The Scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian Tradition : Essays in Honour of Maarten J. J. Menken.
The Scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian Tradition is a collection of studies in honour of Professor Maarten J.J. Menken (Tilburg/Utrecht) and illustrates the rich diversity of approaches to biblical interpretation at the beginning of the Common Era. An international team of specialists shar...
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,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden :
Novum Testamentum, Supplements
Novum Testamentum Supplements Online, ISBN: 9789004264557.
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Call Number: BS511.3 .S375 2013
- Preliminary Material
- Maarten Menken: A Portrait in Words /
- Bart J. Koet
- Matthew's Bible in the Infancy Narrative /
- Steve Moyise
- Theme and Variations: Isaiah's Song of the Vineyard and Its Influence in the New Testament /
- Joost Smit Sibinga †
- The Function of the Two Quotations from Isaiah in Luke 3-4 /
- Joop Smit
- The Use of Scripture in Luke 9:51-56 /
- Adelbert Denaux
- The Reception of Tobit in the New Testament and Early Christian Literature, with Special Reference to Luke-Acts /
- Susan Docherty
- "Are these things so?" (Acts 7:1): A Narrative-intertextual Approach to Reading Stephen's Speech /
- Peter Doble
- A Cry for Help: A Note in the Margin of Acts 16:9 /
- Joseph Verheyden
- "Bethany beyond the Jordan" (John 1:28) in Retrospect: The View from John 10:40 and Related Texts /
- Wendy E.S. North
- Reinigung und Heiligung im Johannesevangelium /
- Ulrich Busse
- The Signs of the Messiah in the Fourth Gospel: The Problem of a "Wonder-working Messiah" /
- Gilbert Van Belle
- Paul's Use of the Old Testament and His Attack on Apollos' Adherents in Corinth /
- Harm W. Hollander
- The Text Form of the Torah Quotations Common to the Corpus Philonicum and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence /
- Gert J. Steyn
- Observations on the Significance of the Old Testament in Galatians /
- Martinus C. de Boer
- Intertextuality-Christology-Pseudepigraphy: The Impact of Old Testament Allusions in 2 Thess 1:5-12 /
- Tobias Nicklas
- Why Bother Going Outside?: The Use of the Old Testament in Heb 13:10-16 /
- David M. Allen
- Tracing Scriptural Authority /
- John M. Court
- "Das Buch dieser Prophetie‟ - die Schriften Israels und die Schrift des Sehers: Überlegungen zur Schrifthermeneutik der Johannesoffenbarung /
- Michael Labahn
- The Theologoumenon "New": Bridging the Old and the New Testament /
- Archibald L.H.M. van Wieringen
- "Which if a man do them he shall live by them": Jewish and Christian Discourse on Lev 18:5 /
- Eric Ottenheijm
- The Old Testament in the New: A Resource for an Ecological Reading /
- Margaret M. Daly-Denton
- "Bearing the Entire Yoke of the Lord": An Explanation of Didache 6:2 in the Light of Matthew 11:28-30 /
- Huub W.M. van de Sandt
- Isaiah 60:17 as a Key for Understanding the Two-fold Ministry of ἐπισκόποι and διάκονοι according to First Clement (1 Clem 42:5) /
- Bart J. Koet
- Biblical Quotations in Judaeo-Greek Inscriptions /
- Pieter W. van der Horst
- The Use of the Old Testament in Scripture Readings in Early Christian Assemblies /
- Henk Jan de Jonge
- Saint Augustine's Sermons 38-41 on the Book of Ben Sira /
- Pancratius C. Beentjes
- Jan van den Driessche (Johannes Drusius) 1550-1616 and the Study of the Old Testament in the New /
- J. Lionel North
- Bibliography of Maarten J.J. Menken (August 2012) /
- Bart J. Koet
- Index of Names
- Index of References.