Sparsa collecta : the collected essays of W. C. van Unnik.
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Format: eBook
Leiden :
Novum Testamentum, Supplements
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264557.
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Call Number: BR85 .U7 1973
- Preliminary Material /
- W. C. van Unnik
- A Note on ode of Solomon xxxiv 4 /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The significance of moses' law for the church of christ according to the syriac didascalia /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Notes on the nature of Clemens Alexandrinus' Canon Ecclesiasticus /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Is 1 Clement 20 Purely Stoic? /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The character of early christian apologetics in the pseudo-justinian Oratio Ad Graecos /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Zur Bedeutung Von TaГieinoγn Thn 'Ψγxhn Bei Den Apostolischen Vätern /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Christianity and nationalism in the first centuries of the history of the church /
- W. C. van Unnik
- \'Diaspora\' and \'church\' in the first centuries of christian history /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Die gotteslehre bei aristides und in gnostischen schriften /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Der ausdruck \'in den letzten zeiten\' bei irenaeus /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Le Nombre Des Élus Dans La Première Épître De Clément /
- W. C. van Unnik
- ΓiapphΣia in the catechetical homilies of theodore of mopsuestia /
- W. C. van Unnik
- A note on the dance of Jesus in the acts of John /
- W. C. van Unnik
- An unusual formulation of the redemption in the homily on the passion by melito of sardis /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The recently discovered gospel of truth and the new testament /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The Origin of the Recently Discovered Apocryphon Jacobi /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Die Jüdische Komponente in der Entstehung Der Gnosis /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Die \'Zahl Der Vollkommenen Seelen\' in Der Pistis Sophia /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The Relevance of the study of Gnosticism /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Three notes on the Gospel of Philip /
- W. C. van Unnik
- The newly discovered Gnostic Epistle to Rheginos on the Resurrection /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Die \'Geöffneten Himmel\' in Der Offenbarungsvision Des Apokryphons Des Johannes /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Les Idées Des Gnostiques Concernant L'église /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Les Cheveux Défaits Des Femmes Baptisées /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Notes on a new interpretation of the Anamnesis words /
- W. C. van Unnik
- 1 Clement 34 and the \'Sanctus\' /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Dominus Vobiscum: The background of a Liturgical Formula /
- W. C. van Unnik
- Indexes to Sparsa Collecta I-III /
- W. C. van Unnik.