The Armenian apocalyptic tradition : a comparative perspective : essays presented in honor of Professor Robert W. Thomson on the occasion of his eightieth birthday /
The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition: A Comparative Perspective comprises a collection of essays on apocalyptic literature in the Armenian tradition. This collection is unprecedented in its subject and scope and employs a comparative approach that situates the Armenian apocalyptic tradition within a b...
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, ,Format: eBook
Leiden ; Boston :
Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity E-Books Online, Collection 2014, ISBN: 9789004262416.
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Call Number: DS176 .A76 2014
- Preliminary Material
- Introduction to Part I /
- Sergio La Porta
- The Origin and Legacy of the Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition /
- Gabriele Boccaccini
- Jewish Apocalyptic Literature in the Armenian Tradition /
- Michael E. Stone
- The Epic of Sasun: Armenian Apocalypse /
- James R. Russell
- The Reception of the Book of Daniel in Late Ancient and Medieval Armenian Society /
- S. Peter Cowe
- The Armenian Seventh Vision of Daniel and the Historical Apocalyptica of Late Antiquity /
- Lorenzo DiTommaso
- Enoch in Armenian Apocrypha /
- Annette Yoshiko Reed
- The Georgian Nimrod /
- Stephen H. Rapp Jr.
- Geometry and Contemplation: The Architecture of Vardan Anec'i's Vision of the Throne-Chariot. Theosis and the Art of Memory in Armenia /
- Theo Maarten van Lint
- The Reception of the Biblical Book of Revelation in Armenia /
- Robert W. Thomson
- Armenian Witnesses of Three Eschatological Motifs /
- Jean-Marc Rosenstiehl
- The Vision of Saint Gregory and Its Interpretations /
- Robert W. Thomson
- The Vision of St. Grigor Lusaworič' and the Role of Apocalyptic in the Conversion of Armenia /
- Sergio La Porta
- The Vision of St. Sahak in the History of Łazar P'arpec'i /
- Gohar Muradyan
- The Visions of Grigor and Sahak Part'ew: Old Georgian Versions and Their Reflection in Georgian Sources /
- Zaza Aleksidze
- Medieval Armenian Apocalypticism in Context /
- Anders Hultgård
- The Armenian Version of the Apocalypse of Ps.-Methodius /
- Aram Topchyan
- Apocalypticizing Warfare: From Political Theology to Imperial Eschatology in Seventh- to Early Eighth-Century Byzantium /
- Yuri Stoyanov
- The Visions of Grigor Narekac'i /
- Hrachya Tamrazyan
- Introduction to Part II /
- Kevork B. Bardakjian
- The Last Emperor or the Last Armenian King? Some Considerations on Armenian Apocalyptic Literature from the Cilician Period /
- Zaroui Pogossian
- Vardan Aygekc'i's Counsel and the Medieval Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition /
- Sergio La Porta
- Apocalyptic Traditions in the Armenian Dormition Narratives /
- Stephen J. Shoemaker
- Sundials and Medieval Armenian Architecture /
- Christina Maranci
- Voir Dieu : l'iconographie arménienne de la Vision du Trône d'Ezéchiel dans le contexte de l'art de l'Orient chrétien /
- Edda Vardanyan
- Illuminating the Apocalypse in Seventeenth-Century Armenian Manuscripts: The Transition from Printed Book to Manuscript /
- Sylvie L. Merian
- "And Behold A Door Was Opened in Heaven": Vision and Visual Strategies in Three Vernacular Apocalypses from Fourteenth-Century England /
- Renana Bartal
- Burn the World Down: Manichaean Apocalyptic in Comparative Perspective /
- Timothy Pettipiece
- Syriac Apocalyptic Literature /
- Witold Witakowski
- 'Orthodox' Faith and Political Legitimization of a 'Solomonic' Dynasty of Rulers in the Ethiopic Kebra Nagast /
- Pierluigi Piovanelli
- Historical Apocalypses in Medieval Bulgarian Literature (10th-14th Centuries) /
- Anissava Miltenova
- Armenian Apocalyptica and Medieval Apocalypticism: Some Reflections /
- Lorenzo DiTommaso
- List of Contributions According to Conference Presentation
- Index of Modern Authors
- Index of Names and Subjects
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Manuscripts and Manuscript Collections.