer 8-10 und dessen Funktion in der Argumentation des Hebräerbriefes /
- Wolfgang Kraus
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Subjects.